I’ve always been handy with hardware. I was one of “those kids” you hear about that keeps taking things apart just to see how they work – and driving their parents nuts in the process. When I was a teenager, I toyed with programming but didn’t get serious with it until I decided I wanted to get into graphic design. I found out that you don’t have to write HTML yourself, you can use programming to do it for you!
But I never stopped tinkering with hardware and systems. I used Linux and BSD on my desktop for years, built my LAMP stacks from source, and simulated the server environment when I couldn’t – when I used windows for work, and when I eventually adopted Apple as my primary platform, I first started with cross-compiled versions of the components, and eventually got into virtualization.
In the early days (maybe 10 years ago) there seemed to be few programmers who were like me, or if they were, they never took “operations” or “sysadmin” jobs, and neither did I. So there was always a natural divide. Aside from being a really nice guy who everyone likes, I had a particular rapport with my cohorts who specialized in systems.
I’m not sure exactly what it was. It may have been that I was always interested in the finer details of how a system works. It may have been my tendency to document things meticulously, or my interest in automation and risk reduction. It could have just been that I was willing to take the time to cross the divide and talk to them, even when I didn’t need something. It may have just boiled down to the fact that when they were busy, I could do things myself, and I wanted to follow their standards, and get their guidance. It’s hard to tell, even today, as my systems skills have developed beyond what they ever were before, but the rapport has continued on.
And then something happened. As my career progressed, I took on more responsibilities and did more and more systems work. This was partly because of the divide widening to some extent at one particular job, but mostly because, I could. Right around this time the “DevOps Revolution” was beginning.
Much like when I was a teenager and everyone needed a web site, suddenly everyone needed DevOps.
I didn’t really know what it was. I was aware of the term, but being a smart person, I tend to ignore radical claims of great cultural shifts, especially in technology. In this stance, I find myself feeling a step or two behind at times, but it helps keep things in perspective. Over time, technology changes, but true radicalism is rare. Most often, a reinvention or revisiting of past ideas forms the basis for such claims. This “DevOps” thing was no different. Honestly, at the time it seemed like a smoke screen; a flashy way to save money for startups.
I got sick of tending systems – when you’re doing it properly, it can be a daunting task. Dealing with storage, access control, backups, networking, high availability, maintenance, security, and all of the domain-specific aspects can easily become overwhelming. But worse, I was doing too much front-line support, which honestly, at the time was more important than the programming it was distracting me from. I love my users, and I see their success as my success. I didn’t mind it, but the bigger problems I wanted to solve were consistently being held above my head, just out of my grasp. I could ignore my users or ignore my passion, and that was a saddening conundrum. I felt like all of the creativity I craved was gone, and I was being paid too much (or too little depending on if you think I was an over paid junior sysadmin or an under paid IT manager with no authority) to work under such tedium. So I changed jobs.
I made the mistake of letting my new employer decide where they wanted me to go in the engineering organization.
What I didn’t know about this new company was that it had been under some cultural transition just prior to bringing me on board. Part of that culture shift was incorporating so-called “DevOps” into the mix. By fiat or force.
Because of my systems experience, I landed on the front line of that fight: the “DevOps Team”. I wasn’t happy.
But as I dug in, I saw some potential. We had the chance to really shore up the development practices, reduce risk in deployments, make the company more agile, and ultimately make more money.
We had edicts to make things happen, under the assumption that if we built it, the developers would embrace it. These things included continuous integration, migrating from subversion to git, building and maintaining code review tools, and maintaining the issue tracking system. We had other, less explicit responsibilities that became central to our work later on, including developer support, release management, and interfacing with the separate, segregated infrastructure department. This interaction was especially important, since we had no systems of our own, and we weren’t allowed to administer any machines. We didn’t have privileged access to any of the systems we needed to maintain for a long time.
With all the hand wringing and flashing of this “DevOps” term, I dug in and read about it, and what all the hubub was about. I then realized something. What we were doing wasn’t DevOps.
Then I realized something else. I was DevOps. I always had been. The culture was baked into the kind of developer I was. Putting me, and other devs with similar culture on a separate team, whether that was the “DevOps” team or the infrastructure team was a fundamental mistake.
The developers didn’t come around. At one point someone told a teammate of mine that they thought we were “IT support”. What needed to happen was the developers had to embrace the concept that they were capable of doing at least some systems things themselves, in safe and secure manner, and the infrastructure team had to let them do it. But my team just sat there in the middle, doing what we could to keep the lights on and get the code out, but ultimately just wasting our time. Some developers starting using AWS, with the promise of it being a temporary solution, but in a vacuum nonetheless. We were not having the impact that management wanted us to have.
My time at this particular company ended in a coup of sorts. This story is worthy of a separate blog post some day when it hurts a little less to think about. But lets just say I was on the wrong side of the revolution and left as quickly as I could when it was over.
In my haste, I took another “DevOps” job. My manager there assured me that it would be a programming job first, and a systems job second. “We need more ‘dev’ in our ‘devops'”, he told me.
What happened was very similar to my previous “DevOps” experience, but more acute. Code, and often requirements, were thrown over the wall at the last minute. As it fell in our laps, we scrambled to make it work, and work properly, as it seemed no one would think of things like fail over or backups or protecting private information when they were making their plans. Plans made long ago, far away, and without our help.
This particular team was more automation focused. We had two people who were more “dev” than “ops”, and the operations people were no slouches when it came to scripting or coding in their own right.
It was a perfect blend, and as a team we got along great and pulled off some miracles.
But ultimately, we were still isolated. We, and our managers tried to bridge the gap to no avail. Developers, frustrated with our sizable backlog, went over our heads to get access to our infrastructure and started doing it for themselves, often with little or no regard for our policies or practice. We would be tasked with cleaning up their mess when it was time for production deployment – typically in a major hurry after the deadline had passed.
The original team eventually evaporated. I was one of the last to leave, as new folks were brought into a remote office. I stuck it out for a lot of reasons: I was promised transfer to NYC, I had good healthcare, I loved my team. But ultimately what made me stick around was the hope, that kept getting rebuilt and dashed as management rotated in and out above me, that we could make it work.
I took the avenue of providing automated tools to let the developers have freedom to do as they pleased, yet we could ensure they were complying with company security guidelines and adhering to sane operations practices.
Sadly, politics and priorities kept my vision from coming to reality. It’s OK, in hindsight, because so much more was broken about so-called “DevOps” at this particular company. I honestly don’t think that it could have made that much of a difference.
Near the end of my tenure there, I tried to help some of the developers help themselves by sitting with them and working out how to deploy their code properly side-by-side. It was a great collaboration, but it fell short. It represented a tiny fraction of the developers we supported. Even with those really great developers finally interfacing with my team, it was too little, too late.
Another lesson learned: you can’t force cultural change. It has to start from the bottom up, and it needs breathing room to grow.
I had one final “DevOps” experience before I put my foot down and made the personal declaration that “DevOps is bullshit”, and I wasn’t going to do it anymore.
Due to the titles I had taken, and the experiences of the last couple of years, I found myself in a predicament. I was seen by recruiters as a “DevOps guy” and not as a programmer. It didn’t matter that I had 15 years of programming experience in several languages, or that I had focused on programming even in these so-called “DevOps” jobs. All that mattered was that, as a “DevOps Engineer” I could be easily packaged for a high-demand market.
I went along with the type casting for a couple of reasons. First, as I came to realize, I am DevOps – if anyone was going to come into a company and bridge the gap between operations and engineering, it’d be me. Even if the company had a divide, which every company I interviewed with had, I might be able to come on board and change things.
But there was a problem. At least at the companies I interviewed at, it seemed that “DevOps” really meant “operations and automation” (or more literally “AWS and configuration management”). The effect this had was devastating. The somewhat superficial nature of parts of my systems experience got in the way of landing some jobs I would have been great at. I was asked questions about things that had never been a problem for me in 15 years of building software and systems to support it, and being unable to answer, but happy to talk through the problem, would always end in a net loss.
When I would interview at the few programming jobs I could find or the recruiters would give me, they were never for languages I knew well. And even when they were, my lack of computer science jargon bit me – hard. I am an extremely capable software engineer, someone who learns quickly and hones skills with great agility. My expertise is practical, however, and it seemed that the questions that needed to be asked, that would have illustrated my skill, weren’t. I think to them, I looked like a guy who was sick of systems that was playing up their past dabbling in software to change careers.
So it seemed “DevOps”, this great revolution, and something that was baked into my very identity as a programmer, had left me in the dust.
I took one final “DevOps” job before I gave up. I was optimistic, since the company was growing fast and I liked everyone I met there. Sadly, it had the same separations, and was subject to the same problems. The developers, who I deeply respected, were doing their own thing, in a vacuum. My team was unnecessarily complicating everything and wasting huge amounts of time. Again, it was just “ops with automation” and nothing more.
So now lets get to the point of all of this. We understand why I might think “DevOps is bullshit”, and why I might not want to do it anymore. But what does that really mean? How can my experiences help you, as a developer, as an operations person, or as a company with issues they feel “DevOps” could address?
Don’t do DevOps. It’s that simple. Apply the practices and technology that comprise what DevOps is to your development process, and stop putting up walls between different specialties.
A very wise man once said “If you have a DevOps team, you’re doing it wrong“. If you start doing that, stop it.
There is some nuance here, and my experience can help save you some trouble by identifying some of the common mistakes:
- DevOps doesn’t make specialists obsolete.
- Developers can learn systems and operations, but nothing beats experience.
- Operations people can learn development too, but again, nothing beats experience.
- Operations and development have historically be separated for a reason – there are compromises you must make if you integrate the two.
- Tools and automation are not enough.
- Developers have to want DevOps. Operations have to want DevOps. At the same time.
- Using “DevOps” to save money by reducing staff will blow up in your face.
- You can’t have DevOps and still have separate operations and development teams. Period.
Let me stop for one moment and share another lesson I’ve learned: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
If you have a working organization that seems old fashioned, leave it alone. It’s possible to incorporate the tech, and even some of the cultural aspects of DevOps without radically changing how things work – it’s just not DevOps anymore, so don’t call it that. Be critical of your process and practices, kaizen and all that, but don’t sacrifice what works just to join the cargo cult. You will waste money, and you will destroy morale. The pragmatic operations approach is the happiest one.
Beware of geeks bearing gifts.
So lets say you know why you want DevOps, and you’re certain that the cultural shift is what’s right for your organization. Everyone is excited about it. What might a proper “DevOps” team look like?
I can speak to this, because I currently work in one.
First, never call it “DevOps”. It’s just what you do as part of your job. Some days you’re writing code, other days you’re doing a deployment, or maintenance. Everyone shares all of those responsibilities equally.
People still have areas of experience and expertise. This isn’t pushing people into a luke-warm, mediocre dilution of their skills – this is passionate people doing what they love. It’s just that part of that, is launching a server or writing a chef recipe or debugging a production issue.
As such you get a truly cross functional team. Where expertise differs, first, there’s a level of respect and trust. So if someone knows more about a topic than someone else, they will likely be the authority on it. The rest of the team trusts them to steer the group in the right direction.
This means that you can hire operations people to join your team. Just don’t give them exclusive responsibility for what they’re best at – integrate them. The same goes for any “non deveoper” skillset, be that design, project managment or whatever.
Beyond that, everyone on the team has a thirst to develop new skills and look at their work in different ways. This is when the difference in expertise provides an opportunity to teach. Teaching brings us closer together and helps us all gain better understanding of what we’re doing.
So that’s what DevOps really is. You take a bunch of really skilled, passionate, talented people who don’t have their heads shoved so far up their own asses that they can take the time to learn new things. People who see the success of the business as a combined responsibility that is eqully shared. “That’s not my job” is not something they are prone to saying, but they’re happy to delegate or share a task if need be. You give them the infrastructure, and time (and encouragement doesn’t hurt), to build things in a way that makes the most sense for their productivity, and the business, embracing that equal, shared sense of responsibility. Things like continuous integration and zero-downtime deployments just happen as a function of smart, passionate people working toward a shared goal.
It’s an organic, culture-driven process. We may start doing continuous deployment, or utlize “the cloud” or treat our “code as infrastructure” but only if it makes sense. The developers are the operations people and the operations people are the developers. An application system is seen in a holistic manner and developed as a single unit. No one is compromising, we all get better as we all just fucking do it.
DevOps is indeed bullshit. What matters is good people working together without artificial boundaries. Tech is tech. It’s not possible for everyone to share like this, but when it works, it’s amazing – but is it really DevOps? I don’t know, I don’t do that anymore.
I’d like to read your article, but it’s unreadable for me due to the light gray text on a white background.
For anyone else who can’t read it… open your js console and do: document.body.style.color = “black”
I changed the theme again – I didn’t care for the last one myself, but I got sick of shopping around :) LMK if this is any better.
I agree with much of what you’re saying. I can’t say that it’s bullshit, but it’s mostly interpreted wrong by many people (or by me). DevOps is first DEVELOPER, hence the Dev prefix and second Operations. It’s easier to train a developer to do sane operating procedures than to teach a sysadmin the developer mindset (testing, revision control, breaking down to logical units and similar). DevOps is making the old SysOps positions deprecated. SysOps require manpower or attention to do something, at a general term atleast. While in DevOps we strive for an fulle automated system, from the application level down to bare metal, which is out of scope for any normal system administrator. This will become more evident in the years to come when microservices get more traction. With microservices we get a more volatile, highly dynamic environment where manual labor is not an option. Another evidence that the traditional system administrator is getting deprecated is container (docker and similar). Container put the entire OS in the hand of the developers, all required from system administration is a kernel which support containers and maybe storage solutions. A small team of 5 to 10 persons can easily manage 10 000 servers in such a setup (not at containerlevel, but container-host level).
Those who believe DevOps is a developer and a sysop do not see the entire picture, sadly.
We’ve had this t-shirt available for years: https://www.nerdyshirts.com/shell-script-funny-t-shirt , a more modern version would have said something like:
“I will replace your infrastructure with code”, hence infrastructure as code.
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Interesting read. Feel like there’s much to ponder here.
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