Electronics, Mechanics, Maths and Computing V10. eBook covers all the topics of this popular software title used in schools and colleges worldwide for over twenty years.
See Additional Notes for instructions to download the highly interactive PC software. Used in thousands of schools and colleges worldwide the software is designed to work as an interactive textbook on your PC screen.
Comprising hundreds of menu selected colourful topics where the graphic images (from your eBook) are brought to life for every value change along with many additional learning software features.
A combined eBook and educational software package at a tiny fraction of the previously published price.
Chapters (958 topics): - Introduction, Electronics, Basic Electronics, DC Current Flow, Resistor Value Test, Simple DC Circuits, Types of Switching, Variable Voltages, Ohm's Law, DC Voltage, DC Current, Series/Parallel Resistors, AC Measurements, AC Voltage and Current, AC Theory, RCL Series Circuits, RCL Parallel Circuits, Capacitance, Capacitors, Inductance, Inductors, Impedance, Radio and Communication, Tuned Circuits, Attenuators, Passive Filters, Active Filters, Oscillators, Circuit Theorems, Complex Numbers, DC Power, AC Power, Silicon Controlled Rectifier, Power Supplies, Voltage Regulation, Magnetism, Electric Machines, Transformers, Three Phase Systems, Energy Transfer and Cost, Atomic Structures, Diode Theory, Diode Applications, Transistor Theory, Bipolar Transistor, Transistor Configurations, Active Transistor Circuits, Field Effect Transistors, Basic Operational Amplifier, Op-Amp Theory, Op-Amp Applications, Sum and Difference Amp, Analogue Multi-meter, Measurement, Component Testing, PIC Micro, PICa(R) Microcontroller, PICa(R) Architecture, PICa(R) Analogue to Digital, PICa(R) Byte Orientated Instructions, PICa(R) Bit Orientated Instructions, PICa(R) Literal and Control Instructions, Mechanics, Area, Surface Area and Symmetry, Volume, Compound Measures, Geometry, Motion, Machines, Optics, Computing, Hardware Devices, Data Structures, Data Files, Computer Systems, Data Handling, System Development, Computer Programming, Data Analysis, Binary Numbers, Binary Arithmetic, Digital, Logic Gates 1., Logic Gates 2., Logic Families, Flip Flops, Combinational Logic, Counters, Counting, Shift Registers, 555 Timer, Logic Interfacing, Boolean and DeMorgan's, Microprocessor, Micro-Computer, Data/Address Bus, Memory Addressing, Arithmetic and Logic Unit, Clock and Reset, Instructions and Control, Memory Cells, Microprocessor Memory, Addressing Modes, Instructions Set 1., Instructions Set 2., Instructions Set 3., Mathematics, Number Systems, Number Conversion, Number Types, Compound Measures, Roots, Angles and Parallels, Triangle Ratios, Triangle Angles, Percentages, Ratios, Fractions, Vectors, Circle Angles, Laws, Algebra 0., Algebra 1., Algebra 2., Mathematical Rules, Powers and Indices, Simplifying, Equations, Graphing, Slope and Translation, Curves and Angle Conversion, Personal Finance, Additional Notes.