Hitting your elbow on a table and feeling the shock course through the adamantium coating your bones
Kin Experiences
Dedicated to things that make you go "Yup. I'm a kin."
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betaadamantium reblogged this from kin-experiences and added:
You’d be dead of metal poisoning long before you could experience pain from hitting your elbow on something.
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redheadedaddiction reblogged this from kin-experiences and added:
Okay. Seriously. This is actually a tumblr for twelve-year-old who like to pretend they’re comic characters, right? This...
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shitlord-patriarch-the-great reblogged this from kin-experiences and added:
Please, please be a troll. You are a stupid bastard. You think wolverine is cool. You are not wolverine. Besides, you...
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mccoolah reblogged this from sapph-infection
sapph-infection reblogged this from kin-experiences and added:
bitch that’s not machinekin that’s the fucking wolverine
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