Lucky's Domain of Stuff

Hello there, call me Lucky. I post fandoms, guns and knives, political opinions every now and then, and stuff pertaining to my joint YouTube channel, as well as whatever I feel like. Fandoms, submit, my youtube, and the profile pic source is in the drop down.

Dead Horses Tumblr Needs to Stop Beating

•rampant police brutality
•Jessie Hernandez
•Wage gap
•add any I missed

  1. chemicalwithabrain reblogged this from danny-dice and added:
    well sorry we like to talk about important things
  2. kuraihime88 reblogged this from gorillaz2nmr
  3. methmatition reblogged this from sofxckthewxrld
  4. sofxckthewxrld reblogged this from trans-anti-feminist
  5. nishe-w reblogged this from nickisverseinmonster
  6. nclc203finale reblogged this from danny-dice and added:
    This post is a great example of the misconceptions of advocacy and social movements! If people are discussing a singular...
  7. thesneakytiki reblogged this from nickisverseinmonster and added:
    What a dork, he’s not even worth swearing at.
  8. almccoy384 reblogged this from nickisverseinmonster
  9. nickisverseinmonster reblogged this from himteckerjam and added:
    How dare people talk about their lives and try to get justice for themselves? Ugh the nerve
  10. keepthat38closebitch reblogged this from playfulpanthress
  11. playfulpanthress reblogged this from danny-dice and added:
    Perhaps you and they need a lesson in what debunked means. Your privilege blinds you to reality. Must be nice.
  12. danny-dice reblogged this from sempre-mosso and added:
    Michael Brown: proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be reaching for, and attempting to sieze the gun Brother Africa:...
  13. sempre-mosso reblogged this from thewhitewashfactory
  14. captainderpy reblogged this from danny-dice and added:
    Most cause on here are petty shits anyways
  15. theeyesofapoet reblogged this from thewhitewashfactory
  16. sketchgamervstheworld reblogged this from danny-dice and added:
    Ferguson isn’t a dead horse until it’s a dead-undead-exorcised ghost horse by normal dead horse standards.
  17. sossaveoursouls reblogged this from himteckerjam
  18. darkrainbowunicorn reblogged this from oglokko
  19. donotdomesticatethefro reblogged this from himteckerjam
  20. mrtiggs reblogged this from himteckerjam
  21. peggys-magic-sex-feet reblogged this from himteckerjam and added:
    I swear if danny-dice got as much attention as they so clearly want, they’d spontaneously combust.
  22. zeldastorm reblogged this from oglokko
  23. himteckerjam reblogged this from thewhitewashfactory and added:
    Anti-SJs. They have the nerve to hate follow and harass people and then cry about what they post like its polluting...
  24. oglokko reblogged this from trans-anti-feminist
  25. nintendiaz reblogged this from mintchocolate-chump
  26. mintchocolate-chump reblogged this from thewhitewashfactory
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