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[–]Mechageo 34 points35 points36 points  (112 children)
Why are the comments toward Wil so bitter? :( You'd think he attacked their moms for all the hate he's getting. I think some of those that are leaving comments should get some perspective.
[–]cjh_ 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
People tend to hate Wil, I've never understood why.
[–]Bob_The_Skull 2 points3 points4 points  (11 children)
Because a lot of people here support GamerGate I guess?
[–]KoolAidMan00 comment score below threshold-12 points-11 points-10 points  (0 children)
I hope not. I've been a gamer all my life and the last thing I'd want is to be associated with it.
[–]ChrisIsGettingFit comment score below threshold-25 points-24 points-23 points  (9 children)
That shit makes me cringe so hard, the word gamer alone is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Who the fuck gives a shit? They're just video games.
[–]scurvebeard5kXL3-MCMX-CCCL 12 points13 points14 points  (4 children)
the word gamer alone is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Who the fuck gives a shit?
You obviously give a shit.
[–]ChrisIsGettingFit -5 points-4 points-3 points  (3 children)
No need to misinterpret what I said as an excuse to reply since you knew what I meant. People just take games too seriously. It's a little hobby for an overwhelming majority of people, so there's no need to use it to define yourself. The gamergate thing is just a joke. How anyone can care for that makes no sense.
[–]scurvebeard5kXL3-MCMX-CCCL 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
You don't get to decide how other people label themselves.
And it wasn't a gotcha. The fact that you cringe at the word, that you think it's a pointless title, that you automatically link the term to a movement, and that you have such a dismissive opinion of a group you likely disagree with (although I can guarantee you that at least 50% of self-labelled gamers have never even heard of GamerGate or anti-GG,) goes to show you do care. You just don't like it when there are other people who also care but disagree with you.

The gamergate thing is just a joke. How anyone can care for that makes no sense.
Somewhat off-subject, but I'll try to explain: there are many who care about GamerGate because they believe all the drama, the accusations of sexism, the attempted besmirching of the word "gamer", the (in some cases) unproven claims of death threats - they believe all these things are a distraction, guided by a group of corrupt journalists and activists who seek to hide their misdeeds or at least stir up some profitable clickbait.
Whether or not you think that notion has any basis in reality, you should at least be able to understand that people might care about ethics in journalism, and that many people who support the idea of GamerGate actually do, too.
(I've seen many anti-GG people who believe that GG's claims on journalistic integrity are themselves just a cover for actual sexism, and I'm sure there exist GG supporters for whom that is actually true.)
So whether or not you agree with me, hopefully you can at least understand where GamerGate is coming from.
[–]ametalshardMM3D box empty 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
Games can become as powerful a medium as novels. It's plausible. Either way, it's an art form and everyone should have the freedom to make whatever art they desire; that freedom is absolutely essential.
[–]CaptainMoltar 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I find it interesting that you know how people should define themselves. I understand that being identified as a gamer doesn't gel with you, that is cool. There are other people who are much more into video games than you who identify as gamer. Why should it be you who decides how serious people should take games? I personally don't feel like gamer is an identifying thing for me even though I spend a lot of time on video games, but I also respect it as a medium for artistic expression which is why it disheartens me to see a segment of people slandering an entire demographic (gamers) as misogynist/racist/worse-than-ISIS, etc etc etc. While doing this they are also intimidating people into not supporting certain games because they have boobs or sexualized/brutalized women (and men...though no one cares about that part).
Gaming is an open market, especially on PC with the likes of steam, there isn't any need to destroy some of the market just because it offends you/hurts your feelings. You may wonder why I went on this rant/tangent. You implied it isn't worth discussing because games aren't meant to be taken seriously...but I personally don't want my game selection to turn into a gray-samey blob. I want my variety to be colorful and vibrant and include options that I don't like. I don't want it to be too scared to explore different themes or story aspects just because someone might be put out of their comfort zone. Because if we all retreat to a safe zone where no one is offended or where everyone is too afraid to make a game that may be labeled as sexist because a character has DD's, then all we get is that gray, samey emotionless games. I've been with GG since day 1 for the political correctness issues currently going on with people trying to push all games to be more progressive. If you want progressive games, make them. But respect other peoples preferences and let them play what they want.
[–]domeforaklondikebar 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
People that play golf are golfers. People that drive are drivers. People that write are writers, people that play video games are gamers. Who the fuck gives a shit? Its just a word.
[–]Bobblefighterman 3 points4 points5 points  (2 children)
So what if they are? I can call myself a gamer if I want, why the fuck can't I?
[–]ChrisIsGettingFit comment score below threshold-10 points-9 points-8 points  (1 child)
I don't give a shit if you do, I just think it's synonymous with defining yourself as an autist.
[–]Bobblefighterman 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
Shit dig mate, Just because I enjoy video games and see it as a hobby doesn't make me autistic. I think you're the one with the major issue here and I think you should get yourself sorted out.
[–]BaronPartypants 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
He expressed criticism of gamergate which probably explains a lot of the Twitter backlash. As someone who supports gamergate, that reaction is a bit immature. Personally, I don't particularly care for most of his wok, but I'll still be buying the game!
[–]HowdyDoodlyDoo 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
The problem is that "gamergate" was so undefined. There were logical reasons to support gamergate (corruption in journalism) then there were other people who thought that gamergate was "girls shouldn't play games" and joined on to spread that or spoke against it because of that.
The whole thing was just a mess.
[–]BaronPartypants -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
I can agree that gamergate was poorly defined. I can't agree that any reasonable number of people wanted to get rid of women in games. As someone who has followed the movement from day one I haven't seen a single person advocate that. There are definitely people who don't want social justice influencing gaming and who disagree with various women, but no one wants women gone. If you want to discuss it more I'm happy to over PM but I don't want to muck up other subreddits with discussion about it (plus lots of subs ban/shadowban for discussing it).
[–]thermoplastics 50 points51 points52 points  (53 children)
And that is just one of the many issues people have with him, so yeah, bitter attitudes should be expected.
[–]hampa9 comment score below threshold-7 points-6 points-5 points  (12 children)
He willingly misrepresented and then weaponized a girls suicide to try and paint gamers in a poor light.
Sounds like he just made a mistake.
[–]Bob_The_Skull comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points  (0 children)
Yeah, and then people who were already angry at him used it as evidence that the government has it in for them, thanks Obam-oh wait, wrong public figure.
Anyways, just a lot of angry people predisposed to anger.
[–]petey1214 9 points10 points11 points  (10 children)
He's made a lot of "mistakes" of that type.
[–]hampa9 comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points  (9 children)
i.e. not kowtowing to the morons of gamergate
[–]petey1214 4 points5 points6 points  (8 children)
Um, or completely misrepresenting large groups of people and trying to put them down? Nice attempt at straw manning, though!
[–]hampa9 comment score below threshold-7 points-6 points-5 points  (7 children)
OH LOOK, you're from /r/kotakuinaction. Everything makes so much more sense now.
'Strawmanning' hahahaha
[–]PuffSmackDown1 4 points5 points6 points  (5 children)
Do you crazy Ghazi folks always pull the "hey you're from X sub let's point and laugh to hide that I'm out of arguments" card outside of your fun chamber? Or of course, blame people disagreeing with you as "brigading" while prompting for your own actual brigades?
[–]hampa9 comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points  (4 children)
Out of arguments? Still waiting for proof on the Zoe Quinn allegations that started this 'movement'.
[–]PuffSmackDown1 5 points6 points7 points  (3 children)
I have no interest in ZQ, but I like that you brought her up, for the people who seem to like saying that Gamergate always talks about her.
You never properly disputed petey1214's point of Wheaton misrepresenting large groups of people or his strawman accusation, opting to pull the same card that's already been pulled before on these outside subreddits. If you cannot, then that's fine: there is no problem with admitting that you are wrong.
[–]petey1214 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Where I'm "from" has nothing to do with you committing a fallacy in desperation. Oh look, you did it again with bringing up KiA!
[–]mycribsindiscworld 12 points13 points14 points  (34 children)
Maybe I'm missing something but this like a misunderstanding. Not trying to incite an argument, just that seems like someone who was looking to get their jimmies rustled made it. I guess this just missing a lot of context.
[–]12thCenExcaliburrr0018-2314-8154 17 points18 points19 points  (19 children)
Same, I don't get what's going on there. I need more context. 2 random screenshots of only a small portion of an entire article doesn't tell me much.
[–]martijos94 -2 points-1 points0 points  (18 children)
He's vocally anti-GamerGate. That's the real "problem" these people have.
[–]petey1214 7 points8 points9 points  (7 children)
Or people just see him talking about "anti-bullying" all the time when in reality he's a total piece of shit and a bully himself?
[–]martijos94 6 points7 points8 points  (6 children)
I have yet to see convincing proof of that.
[–]petey1214 4 points5 points6 points  (5 children)
Read his tumblr? I don't care to convince you- if you want the game, don't let me stop you.
[–]martijos94 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
I haven't read his tumblr, but I'll give it a look at least. And I don't even care about the game. I just find this whole thread ridiculous.
[–]12thCenExcaliburrr0018-2314-8154 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
I tried the demo and didn't like it, so I'm not getting the game regardless. But I did look through his tumblr for the hell of it and saw him being nothing but decent, even to the one ask that disagreed with him and contemplated attacking him. Maybe have actual receipts ready next time you try attacking someone
[–]petey1214 -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
Maybe. I've seen what I've seen. Again, I'm not here to convince people, just to relay why some people feel the way they do about him. hth
[–]r_m_8_8 comment score below threshold-11 points-10 points-9 points  (5 children)
Oh. Wut, /r/3DS :( Are you GG-dominated?
[–]KoolAidMan00 -3 points-2 points-1 points  (0 children)
Its always hard to tell, they brigade like nobody's business
[–]ametalshardMM3D box empty 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
If so, that would mean this sub has a chance at being less cancerous than it appears.
[–]martijos94 1 point2 points3 points  (2 children)
It seems that way. The best thing to do is set a better example for them by not letting political differences drive us away.
[–]r_m_8_8 -2 points-1 points0 points  (1 child)
People are being downvoted in this thread for saying they want to play this game :(
[–]martijos94 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Yup. Just goes to show how unreasonable people can be over really stupid shit.
[–]12thCenExcaliburrr0018-2314-8154 -5 points-4 points-3 points  (0 children)
This post sadly went downhill really quickly after they got here.
[–]LpSamuelm 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
For real, that seems to be it. Everything I've heard about Wil in other places suggests he's a real stand-up guy and really nice to his fans, and then I come here and the consensus seems to be that he's horrible. What.
[–]ametalshardMM3D box empty 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
Woah, there. We had problems with him on reddit before GG, but also several decades ago, lol.
[–]PeppeLePoint 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
implying that someone misrepresenting and mistreating your subculture isn't offensive or harmful in many ways.
He is famous. He should have been prepared for the consequences of his actions. Its not like he couldn't have predicted the fallout.
[–]GiantRagingBurnerWants the small New 3DS 15 points16 points17 points  (13 children)
Yeah there actually has been a lot going on with him, especially lately. A lot of stuff has been left out, but he's been acting like a major twat.
[–]mycribsindiscworld -3 points-2 points-1 points  (12 children)
Okay any specific examples? I'm mean okay he seems to be anti-gamergate. That's his opinion I and I agree with it. Everything I find seems to be him just standing up for his opinion with harsh words on either side, or just not enough context to judge. I can't seem to understand what this guy has done other than just hold an unpopular opinion. You say that a lot has been left out, but leave out a lot yourselves.
[–]GiantRagingBurnerWants the small New 3DS 8 points9 points10 points  (11 children)
You say that a lot has been left out, but leave out a lot yourselves.
This is fair. But I want to mention the "yourselves" bit. I do not claim to speak for other people, so that should probably be "yourself."
As to why I, specifically do not like him, there are a few factors. The linked image doesn't give a lot of context to the situation, but there was an incident where a teenager committed suicide, and the media heavily tried to make it appear to be a result of online bullying, when after an investigation, evidence was revealed that suggested that she sent the threatening messages to herself. Doesn't make the suicide any less tragic, though.
Around two months back, I believe, he was on this massive "de-anonymize the internet" kick. There was a lot of debate here, but his main point was that people should be held responsible for the things they say and do online, and so their personal information should be made available to the public. The image also shows an out-of-context chunk of a blog post he wrote on the subject. In it, he was trying to make his case, and he used the girl's suicide as an example of bullying leading to bad things. It was a factually-incorrect reference, and a lot of people, myself included, found it to be offensive fearmongering, to try and exploit a girl's suicide for pushing personal ideology.
Honestly, I definitely see why you are questioning the image; not only does it leave out a lot of context by default, but it Seels sort of propaganda-y. All those capital letters, red text - it feels so spiteful. I question anybody's motives when they make their approach with malice.
However, it's not just this one incident that bothers me about him. He has a habit of weighing in on issues, which isn't bad in itself, but often these issues are way out of his areas of expertise. I see a lot of interaction with him on Twitter, in particular, and recently he's been a lot less condescending and elitist. But a few months back, like every other day, I'd see him getting into arguments with friends and associates of mine, handwaving and ignoring people's concerns, and just generally acting like a twat. Some pretty malicious things, too.
I'm mean okay he seems to be anti-gamergate
This is a whole different can of worms.
[–]mycribsindiscworld 3 points4 points5 points  (10 children)
I meant you and just about everyone else who seems to be bashing him, but yeah I probably should of addressed it towards you.
I guess I'm still not seeing enough information to make me go 'okay that was him putting a spin on the subject' and not 'dude may have just been out of date on the facts'. Though I do understand that this was exploitive I have a hard time drawing issue with it until I know for a fact he purposefully misconstrued facts.
As for the his behavior on Twitter from what I can tell it just looked like someone standing up for himself, albeit in a very rash way. The guy was being publicly painted as a villain. I don't know maybe it would be more apparent had I witnessed this when all of this was going down.
Thank you for taking the time to write that out though I feel like I have a better grasp on the events now. I understand why people dislike him. I just haven't seen enough to make me dislike the guy.
Also thanks for staying civilized.
[–]GiantRagingBurnerWants the small New 3DS 2 points3 points4 points  (9 children)
I actually don't think he purposely misconstrued facts. I think he heard about it in some media outlets that were playing the online bullying angle, and rather than research existing information debunking it, he saw it as an opportunity to pad what he was trying to say, so that it looked more credible and factual.
I think this sort of behavior has become far too common, especially lately - people putting rumors before research. I wouldn't say this is why I'm not a fan of his, by itself, or even that it's a really significant factor, but it is pretty crappy.
Regarding Twitter, admittedly my examples have been limited to interactions that come across my Twitter feed, as I don't follow him. But every time, it wasn't just him defending himself. In these instances, he wasn't being approached in a hostile way, and he still responded with name calling and condescending dismissal.
But I'm far from trying to tell you you should not like the guy, or anything. To each their own, my friend. And I'm happy to help where I can. Especially in the 3DS subreddit; this place is my home, just like you guys.
[–]MayhemMessiah -3 points-2 points-1 points  (8 children)
In these instances, he wasn't being approached in a hostile way, and he still responded with name calling and condescending dismissal.
Him being a VA on a game launched an extremely acidic response from a medium-sized Sub Reddit. I can only imagine the man deals with this kind of crap on a daily basis.
I don't know the man, nor do I care to pass judgment on him before I do. All I ask is for you to take a step back, see the comments in this section. I wasn't aware of the amount of hatred Reddit had for him until today and by God does it look disgustingly out of proportion.
[–]GiantRagingBurnerWants the small New 3DS 1 point2 points3 points  (7 children)
I don't pretend to assume what he goes through, and I am very aware that being a public figure leads to a lot of unwarranted feedback, which is quite often negative.
However, you're trying to say his own questionable behavior could be from the fact that he deals with a lot of 'acidic responses' all the time. But couldn't I be the other way around? In fact, wouldn't it be more likely that people here have a negative opinion of him, not by default, but because of his questionable behavior?
[–]marioman63 comment score below threshold-15 points-14 points-13 points  (2 children)
doesnt say anything about wil being involved. all he did was make a comment.
[–]thermoplastics 12 points13 points14 points  (1 child)
The article with the underlined words right under his tweet, he wrote it. It was published in the Washington Post. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZCcstvBoXU
[–]marioman63 comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points  (0 children)
alright, so he made one mistake. who fucking cares? that doesnt detract from him as a person.
[–]nocommentin comment score below threshold-12 points-11 points-10 points  (0 children)
Oh, you're a gamergator, I see. Never mind.
[–]scurvebeard5kXL3-MCMX-CCCL 14 points15 points16 points  (0 children)
Or the time he posted to Tumblr some unpleasant results from a survey for the Men's Rights subreddit - only those results had been very obviously tampered with, probably to cast the community in a bad light (and if you think MRAs are already in a bad light, then you should at least think they don't need any misrepresentation to make them look bad, and you should hopefully agree that honesty is important.)
Then, when the survey was proven to be unreliable, he didn't remove the Tumblr post. He didn't apologize for the misrepresentation. He just made a second post acknowledging that the survey was "rigged".
Of course, the retraction has 429 reblogs, and the post where he perpetuates misleading ideas about the community has 2,670 reblogs - more than six times as many. So the damage is basically done.
Other than that, he just talks a lot of shit. Which is not uncommon. Still, I don't really care for the guy.
[–]BogWizardMH4U Addict 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
I was wondering the same thing. I loved Star Trek TNG, and he was a fine actor in that show. I also liked the Tabletop series because of how much attention it brought to the tabletop gaming hobby.
I'm not some kind of Wil Wheaton fan, but I wouldn't boycott a game that looks awesome just because he voices a character in it.
[–]hatenogs 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
Wil Wheaton is a cuck.
[–]joshnickerson3DSFC: 0473-8317-6182 -3 points-2 points-1 points  (0 children)
People with far too much time on their hands.
[–]CaptainDeadman 38 points39 points40 points  (12 children)
He also talks a lot of shit about gamers and geek culture in general, without any facts or research backing up his accusations and complaints. Granted, this happens all the time on the Internet, but a celebrity that is suppose to publicly represent geek and gamer cultures should at least be more professional and fair about it.
[–]AllerDice 3 points4 points5 points  (10 children)
Wil Wheaton = fake nerd
[–]myxopyxo comment score below threshold-10 points-9 points-8 points  (3 children)
"A phony, a big fat phony!" Who the fuck cares?
[–]PeppeLePoint 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
obviously, people do care.
[–]HowdyDoodlyDoo comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points  (5 children)
Watch his Tabletop show. He's definitely not a fake nerd.
[–]PeppeLePoint -1 points0 points1 point  (4 children)
A single "geeky" hobby does not a geek make.
He seems phony because he will champion Geek culture one minute, while the next denouncing and generalizing against large swaths of it afterwards.
I think about it this way... I am not entitled to comment on or attempt to direct the way goths engage with their subculture. If I listened to some industrial on a regular basis, would that make me a goth? Or would that make me someone who merely enjoys elements of said subculture?
Will is essentially this outside force attempting to rewrite the code of what it means to be a "geek", which is how people in the wide subculture of geekdome ought to regard him.
[–]nocommentin 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
Making fun of gamergate isn't generalizing against large swaths of geek culture, it's calling out one very narrow, shitty, toxic subset of geek culture. Get over yourself and your buzzwords and dogwhistles. GG is an industry-wide joke and you guys have no recourse other than brigading reddit threads. It's pathetic.
[–]PeppeLePoint 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
A lot of assertions there. Typical.
[–]nocommentin -1 points0 points1 point  (1 child)
No, you're right, I need to type out a sixteen page annotated bibliography outlining the ways in which GG is pathetic and stupid. Sealioning has worked out so well for you guys so far! Keep sending those emails.
[–]PeppeLePoint 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
you're doing a great job convincing me that anti-gg has anything meaningful to say. Keep going! You'll surely enlighten those filthy neckbeards soon! Im sure of it!
[–]LimEJET -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
Examples, please.
[–]Shadowwolflink -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
He probably tricked them into losing at bowling and card games.
[–]Gerolux 25 points26 points27 points  (12 children)
you either love him for star trek or hate him for being wil wheaton. not exactly the most down to earth celebrity.
[–]cjh_ 8 points9 points10 points  (10 children)
What? I met Wil in real life in San Francisco, he's such a nice guy that he bought me a cup of tea in Starbucks. One of the few genuinely nice people around.
We chatted about his career, brewing beer and Android.
And no, I'm not a fan. I just don't randomly hate people for arbitrary reasons.
[–]Gerolux -5 points-4 points-3 points  (3 children)
guess his on-screen persona tends to be a bit more arrogant then.
[–]cjh_ -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
If you watch The Big Bang Theory, you'll realise the character is a parody.
It's a little like Claire Coffee in Grimm, she's such a great actress that she makes you hate the character. Yet in real life she's lovely.
[–]hotcereal2363-5629-6110 22 points23 points24 points  (1 child)
Your impression of him, as a person, was built upon how he was acting on a TV show...? What the hell?
[–]Gerolux 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
not me... people replying to the tweet and saying they just lost a sale because they are using him. Im still picking the game up.
[–]myxopyxo 1 point2 points3 points  (5 children)
And no, I'm not a fan. I just don't randomly hate people for arbitrary reasons.
What are you even doing with your life then? :s
[–]cjh_ 0 points1 point2 points  (4 children)
Living and letting live, being mindful of others privacy, respecting my fellow humans.
What about you?
[–]myxopyxo 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
Same thing, it was meant as sarcasm. :P
[–]cjh_ 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
I know :p
Being a Brit, I was compelled to reply.
[–]myxopyxo 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
Snap. I blew it. :p
[–]cjh_ 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
For making me smile, I'm upvoting all your replies :)
[–]Conchobair 45 points46 points47 points  (0 children)
A lot of people hate him for Star Trek. Wesley Crusher is a terrible character.
[–]PeppeLePoint 88 points89 points90 points  (8 children)
He's pretty douchy.
just look at some of his twitter posts and you'll soon learn he is cliquey and narcissistic. God forbid you are some kind of fan. He has a history of mistreating them.
[–]12thCenExcaliburrr0018-2314-8154 11 points12 points13 points  (3 children)
I don't know this guy, but what has he done to his fans? I looked at his Twitter feed, and I recently saw he gave away a bunch of Steam keys to a game he did voices for.
[–]hotcereal2363-5629-6110 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
He gave away Steam codes?! What an asshole!
[–]Skawt24 13 points14 points15 points  (1 child)
Where they... Codename STEAM keys?
[–]SebastianMaker7Where's the smaller model!? 16 points17 points18 points  (0 children)
Get out.
[–]itsiank 6 points7 points8 points  (1 child)
I've never heard of him being rude to fans. In fact, I actually found him to be super accommodating.
I had the opportunity to meet Wil at PAX East 2010. I'm not a raging fan of his, but he happens to have the foreword in one of the Penny Arcade comic compilations (I believe the 2005 chronicle) and he did a fantastic job on the keynote that year, so I wanted to take the time to meet him.
My friend and I waited in a relatively short line for his signing and had the opportunity to talk with him for a bit. He signed my Penny Arcade book with his forward and seemed genuinely happy about it.
Then it came time to ask a weird favor.
We had a friend who was unable to attend PAX with us and she has been a huge Wil Wheaton fan for a pretty substantial amount of time throughout both Star Trek and Stand by Me. This girl had meeting Wil on her bucket list and it was quite unlikely given where she lives to have another opportunity. So we asked Wil to do something special for her. We asked him to write something rather uncouth and inappropriate on a piece of paper and hold it up for her so we could take a picture with it, bring it back to her. He joked around with us about it for a bit and then ultimately agreed to do so.
He was under no obligation to do anything for us (though some might argue he HAD to sign things) and he went above and beyond to really do something special for our friend who wasn't even there.
Since then I've found I thoroughly enjoy his efforts like Tabletop, and the man has pretty great taste in beer. He does a fair amount for helping to bring geek culture to the spotlight (though not always in a 100% positive way) and he is passionate. While he can sometimes be on the opposite side of the fence from my opinions, I can't really find that as a reason to hate him. He's done a fair bit of good and he certainly had a positive personal impact for me and my friends.
[–]PeppeLePoint 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I didnt mean to imply I hated him.
I simply dont appreciate his politics lately, and most stories you hear are negative. Him being swell to you seems like a statistical anomaly.
[–]mylogicisducks 49 points50 points51 points  (0 children)
Definitely this, guy's a real piece of work.
[–]BetaDungeonMaster 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
I used to be a Wil Wheaton fan. I kinda knew who he was, then found Tabletop, which is probably one of my favorite shows online. I started exploring his stuff and liked a good deal of it (minus Big Bang Theory and Star Trek). Then I made the mistake of liking his Facebook page.
While his page usually isn't bad, he tends to go on huge rants about social issues every two or so weeks. I mean multi-paragraph rants on his page or links to those on his blog. In those rants, he's always struck me as hugely elitist, narcissistic, and condescending. His usual M.O. when in an argument is personal attacks. I've seen him get into arguments before and it usually ends up him engaging with someone (peppered by referring to the other as a misogynist or homophobic) until the other person brings up a valid point, then he'll ban them for breaking his "don't be a dick" rule (protip: you don't have to be a dick, you can just disagree with him). And this was before gamergate even happened.
[–]ElDuderino2112 14 points15 points16 points  (0 children)
I used to love the guy but he became a bit of a self righteous tool in recent years. Following him on Twitter became painful.
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