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Top Selling in Computer Science

The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything

James Redford
ABSTRACT: Analysis is given of the Omega Point cosmology, an extensively peer-reviewed proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) published in leading physics journals by professor of physics and mathematics Frank J. Tipler, which demonstrates that in order for the known laws of physics to be mutually consistent, the universe must diverge to infinite computational power as it collapses into a final cosmological singularity, termed the Omega Point. The theorem is an intrinsic component of the Feynman–DeWitt–Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE) describing and unifying all the forces in physics, of which itself is also required by the known physical laws. With infinite computational resources, the dead can be resurrected—never to die again—via perfect computer emulation of the multiverse from its start at the Big Bang. Miracles are also physically allowed via electroweak quantum tunneling controlled by the Omega Point cosmological singularity. The Omega Point is a different aspect of the Big Bang cosmological singularity—the first cause—and the Omega Point has all the haecceities claimed for God in the traditional religions.

From this analysis, conclusions are drawn regarding the social, ethical, economic and political implications of the Omega Point cosmology.

But How Do It Know?: The Basic Principles of Computers for Everyone

J. Clark Scott
This book thoroughly explains how computers work. It starts by fully examining a NAND gate, then goes on to build every piece and part of a small, fully operational computer. The necessity and use of codes is presented in parallel with the apprioriate pieces of hardware. The book can be easily understood by anyone whether they have a technical background or not. It could be used as a textbook.

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition" rel="dct:type" style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)">Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman is licensed under a" style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License.

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Electronics, Mechanics, Maths and Computing V10: Volume 10

Clive W. Humphris
Electronics, Mechanics, Maths and Computing V10. eBook covers all the topics of this popular software title used in schools and colleges worldwide for over twenty years.
See Additional Notes for instructions to download the highly interactive PC software. Used in thousands of schools and colleges worldwide the software is designed to work as an interactive textbook on your PC screen.
Comprising hundreds of menu selected colourful topics where the graphic images (from your eBook) are brought to life for every value change along with many additional learning software features.
A combined eBook and educational software package at a tiny fraction of the previously published price.
Chapters (958 topics): - Introduction, Electronics, Basic Electronics, DC Current Flow, Resistor Value Test, Simple DC Circuits, Types of Switching, Variable Voltages, Ohm's Law, DC Voltage, DC Current, Series/Parallel Resistors, AC Measurements, AC Voltage and Current, AC Theory, RCL Series Circuits, RCL Parallel Circuits, Capacitance, Capacitors, Inductance, Inductors, Impedance, Radio and Communication, Tuned Circuits, Attenuators, Passive Filters, Active Filters, Oscillators, Circuit Theorems, Complex Numbers, DC Power, AC Power, Silicon Controlled Rectifier, Power Supplies, Voltage Regulation, Magnetism, Electric Machines, Transformers, Three Phase Systems, Energy Transfer and Cost, Atomic Structures, Diode Theory, Diode Applications, Transistor Theory, Bipolar Transistor, Transistor Configurations, Active Transistor Circuits, Field Effect Transistors, Basic Operational Amplifier, Op-Amp Theory, Op-Amp Applications, Sum and Difference Amp, Analogue Multi-meter, Measurement, Component Testing, PIC Micro, PICa(R) Microcontroller, PICa(R) Architecture, PICa(R) Analogue to Digital, PICa(R) Byte Orientated Instructions, PICa(R) Bit Orientated Instructions, PICa(R) Literal and Control Instructions, Mechanics, Area, Surface Area and Symmetry, Volume, Compound Measures, Geometry, Motion, Machines, Optics, Computing, Hardware Devices, Data Structures, Data Files, Computer Systems, Data Handling, System Development, Computer Programming, Data Analysis, Binary Numbers, Binary Arithmetic, Digital, Logic Gates 1., Logic Gates 2., Logic Families, Flip Flops, Combinational Logic, Counters, Counting, Shift Registers, 555 Timer, Logic Interfacing, Boolean and DeMorgan's, Microprocessor, Micro-Computer, Data/Address Bus, Memory Addressing, Arithmetic and Logic Unit, Clock and Reset, Instructions and Control, Memory Cells, Microprocessor Memory, Addressing Modes, Instructions Set 1., Instructions Set 2., Instructions Set 3., Mathematics, Number Systems, Number Conversion, Number Types, Compound Measures, Roots, Angles and Parallels, Triangle Ratios, Triangle Angles, Percentages, Ratios, Fractions, Vectors, Circle Angles, Laws, Algebra 0., Algebra 1., Algebra 2., Mathematical Rules, Powers and Indices, Simplifying, Equations, Graphing, Slope and Translation, Curves and Angle Conversion, Personal Finance, Additional Notes.

Adventures of an It Leader

Robert D. Austin
Becoming an effective IT manager presents a host of challenges--from anticipating emerging technology to managing relationships with vendors, employees, and other managers. A good IT manager must also be a strong business leader.

This book invites you to accompany new CIO Jim Barton to better understand the role of IT in your organization. You'll see Jim struggle through a challenging first year, handling (and fumbling) situations that, although fictional, are based on true events.

You can read this book from beginning to end, or treat is as a series of cases. You can also skip around to address your most pressing needs. For example, need to learn about crisis management and security? Read chapters 10-12. You can formulate your own responses to a CIO's obstacles by reading the authors' regular "Reflection" questions.

You'll turn to this book many times as you face IT-related issues in your own career.

The BIG Book of Raspberry Pi

Miss Alison Watson
The success of the Raspberry Pi has opened the door to new ways of learning computers, electronics and programming. This book covers the Debian Wheezy, Fedora Remix, RISCO OS and Raspbmc operating systems. It explains how to install, use and maintain each distribution. 
This huge book is divided into four parts and contains a 47 chapters covering topics from setting up the Raspberry Pi, installing the operating systems, hardware, learning the desktop environment, learning the command line interface, media centre, GPIO, PiFace and learning to program using Python and PyGame. 
You will also learn system administration including the MySql database, Apache web server and Wordpress. Later chapters will guide you through creating a game using Python and PyGame which includes character movement, sound effects, background images and music. You will also learn how to install and use the Geany IDE and Eclipse which will aid you when programming. 
You will learn how to use Spotify with the Raspberry Pi and as a bonus you will learn how to stream music from your iPhone, Android phone or laptop using your Raspberry Pi. You will also learn how to install multiple operating systems on a single SD card. This book also contains many images, diagrams and illustrations to reinforce many of the concepts and ideas. 

Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Edition 4

David A. Patterson
This Fourth Revised Edition of Computer Organization and Design includes a complete set of updated and new exercises, along with improvements and changes suggested by instructors and students. Focusing on the revolutionary change taking place in industry today--the switch from uniprocessor to multicore microprocessors--this classic textbook has a modern and up-to-date focus on parallelism in all its forms. Examples highlighting multicore and GPU processor designs are supported with performance and benchmarking data. As with previous editions, a MIPS processor is the core used to present the fundamentals of hardware technologies, assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies and I/O. Sections on the ARM and x86 architectures are also included.
All disc-based content for this title is now available on the Web.

This Revised Fourth Edition of Computer Organization and Design has been updated with new exercises and improvements throughout suggested by instructors teaching from the bookCovers the revolutionary change from sequential to parallel computing, with a chapter on parallelism and sections in every chapter highlighting parallel hardware and software topicsIncludes an appendix by the Chief Scientist and the Director of Architecture of NVIDIA covering the emergence and importance of the modern GPU, describing in detail for the first time the highly parallel, highly multithreaded multiprocessor optimized for visual computing

Dissecting the Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network, Revised Edition: The F0rb1dd3n Network

Jayson E Street
Dissecting the Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network, Revised Edition, deals with hackers and hacking. The book is divided into two parts. The first part, entitled “The F0rb1dd3n Network, tells the fictional story of Bob and Leon, two kids caught up in an adventure where they learn the real-world consequence of digital actions. The second part, “Security Threats Are Real (STAR), focuses on these real-world lessons.
""The F0rb1dd3n Network"" can be read as a stand-alone story or as an illustration of the issues described in STAR. Throughout “The F0rb1dd3n Network are “Easter eggs -references, hints, phrases, and more that will lead readers to insights into hacker culture. Drawing on “The F0rb1dd3n Network, STAR explains the various aspects of reconnaissance; the scanning phase of an attack; the attacker’s search for network weaknesses and vulnerabilities to exploit; the various angles of attack used by the characters in the story; basic methods of erasing information and obscuring an attacker’s presence on a computer system; and the underlying hacking culture.

Revised edition includes a completely NEW STAR Section (Part 2)Utilizes actual hacking and security tools in its story- helps to familiarize a newbie with the many devices and their codeIntroduces basic hacking techniques in real life context for ease of learning

Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules

Jeff Johnson
Early user interface (UI) practitioners were trained in cognitive psychology, from which UI design rules were based. But as the field evolves, designers enter the field from many disciplines. Practitioners today have enough experience in UI design that they have been exposed to design rules, but it is essential that they understand the psychology behind the rules in order to effectively apply them. In Designing with the Mind in Mind, Jeff Johnson, author of the best selling GUI Bloopers, provides designers with just enough background in perceptual and cognitive psychology that UI design guidelines make intuitive sense rather than being just a list of rules to follow.

* The first practical, all-in-one source for practitioners on user interface design rules and why, when and how to apply them.
* Provides just enough background into the reasoning behind interface design rules that practitioners can make informed decisions in every project.
* Gives practitioners the insight they need to make educated design decisions when confronted with tradeoffs, including competing design rules, time constrictions, or limited resources.

How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics

N. Katherine Hayles
In this age of DNA computers and artificial intelligence, information is becoming disembodied even as the "bodies" that once carried it vanish into virtuality. While some marvel at these changes, envisioning consciousness downloaded into a computer or humans "beamed" Star Trek-style, others view them with horror, seeing monsters brooding in the machines. In How We Became Posthuman, N. Katherine Hayles separates hype from fact, investigating the fate of embodiment in an information age.

Hayles relates three interwoven stories: how information lost its body, that is, how it came to be conceptualized as an entity separate from the material forms that carry it; the cultural and technological construction of the cyborg; and the dismantling of the liberal humanist "subject" in cybernetic discourse, along with the emergence of the "posthuman."

Ranging widely across the history of technology, cultural studies, and literary criticism, Hayles shows what had to be erased, forgotten, and elided to conceive of information as a disembodied entity. Thus she moves from the post-World War II Macy Conferences on cybernetics to the 1952 novel Limbo by cybernetics aficionado Bernard Wolfe; from the concept of self-making to Philip K. Dick's literary explorations of hallucination and reality; and from artificial life to postmodern novels exploring the implications of seeing humans as cybernetic systems.

Although becoming posthuman can be nightmarish, Hayles shows how it can also be liberating. From the birth of cybernetics to artificial life, How We Became Posthuman provides an indispensable account of how we arrived in our virtual age, and of where we might go from here.

The Basics of Digital Forensics: The Primer for Getting Started in Digital Forensics

John Sammons
The Basics of Digital Forensics provides a foundation for people new to the digital forensics field. This book teaches you how to conduct examinations by discussing what digital forensics is, the methodologies used, key technical concepts and the tools needed to perform examinations. Details on digital forensics for computers, networks, cell phones, GPS, the cloud, and Internet are discussed. Also learn how to collect evidence, document the scene, and how deleted data is recovered.

Learn all about what Digital Forensics entailsBuild a toolkit and prepare an investigative planUnderstand the common artifacts to look for during an exam


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Wireless Hacking: Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts: Cut the cord and discover the world of wireless hacks!

Lee Barken
Sales of wireless LANs to home users and small businesses will soar this year, with products using IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) technology leading the way, according to a report by Cahners research. Worldwide, consumers will buy 7.3 million wireless LAN nodes--which include client and network hub devices--up from about 4 million last year. This third book in the "HACKING" series from Syngress is written by the SoCalFreeNet Wireless Users Group and will cover 802.11a/b/g (“Wi-Fi ) projects teaching these millions of Wi-Fi users how to "mod" and "hack" Wi-Fi access points, network cards, and antennas to run various Linux distributions and create robust Wi-Fi networks.

Cahners predicts that wireless LANs next year will gain on Ethernet as the most popular home network technology. Consumers will hook up 10.9 million Ethernet nodes and 7.3 million wireless out of a total of 14.4 million home LAN nodes shipped. This book will show Wi-Fi enthusiasts and consumers of Wi-Fi LANs who want to modify their Wi-Fi hardware how to build and deploy “homebrew Wi-Fi networks, both large and small.

* Wireless LANs next year will gain on Ethernet as the most popular home network technology. Consumers will hook up 10.9 million Ethernet nodes and 7.3 million wireless clients out of a total of 14.4 million home LAN nodes shipped.
* This book will use a series of detailed, inter-related projects to teach readers how to modify their Wi-Fi hardware to increase power and performance to match that of far more expensive enterprise networking products. Also features hacks to allow mobile laptop users to actively seek wireless connections everywhere they go!
* The authors are all members of the San Diego Wireless Users Group, which is famous for building some of the most innovative and powerful "home brew" Wi-Fi networks in the world.

Probably Approximately Correct: Nature's Algorithms for Learning and Prospering in a Complex World

Leslie Valiant
We have effective theories for very few things. Gravity is one, electromagnetism another. But for most thingsOCowhether as mundane as finding a mate or as major as managing an economyOCoour theories are lousy or nonexistent. Fortunately, we donOCOt need them, any more than a fish needs a theory of water to swim; weOCOre able to muddle through. But how do we do it? In "Probably Approximately Correct," computer scientist Leslie Valiant presents a theory of the theoryless. The key is OC probably approximately correctOCO learning, ValiantOCOs model of how anything can act without needing to understand what is going on. The study of probably approximately correct algorithms reveals the shared computational nature of evolution and cognition, indicates how computers might possess authentic intelligence, and shows why hacking a problem can be far more effective than developing a theory to explain it. After all, finding a mate is a lot more satisfying than finding a theory of mating.
Offering an elegant, powerful model that encompasses all of lifeOCOs complexity, "Probably Approximately Correct" will revolutionize the way we look at the universeOCOs greatest mysteries.

Google Hacking for Penetration Testers

Johnny Long
Google, the most popular search engine worldwide, provides web surfers with an easy-to-use guide to the Internet, with web and image searches, language translation, and a range of features that make web navigation simple enough for even the novice user. What many users don’t realize is that the deceptively simple components that make Google so easy to use are the same features that generously unlock security flaws for the malicious hacker. Vulnerabilities in website security can be discovered through Google hacking, techniques applied to the search engine by computer criminals, identity thieves, and even terrorists to uncover secure information. This book beats Google hackers to the punch, equipping web administrators with penetration testing applications to ensure their site is invulnerable to a hacker’s search.

Penetration Testing with Google Hacks explores the explosive growth of a technique known as "Google Hacking." When the modern security landscape includes such heady topics as "blind SQL injection" and "integer overflows," it's refreshing to see such a deceptively simple tool bent to achieve such amazing results; this is hacking in the purest sense of the word. Readers will learn how to torque Google to detect SQL injection points and login portals, execute port scans and CGI scans, fingerprint web servers, locate incredible information caches such as firewall and IDS logs, password databases, SQL dumps and much more - all without sending a single packet to the target! Borrowing the techniques pioneered by malicious "Google hackers," this talk aims to show security practitioners how to properly protect clients from this often overlooked and dangerous form of information leakage.

*First book about Google targeting IT professionals and security leaks through web browsing.

*Author Johnny Long, the authority on Google hacking, will be speaking about "Google Hacking" at the Black
Hat 2004 Briefing. His presentation on penetrating security flaws with Google is expected to create a lot of buzz and exposure for the topic.

*Johnny Long's Web site hosts the largest repository of Google security exposures and is the most popular destination for security professionals who want to learn about the dark side of Google.

Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide

Ed Burnette
Eclipse is the world's most popular IDE for Java development. And although there are plenty of large tomes that cover all the nooks and crannies of Eclipse, what you really need is a quick, handy guide to the features that are used over and over again in Java programming. You need answers to basic questions such as: Where was that menu? What does that command do again? And how can I set my classpath on a per-project basis?
This practical pocket guide gets you up to speed quickly with Eclipse. It covers basic concepts, including Views and editors, as well as features that are not commonly understood, such as Perspectives and Launch Configurations. You'll learn how to write and debug your Java code--and how to integrate that code with tools such as Ant and JUnit. You'll also get a toolbox full of tips and tricks to handle common--and sometimes unexpected--tasks that you'll run across in your Java development cycle.
Additionally, the Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide has a thorough appendix detailing all of Eclipse's important views, menus, and commands.
The Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide is just the resource you need for using Eclipse, whether it's on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Put it in your back pocket, or just throw it in your backpack. With this guide in hand, you're ready to tackle the Eclipse programming environment.

The Practice of Network Security Monitoring: Understanding Incident Detection and Response

Richard Bejtlich
Network security is not simply about building impenetrable walls — determined attackers will eventually overcome traditional defenses. The most effective computer security strategies integrate network security monitoring (NSM): the collection and analysis of data to help you detect and respond to intrusions.
In The Practice of Network Security Monitoring, Mandiant CSO Richard Bejtlich shows you how to use NSM to add a robust layer of protection around your networks — no prior experience required. To help you avoid costly and inflexible solutions, he teaches you how to deploy, build, and run an NSM operation using open source software and vendor-neutral tools.
You'll learn how to:
* Determine where to deploy NSM platforms, and size them for the monitored networks
* Deploy stand-alone or distributed NSM installations
* Use command line and graphical packet analysis tools, and NSM consoles
* Interpret network evidence from server-side and client-side intrusions
* Integrate threat intelligence into NSM software to identify sophisticated adversaries
There's no foolproof way to keep attackers out of your network. But when they get in, you'll be prepared. The Practice of Network Security Monitoring will show you how to build a security net to detect, contain, and control them. Attacks are inevitable, but losing sensitive data shouldn't be.

Salesforce CRM: The Definitive Admin Handbook

Paul Goodey
A practical guide which will help to discover how to setup and configure the Salesforce CRM application. It offers solutions and practical examples on how to further improve and maintain its functionality with clear systematic instructions. Being highly organized and compact, this book contains detailed instructions with screenshots, diagrams, and tips that clearly describe how you can administer and configure complex Salesforce CRM functionality with absolute ease.This book is for administrators who want to develop and strengthen their Salesforce CRM skills in the areas of configuration and system management. Whether you are a novice or a more experienced admin, this book aims to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Salesforce CRM platform and by the end of the book, you should be ready to administer Salesforce CRM in a real-world environment.

Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, Edition 2

Stormy Attaway
MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving aims to provide readers with the knowledge of the fundamentals of programming concepts and the skills and techniques needed for basic problem solving using MATLAB as the vehicle. MATLAB is software that functions to complete a wide range of tasks, from mathematical procedures to three-dimensional imaging. The software also has a complete programming structure that allows programmers to use their own specifications in customizing programs.

The text has the following key features:
Systematic approach
Side-by-side programming concepts and built-in functions
File input/output
User-defined functions
Advanced programming concepts
Problem-solving tools
Plots, imaging and graphical user interfaces
Vectorized code

The book is composed of 15 chapters, which discuss MATLAB and its programs, selection and loop statements, string manipulation, data structures, advanced functions, advanced plotting procedures, matrix representation of linear algebraic equations, basic statistics and indexing, and advanced mathematics.

This source will be invaluable for engineers, engineering novices, and students learning to program and model in MATLAB.

* Presents programming concepts and MATLAB built-in functions side-by-side, giving students the ability to program efficiently and exploit the power of MATLAB to solve problems. * In depth coverage of file input/output, a topic essential for many engineering applications * Systematic, step-by-step approach, building on concepts throughout the book, facilitating easier learning * Sections on ‘common pitfalls’ and ‘programming guidelines’ direct students towards best practice
* New to this edition:
More engineering applications help the reader learn Matlab in the context of solving technical problemsNew and revised end of chapter problemsStronger coverage of loops and vectorizing in a new chapter, chapter 5Updated to reflect current features and functions of the current release of Matlab

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Hardware Hacking: Have Fun while Voiding your Warranty

Joe Grand
"If I had this book 10 years ago, the FBI would never have found me!" -- Kevin Mitnick This book has something for everyone---from the beginner hobbyist with no electronics or coding experience to the self-proclaimed "gadget geek." Take an ordinary piece of equipment and turn it into a personal work of art. Build upon an existing idea to create something better. Have fun while voiding your warranty! Some of the hardware hacks in this book include:
* Don't toss your iPod away when the battery dies! Don't pay Apple the $99 to replace it! Install a new iPod battery yourself without Apple's "help"
* An Apple a day! Modify a standard Apple USB Mouse into a glowing UFO Mouse or build a FireWire terabyte hard drive and custom case
* Have you played Atari today? Create an arcade-style Atari 5200 paddle controller for your favorite retro videogames or transform the Atari 2600 joystick into one that can be used by left-handed players
* Modern game systems, too! Hack your PlayStation 2 to boot code from the memory card or modify your PlayStation 2 for homebrew game development
* Videophiles unite! Design, build, and configure your own Windows- or Linux-based Home Theater PC
* Ride the airwaves! Modify a wireless PCMCIA NIC to include an external antenna connector or load Linux onto your Access Point
* Stick it to The Man! Remove the proprietary barcode encoding from your CueCat and turn it into a regular barcode reader
* Hack your Palm! Upgrade the available RAM on your Palm m505 from 8MB to 16MB

· Includes hacks of today's most popular gaming systems like Xbox and PS/2.
· Teaches readers to unlock the full entertainment potential of their desktop PC.
· Frees iMac owners to enhance the features they love and get rid of the ones they hate.

Programming Language Pragmatics: Edition 3

Michael L. Scott
Programming Language Pragmatics is the most comprehensive programming language textbook available today. Taking the perspective that language design and language implementation are tightly interconnected, and that neither can be fully understood in isolation, this critically acclaimed and bestselling book has been thoroughly updated to cover the most recent developments in programming language design. With a new chapter on run-time program management and expanded coverage of concurrency, this new edition provides both students and professionals alike with a solid understanding of the most important issues driving software development today.

Classic programming foundations text now updated to familiarize students with the languages they are most likely to encounter in the workforce, including including Java 7, C++, C# 3.0, F#, Fortran 2008, Ada 2005, Scheme R6RS, and Perl 6.New and expanded coverage of concurrency and run-time systems ensures students and professionals understand the most important advances driving software today.Includes over 800 numbered examples to help the reader quickly cross-reference and access content.

IT Savvy: What Top Executives Must Know to Go from Pain to Gain

Peter Weill
Digitization of business interactions and processes is advancing full bore. But in many organizations, returns from IT investments are flatlining, even as technology spending has skyrocketed.

These challenges call for new levels of IT savvy: the ability of all managers-IT or non-IT-to transform their company's technology assets into operational efficiencies that boost margins. Companies with IT-savvy managers are 20 percent more profitable than their competitors.

In IT Savvy, Peter Weill and Jeanne Ross-two of the world's foremost authorities on using IT in business-explain how non-IT executives can acquire this savvy. Concise and practical, the book describes the practices, competencies, and leadership skills non-IT managers need to succeed in the digital economy. You'll discover how to:

-Define your firm's operating model-how IT can help you do business

-Revamp your IT funding model to support your operating model

-Build a digitized platform of business processes, IT systems, and data to execute on the model

-Determine IT decision rights

-Extract more business value from your IT assets

Packed with examples and based on research into eighteen hundred organizations in more than sixty countries, IT Savvy is required reading for non-IT managers seeking to push their company's performance to new heights.

An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and Noise

John R. Pierce
Behind the familiar surfaces of the telephone, radio, and television lies a sophisticated and intriguing body of knowledge known as information theory. This is the theory that has permeated the rapid development of all sorts of communication, from color television to the clear transmission of photographs from the vicinity of Jupiter. Even more revolutionary progress is expected in the future.
To give a solid introduction to this burgeoning field, J. R. Pierce has revised his well-received 1961 study of information theory for an up-to-date second edition. Beginning with the origins of the field, Dr. Pierce follows the brilliant formulations of Claude Shannon and describes such aspects of the subject as encoding and binary digits, entropy. language and meaning, efficient encoding , and the noisy channel. He then goes beyond the strict confines of the topic to explore the ways in which information theory relates to physics, cybernetics, psychology, and art. Mathematical formulas are introduced at the appropriate points for the benefit of serious students. A glossary of terms and an appendix on mathematical notation are provided to help the less mathematically sophisticated.
J. R. Pierce worked for many years at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, where he became Director of Research in Communications Principles. He is currently affiliated with the engineering department of the California Institute of Technology. While his background is impeccable, Dr. Pierce also possesses an engaging writing style that makes his book all the more welcome. An Introduction to Information Theory continues to be the most impressive non-technical account available and a fascinating introduction to the subject for laymen.
"An uncommonly good study. . . . Pierce's volume presents the most satisfying discussion to be found."― Scientific American.

Cyber Warfare: Techniques, Tactics and Tools for Security Practitioners

Jason Andress
Cyber Warfare Techniques, Tactics and Tools for Security Practitioners discusses the strategic, operational, and tactical aspects of cyber warfare. The book provides information that organizations can use to develop a strategic vision for cyber security, but it is also designed to spur national debate on the direction of cyber warfare.
Starting with a definition of cyber warfare, the book’s 15 chapters discuss the following topics: the cyberspace battlefield; cyber doctrine; cyber warriors; logical, physical, and psychological weapons; computer network exploitation; computer network attack and defense; non-state actors in computer network operations; legal system impacts; ethics in cyber warfare; cyberspace challenges; and the future of cyber war.
This book is a valuable resource to those involved in cyber warfare activities, including policymakers, penetration testers, security professionals, network and systems administrators, and college instructors. The information provided on cyber tactics and attacks can also be used to assist in developing improved and more efficient procedures and technical defenses. Managers will find the text useful in improving the overall risk management strategies for their organizations.

Provides concrete examples and real-world guidance on how to identify and defend your network against malicious attacksDives deeply into relevant technical and factual information from an insider's point of viewDetails the ethics, laws and consequences of cyber war and how computer criminal law may change as a result

Previous GATE paper with answer keys and solutions - Computer Science cs/it: Solved Papers for GATE 2015 Computer Science and Information Technology, GATE 2016 Syllabus, General Information about GATE, Structure of GATE, GATE 2015 Results, Important Tips for GATE 2016
Solved Papers GATE: Computer Science and Information Technology 10 Years' Solved Papers GATE: Computer Science and Information Technology, a product for The GATE. The book offers the students an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the nature and level of complexity of questions asked in GATE and helps them in topic-wise preparation for the examination. Solutions to most of the questions and answer keys have been provided at the end of each Papers.

The Basics of Web Hacking: Tools and Techniques to Attack the Web

Josh Pauli
The Basics of Web Hacking introduces you to a tool-driven process to identify the most widespread vulnerabilities in Web applications. No prior experience is needed. Web apps are a "path of least resistance" that can be exploited to cause the most damage to a system, with the lowest hurdles to overcome. This is a perfect storm for beginning hackers. The process set forth in this book introduces not only the theory and practical information related to these vulnerabilities, but also the detailed configuration and usage of widely available tools necessary to exploit these vulnerabilities.
The Basics of Web Hacking provides a simple and clean explanation of how to utilize tools such as Burp Suite, sqlmap, and Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), as well as basic network scanning tools such as nmap, Nikto, Nessus, Metasploit, John the Ripper, web shells, netcat, and more. Dr. Josh Pauli teaches software security at Dakota State University and has presented on this topic to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the NSA, BlackHat Briefings, and Defcon. He will lead you through a focused, three-part approach to Web security, including hacking the server, hacking the Web app, and hacking the Web user.
With Dr. Pauli’s approach, you will fully understand the what/where/why/how of the most widespread Web vulnerabilities and how easily they can be exploited with the correct tools. You will learn how to set up a safe environment to conduct these attacks, including an attacker Virtual Machine (VM) with all necessary tools and several known-vulnerable Web application VMs that are widely available and maintained for this very purpose. Once you complete the entire process, not only will you be prepared to test for the most damaging Web exploits, you will also be prepared to conduct more advanced Web hacks that mandate a strong base of knowledge.

Provides a simple and clean approach to Web hacking, including hands-on examples and exercises that are designed to teach you how to hack the server, hack the Web app, and hack the Web user Covers the most significant new tools such as nmap, Nikto, Nessus, Metasploit, John the Ripper, web shells, netcat, and more! Written by an author who works in the field as a penetration tester and who teaches Web security classes at Dakota State University

Sony Xperia Z2活用秘笈

 《Z2 活用秘笈》是介紹Sony Xperia Z2旗艦機的強大機能,同時教導如何提升智能手機於生活上的應用,讓你生活更便利。

旗艦進化 機能全解
5.2 吋FHD 螢幕 任何角度都高清
F2.0 大光圈 27 公釐廣角鏡頭
2000 萬高像素鏡頭 完全取代隨身相機
IP55/IP58 防水防塵 惡劣環境沒問題
超強拍攝 相機功能強化
Dropbox 雲端應用



The Designer's Guide to VHDL: Edition 3

Peter J. Ashenden
VHDL, the IEEE standard hardware description language for describing digital electronic systems, has recently been revised. This book has become a standard in the industry for learning the features of VHDL and using it to verify hardware designs. This third edition is the first comprehensive book on the market to address the new features of VHDL-2008.

* First comprehensive book on VHDL to incorporate all new features of VHDL-2008, the latest release of the VHDL standard...helps readers get up to speed quickly with new features of the new standard.
* Presents a structured guide to the modeling facilities offered by VHDL...shows how VHDL functions to help design digital systems.
* Includes extensive case studies and source code used to develop testbenches and case study examples..helps readers gain maximum facility with VHDL for design of digital systems.

No Tech Hacking: A Guide to Social Engineering, Dumpster Diving, and Shoulder Surfing

Johnny Long
Johnny Long's last book sold 12,000 units worldwide. Kevin Mitnick's last book sold 40,000 units in North America.

As the cliché goes, information is power. In this age of technology, an increasing majority of the world's information is stored electronically. It makes sense then that we rely on high-tech electronic protection systems to guard that information. As professional hackers, Johnny Long and Kevin Mitnick get paid to uncover weaknesses in those systems and exploit them. Whether breaking into buildings or slipping past industrial-grade firewalls, their goal has always been the same: extract the information using any means necessary. After hundreds of jobs, they have discovered the secrets to bypassing every conceivable high-tech security system. This book reveals those secrets; as the title suggests, it has nothing to do with high technology.

• Dumpster Diving
Be a good sport and don’t read the two “D” words written in big bold letters above, and act surprised when I tell you hackers can accomplish this without relying on a single bit of technology (punny).
• Tailgating
Hackers and ninja both like wearing black, and they do share the ability to slip inside a building and blend with the shadows.
• Shoulder Surfing
If you like having a screen on your laptop so you can see what you’re working on, don’t read this chapter.
• Physical Security
Locks are serious business and lock technicians are true engineers, most backed with years of hands-on experience. But what happens when you take the age-old respected profession of the locksmith and sprinkle it with hacker ingenuity?
• Social Engineering with Jack Wiles
Jack has trained hundreds of federal agents, corporate attorneys, CEOs and internal auditors on computer crime and security-related topics. His unforgettable presentations are filled with three decades of personal "war stories" from the trenches of Information Security and Physical Security.
• Google Hacking
A hacker doesn’t even need his own computer to do the necessary research. If he can make it to a public library, Kinko's or Internet cafe, he can use Google to process all that data into something useful.
• P2P Hacking
Let’s assume a guy has no budget, no commercial hacking software, no support from organized crime and no fancy gear. With all those restrictions, is this guy still a threat to you? Have a look at this chapter and judge for yourself.
• People Watching
Skilled people watchers can learn a whole lot in just a few quick glances. In this chapter we’ll take a look at a few examples of the types of things that draws a no-tech hacker’s eye.
• Kiosks
What happens when a kiosk is more than a kiosk? What happens when the kiosk holds airline passenger information? What if the kiosk holds confidential patient information? What if the kiosk holds cash?
• Vehicle Surveillance
Most people don’t realize that some of the most thrilling vehicular espionage happens when the cars aren't moving at all!

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Second, Enlarged Edition

Philip C. Jackson
Can computers think? Can they use reason to develop their own concepts, solve complex problems, play games, understand our languages? This comprehensive survey of artificial intelligence ― the study of how computers can be made to act intelligently ― explores these and other fascinating questions. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence presents an introduction to the science of reasoning processes in computers, and the research approaches and results of the past two decades. You'll find lucid, easy-to-read coverage of problem-solving methods, representation and models, game playing, automated understanding of natural languages, heuristic search theory, robot systems, heuristic scene analysis and specific artificial-intelligence accomplishments. Related subjects are also included: predicate-calculus theorem proving, machine architecture, psychological simulation, automatic programming, novel software techniques, industrial automation and much more.
A supplementary section updates the original book with major research from the decade 1974-1984. Abundant illustrations, diagrams and photographs enhance the text, and challenging practice exercises at the end of each chapter test the student's grasp of each subject.The combination of introductory and advanced material makes Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ideal for both the layman and the student of mathematics and computer science. For anyone interested in the nature of thought, it will inspire visions of what computer technology might produce tomorrow.

A First Course on Numerical Methods

Uri M. Ascher
A First Course on Numerical Methods is designed for students and researchers who seek practical knowledge of modern techniques in scientific computing. Avoiding encyclopedic and heavily theoretical exposition, the book provides an in-depth treatment of fundamental issues and methods, the reasons behind the success and failure of numerical software, and fresh and easy-to-follow approaches and techniques. The authors focus on current methods, issues and software while providing a comprehensive theoretical foundation, enabling those who need to apply the techniques to successfully design solutions to nonstandard problems. The book also illustrates algorithms using the programming environment of MATLAB®, with the expectation that the reader will gradually become proficient in it while learning the material covered in the book. The book takes an algorithmic approach, focusing on techniques that have a high level of applicability to engineering, computer science and industrial mathematics.

Engineering a Compiler: Edition 2

Keith Cooper
This entirely revised second edition of Engineering a Compiler is full of technical updates and new material covering the latest developments in compiler technology. In this comprehensive text you will learn important techniques for constructing a modern compiler. Leading educators and researchers Keith Cooper and Linda Torczon combine basic principles with pragmatic insights from their experience building state-of-the-art compilers. They will help you fully understand important techniques such as compilation of imperative and object-oriented languages, construction of static single assignment forms, instruction scheduling, and graph-coloring register allocation.

In-depth treatment of algorithms and techniques used in the front end of a modern compilerFocus on code optimization and code generation, the primary areas of recent research and developmentImprovements in presentation including conceptual overviews for each chapter, summaries and review questions for sections, and prominent placement of definitions for new termsExamples drawn from several different programming languages

Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research, Edition 2

Elizabeth Goodman
Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner’s Guide to User Research aims to bridge the gap between what digital companies think they know about their users and the actual user experience. Individuals engaged in digital product and service development often fail to conduct user research. The book presents concepts and techniques to provide an understanding of how people experience products and services. The techniques are drawn from the worlds of human-computer interaction, marketing, and social sciences.
The book is organized into three parts. Part I discusses the benefits of end-user research and the ways it fits into the development of useful, desirable, and successful products. Part II presents techniques for understanding people’s needs, desires, and abilities. Part III explains the communication and application of research results. It suggests ways to sell companies and explains how user-centered design can make companies more efficient and profitable.
This book is meant for people involved with their products’ user experience, including program managers, designers, marketing managers, information architects, programmers, consultants, and investors.

·Explains how to create usable products that are still original, creative, and unique

·A valuable resource for designers, developers, project managers—anyone in a position where their work comes in direct contact with the end user.

·Provides a real-world perspective on research and provides advice about how user research can be done cheaply, quickly and how results can be presented persuasively

·Gives readers the tools and confidence to perform user research on their own designs and tune their software user experience to the unique needs of their product and its users

Computer: A History of the Information Machine

William Aspray
Computer: A History of the Information Machine traces the history of the computer and shows how business and government were the first to explore its unlimited, information-processing potential. Old-fashioned entrepreneurship combined with scientific know-how inspired now famous computer engineers to create the technology that became IBM. Wartime needs drove the giant ENIAC, the first fully electronic computer. Later, the PC enabled modes of computing that liberated people from room-sized, mainframe computers.

This third edition provides updated analysis on software and computer networking, including new material on the programming profession, social networking, and mobile computing. It expands its focus on the IT industry with fresh discussion on the rise of Google and Facebook as well as how powerful applications are changing the way we work, consume, learn, and socialize. Computer is an insightful look at the pace of technological advancement and the seamless way computers are integrated into the modern world. Through comprehensive history and accessible writing, Computer is perfect for courses on computer history, technology history, and information and society, as well as a range of courses in the fields of computer science, communications, sociology, and management.

Who's #1?: The Science of Rating and Ranking

Amy N. Langville
A website's ranking on Google can spell the difference between success and failure for a new business. NCAA football ratings determine which schools get to play for the big money in postseason bowl games. Product ratings influence everything from the clothes we wear to the movies we select on Netflix. Ratings and rankings are everywhere, but how exactly do they work? Who's #1? offers an engaging and accessible account of how scientific rating and ranking methods are created and applied to a variety of uses.
Amy Langville and Carl Meyer provide the first comprehensive overview of the mathematical algorithms and methods used to rate and rank sports teams, political candidates, products, Web pages, and more. In a series of interesting asides, Langville and Meyer provide fascinating insights into the ingenious contributions of many of the field's pioneers. They survey and compare the different methods employed today, showing why their strengths and weaknesses depend on the underlying goal, and explaining why and when a given method should be considered. Langville and Meyer also describe what can and can't be expected from the most widely used systems.
The science of rating and ranking touches virtually every facet of our lives, and now you don't need to be an expert to understand how it really works. Who's #1? is the definitive introduction to the subject. It features easy-to-understand examples and interesting trivia and historical facts, and much of the required mathematics is included.

Stealing the Network: The Complete Series Collector's Edition, Final Chapter, and DVD: The Complete Series Collector's Edition, Final Chapter, and DVD

Johnny Long
"Stealing the Network: How to Own the Box is a unique book in the fiction department. It combines stories that are fictional, with technology that is real. While none of the stories have happened, there is no reason why they could not. You could argue it provides a road map for criminal hackers, but I say it does something else: it provides a glimpse into the creative minds of some of today’s best hackers, and even the best hackers will tell you that the game is a mental one." – from the Foreword to the first Stealing the Network book, How to Own the Box, Jeff Moss, Founder & Director, Black Hat, Inc. and Founder of DEFCON
For the very first time the complete Stealing the Network epic is available in an enormous, over 1000 page volume complete with the final chapter of the saga and a DVD filled with behind the scenes video footage!
These groundbreaking books created a fictional world of hacker superheroes and villains based on real world technology, tools, and tactics. It is almost as if the authors peered into the future as many of the techniques and scenarios in these books have come to pass.
This book contains all of the material from each of the four books in the Stealing the Network series.
All of the stories and tech from:
How to Own the Box
How to Own a Continent
How to Own an Identity
How to Own a Shadow
Finally - find out how the story ends! The final chapter is here!
A DVD full of behind the scenes stories and insider info about the making of these cult classics!

* Now for the first time the entire series is one 1000+ page book
* The DVD contains 20 minutes of behind the scenes footage
* Readers will finally learn the fate of "Knuth" in the much anticipated Final Chapter

Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL: Insights from a Connected World

Derek Hansen
Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL offers backgrounds in information studies, computer science, and sociology. This book is divided into three parts: analyzing social media, NodeXL tutorial, and social-media network analysis case studies.
Part I provides background in the history and concepts of social media and social networks. Also included here is social network analysis, which flows from measuring, to mapping, and modeling collections of connections. The next part focuses on the detailed operation of the free and open-source NodeXL extension of Microsoft Excel, which is used in all exercises throughout this book. In the final part, each chapter presents one form of social media, such as e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and Youtube. In addition, there are descriptions of each system, the nature of networks when people interact, and types of analysis for identifying people, documents, groups, and events.

*Walks you through NodeXL, while explaining the theory and development behind each step, providing takeaways that can apply to any SNA
*Demonstrates how visual analytics research can be applied to SNA tools for the mass market
*Includes case studies from researchers who use NodeXL on popular networks like email, Facebook, Twitter, and wikis
*Download companion materials and resources at

Linux Administration: A Beginners Guide, Sixth Edition: Edition 6

Wale Soyinka
Essential Linux Management Skills Made Easy
Effectively deploy and maintain Linux and other Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) on your servers or entire network using this practical resource. Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, Sixth Edition provides up-to-date details on the latest Linux distributions, including Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Learn how to install and customize Linux, work from the GUI or command line, configure Internet and intranet services, interoperate with Windows systems, and create reliable backups. Performance tuning, security, and virtualization are also covered and real-world examples help you put the techniques presented into practice.
Install and configure popular Linux distributions, including the latest versions of Fedora, CentOS, openSUSE, Debian, and Ubuntu Administer Linux servers from the GUI or from the command line (shell) Manage users, permissions, folders, and native FOSS applications Compile, tune, upgrade, and customize the latest Linux kernel 3.x series Work with proc, SysFS, and cgroup file systems Understand and manage the Linux TCP/IP networking stack and services for both IPv4 and IPv6 Build robust firewalls, and routers using Netfilter and Linux Create and maintain print, e-mail, FTP, and web servers Use LDAP or NIS for identity management Set up and administer DNS, POP3, IMAP3, and DHCP servers Use GlusterFS, NFS, and Samba for sharing and distributing file system resources Explore and implement Linux virtualization technologies using KVM

Continuous Delivery and DevOps: a QuickStart Guide

Paul Swartout
This book is both a practical and theoretical guide detailing how to implement continuous delivery and Devops to consistently ship quality software quickly. Whether you are a freelance software developer, a system administrator working within a corporate business, an IT project manager or a CTO in a startup you will have a common problem; regularly shipping quality software is painful. It needn't be. This book is for anyone who wants to understand how to ship quality software regularly without the pain.

OCEB Certification Guide: Business Process Management - Fundamental Level

Tim Weilkiens
OCEB Certification Guide delivers expert insight into BPM from one of the developers of the OCEB Fundamental exam, offering full coverage of the exam material for both the business and technical tracks. The first study guide to prepare candidates to take and pass the OCEB Fundamental exam, it explains and builds on basic concepts, focusing on key areas and testing knowledge of all critical topics with sample questions and detailed answers. Suitable for practitioners and those newer to the field, this book provides a solid grounding in business process management based on the authors’ own extensive BPM consulting experience.

Covers all of the topics on the Fundamentals exam, eliminating hours otherwise spent in research and prep time Includes sample test questions in each chapter with all answers in the appendix Expert authors provide a solid overview of business process management (BPM)


Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals

Susan Snedaker
Powerful Earthquake Triggers Tsunami in Pacific. Hurricane Katrina Makes Landfall in the Gulf Coast. Avalanche Buries Highway in Denver. Tornado Touches Down in Georgia. These headlines not only have caught the attention of people around the world, they have had a significant effect on IT professionals as well.

As technology continues to become more integral to corporate operations at every level of the organization, the job of IT has expanded to become almost all-encompassing. These days, it’s difficult to find corners of a company that technology does not touch. As a result, the need to plan for potential disruptions to technology services has increased exponentially.

That is what Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is: a methodology used to create a plan for how an organization will recover after a disaster of various types. It takes into account both security and corporate risk management tatics.

There is a lot of movement around this initiative in the industry: the British Standards Institute is releasing a new standard for BCP this year. Trade shows are popping up covering the topic.

* Complete coverage of the 3 categories of disaster: natural hazards, human-caused hazards, and accidental and technical hazards.
* Only published source of information on the new BCI standards and government requirements.
* Up dated information on recovery from cyber attacks, rioting, protests, product tampering, bombs, explosions, and terrorism.

Building Robots with LEGO Mindstorms NXT

Mario Ferrari
The Ultimate Tool for MINDSTORMS® Maniacs
The new MINDSTORMS kit has been updated to include a programming brick, USB cable, RJ11-like cables, motors, and sensors. This book updates the robotics information to be compatible with the new set and to show how sound, sight, touch, and distance issues are now dealt with.

The LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT and its predecessor, the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robotics Invention System (RIS), have been called "the most creative play system ever developed." This book unleashes the full power and potential of the tools, sensors, and components that make up LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT. It also provides a unique insight on newer studless building techniques as well as interfacing with the traditional studded beams. Some of the world's leading LEGO MINDSTORMS inventors share their knowledge and development secrets. You will discover an incredible range of ideas to inspire your next invention. This is the ultimate insider's look at LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT system and is the perfect book whether you build world-class competitive robots or just like to mess around for the fun of it.

Featuring an introduction by astronaut Dan Barry and written by Dave Astolfo, Invited Member of the MINDSTORMS Developer Program and MINDSTORMS Community Partners (MCP) groups, and Mario and Guilio Ferrari, authors of the bestselling Building Robots with LEGO Mindstorms, this book covers:

Understanding LEGO Geometry
Playing with Gears
Controlling Motors
Reading Sensors
What's New with the NXT?
Building Strategies
Programming the NXT
Playing Sounds and Music
Becoming Mobile
Getting Pumped: Pneumatics
Finding and Grabbing Objects
Doing the Math
Knowing Where You Are
Classic Projects
Building Robots That Walk
Robotic Animals
Solving a Maze
Drawing and Writing
Racing Against Time
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Searching for Precision

*Complete coverage of the new Mindstorms NXT kit
*Brought to you by the DaVinci's of LEGO
*Updated edition of a bestseller

Max/MSP/Jitter for Music: A Practical Guide to Developing Interactive Music Systems for Education and More

V. J. Manzo
In Max/MSP/Jitter for Music, expert author and music technologist V. J. Manzo provides a user-friendly introduction to a powerful programming language that can be used to write custom software for musical interaction. Through clear, step-by-step instructions illustrated with numerous examples of working systems, the book equips you with everything you need to know in order to design and complete meaningful music projects. The book also discusses ways to interact with software beyond the mouse and keyboard through use of camera tracking, pitch tracking, video game controllers, sensors, mobile devices, and more. This book will be of special value for everyone who teaches music at any level, from classroom instructors to ensemble directors to private studio instructors. Whether you want to create simple exercises for beginning performers or more complex programs for aspiring composers, this book will show you how to write customized software that can complement and even inspire your instructional objectives. No specialist foreknowledge is required to use this book to enliven your experience with music technology. Even musicians with no prior programming skills can learn to supplement their lessons with interactive instructional tools, to develop adaptive instruments to aid in composition and performance activities, and to create measurement tools with which to conduct research. This book allows you to: -Learn how to design meaningful projects for composition, performance, music therapy, instruction, and research -Understand powerful software through this accessible introduction, written for beginners -Follow along through step-by-step tutorials -Grasp the principles by downloading the extensive software examples from the companion website This book is ideal for: -Music educators at all levels looking to integrate software in instruction -Musicians interested in how software can improve their practice and performance -Music composers with an interest in designing interactive music -Music therapists looking to tailor programs to the needs of specific groups or individuals And all who are interested in music technology. Visit the companion website at

Math Bytes: Google Bombs, Chocolate-Covered Pi, and Other Cool Bits in Computing

Tim Chartier
This book provides a fun, hands-on approach to learning how mathematics and computing relate to the world around us and help us to better understand it. How can reposting on Twitter kill a movie’s opening weekend? How can you use mathematics to find your celebrity look-alike? What is Homer Simpson’s method for disproving Fermat’s Last Theorem? Each topic in this refreshingly inviting book illustrates a famous mathematical algorithm or result--such as Google’s PageRank and the traveling salesman problem--and the applications grow more challenging as you progress through the chapters. But don’t worry, helpful solutions are provided each step of the way.
Math Bytes shows you how to do calculus using a bag of chocolate chips, and how to prove the Euler characteristic simply by doodling. Generously illustrated in color throughout, this lively and entertaining book also explains how to create fractal landscapes with a roll of the dice, pick a competitive bracket for March Madness, decipher the math that makes it possible to resize a computer font or launch an Angry Bird--and much, much more. All of the applications are presented in an accessible and engaging way, enabling beginners and advanced readers alike to learn and explore at their own pace--a bit and a byte at a time.

Networks: An Introduction

Mark Newman
The scientific study of networks, including computer networks, social networks, and biological networks, has received an enormous amount of interest in the last few years. The rise of the Internet and the wide availability of inexpensive computers have made it possible to gather and analyze network data on a large scale, and the development of a variety of new theoretical tools has allowed us to extract new knowledge from many different kinds of networks. The study of networks is broadly interdisciplinary and important developments have occurred in many fields, including mathematics, physics, computer and information sciences, biology, and the social sciences. This book brings together for the first time the most important breakthroughs in each of these fields and presents them in a coherent fashion, highlighting the strong interconnections between work in different areas. Subjects covered include the measurement and structure of networks in many branches of science, methods for analyzing network data, including methods developed in physics, statistics, and sociology, the fundamentals of graph theory, computer algorithms, and spectral methods, mathematical models of networks, including random graph models and generative models, and theories of dynamical processes taking place on networks.

Instant Android Systems Development How-To

Earlence Fernandes
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks.This is a how-to book with practical, coded examples which are well explained.This book is for seasoned Android SDK programmers. Knowledge of Java, Linux, and C is assumed. Certain Operating System concepts like processes, threads, shared memory, and inter process communication is also assumed, but the book provides necessary background before any obscure topics are introduced.

Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming: Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators

Sue Mosher
Microsoft Outlook is the most widely used e-mail program and offers the most programmability. Sue Mosher introduces key concepts for programming Outlook using Visual Basic for Applications, custom Outlook forms, and external scripts, without the need for additional development tools.

For those who manage Outlook installations, it demonstrates how to use new features in the Outlook 2007 programming model such as building scripts that can create rules and views and manage categories. Power users will discover how to enhance Outlook with custom features, such as the ability to process incoming mail and extract key information. Aimed at the non-professional programmer, it also provides a quick guide to Outlook programming basics for pro developers who want to dive into Outlook integration.

*Dozens of new programming objects detailed including views, rules, categories, searches

*No previous coding experience or additional development tools required

*Examples outline issues using real-world functionality

Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modelling, Communication and Analysis, Edition 2

Marc Lankhorst
An enterprise architecture tries to describe and control an organisation’s structure, processes, applications, systems and techniques in an integrated way. The unambiguous specification and description of components and their relationships in such an architecture requires a coherent architecture modelling language.
Lankhorst and his co-authors present such an enterprise modelling language that captures the complexity of architectural domains and their relations and allows the construction of integrated enterprise architecture models. They provide architects with concrete instruments that improve their architectural practice. As this is not enough, they additionally present techniques and heuristics for communicating with all relevant stakeholders about these architectures. Since an architecture model is useful not only for providing insight into the current or future situation but can also be used to evaluate the transition from ‘as-is’ to ‘to-be’, the authors also describe analysis methods for assessing both the qualitative impact of changes to an architecture and the quantitative aspects of architectures, such as performance and cost issues.
The modelling language presented has been proven in practice in many real-life case studies and has been adopted by The Open Group as an international standard. So this book is an ideal companion for enterprise IT or business architects in industry as well as for computer or management science students studying the field of enterprise architecture.

Information: A Very Short Introduction

Luciano Floridi
We live an information-soaked existence - information pours into our lives through television, radio, books, and of course, the Internet. Some say we suffer from 'infoglut'. But what is information? The concept of 'information' is a profound one, rooted in mathematics, central to whole branches of science, yet with implications on every aspect of our everyday lives: DNA provides the information to create us; we learn through the information fed to us; we relate to each other through information transfer - gossip, lectures, reading. Information is not only a mathematically powerful concept, but its critical role in society raises wider ethical issues: who owns information? Who controls its dissemination? Who has access to information? Luciano Floridi, a philosopher of information, cuts across many subjects, from a brief look at the mathematical roots of information - its definition and measurement in 'bits'- to its role in genetics (we are information), and its social meaning and value. He ends by considering the ethics of information, including issues of ownership, privacy, and accessibility; copyright and open source. For those unfamiliar with its precise meaning and wide applicability as a philosophical concept, 'information' may seem a bland or mundane topic. Those who have studied some science or philosophy or sociology will already be aware of its centrality and richness. But for all readers, whether from the humanities or sciences, Floridi gives a fascinating and inspirational introduction to this most fundamental of ideas. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

The Pattern On The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work

W. Daniel Hillis
Danny Hillis offers a clear, easy-to-understand explanation of how computers perform their amazing feats.

Configuring Juniper Networks NetScreen & SSG Firewalls

Rob Cameron
Juniper Networks Secure Access SSL VPN appliances provide a complete range of remote access appliances for the smallest companies up to the largest service providers. This comprehensive configuration guide will allow system administrators and security professionals to configure these appliances to allow remote and mobile access for employees. If you manage and secure a larger enterprise, this book will help you to provide remote and/or extranet access for employees, partners, and customers from a single platform.

• Configure Juniper’s Instant Virtual Extranet (IVE)
Install and set up IVE through either the command line interface (CLI) or Web-based console.
• Master the “3 Rs : Realms, Roles, and Resources
Realize the potential of the “3Rs for endpoint security, sign-in policies, and authorization of servers.
• Get Inside both the Windows and Java Versions of Secure Application Manager (SAM)
Learn to implement SAM, manage the end-user experience, and troubleshoot SAM in the field.
• Integrate IVE with Terminal Services and Citrix
Enable terminal services proxy and configure role options, configure Citrix using a custom ICA, configure terminal services resource policies and profiles, and configure terminal services and Citrix using a hosted Java applet.
• Ensure Endpoint Security
Use Host Checker, Cache Cleaner, Secure Virtual Workspace, and IVE/IDP integration to secure your network.
• Manage the Remote Access Needs of Your Organization
Configure Web access, file access and telnet/SSH access for remote users and offices.
• Configure Core Networking Components through the System Menu
Create clusters, manage virtual systems, and monitor logs, reports, and alerts.
• Create Bullet-Proof Sign-in Policies
Create standard and custom sign-in pages for both user and administrator access and Secure Meeting pages.
• Use the IVE for Log-Related Tasks
Perform log filtering, log management, syslog exporting, SNMP management, and system resource monitoring and reporting.

Networks: A Very Short Introduction

Guido Caldarelli
From ecosystems to Facebook, from the Internet to the global financial market, some of the most important and familiar natural systems and social phenomena are based on a networked structure. It is impossible to understand the spread of an epidemic, a computer virus, large-scale blackouts, or massive extinctions without taking into account the network structure that underlies all these phenomena. In this Very Short Introduction, Guido Caldarelli and Michele Catanzaro discuss the nature and variety of networks, using everyday examples from society, technology, nature, and history to explain and understand the science of network theory. They show the ubiquitous role of networks; how networks self-organize; why the rich get richer; and how networks can spontaneously collapse. They conclude by highlighting how the findings of complex network theory have very wide and important applications in genetics, ecology, communications, economics, and sociology. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

Sockets, Shellcode, Porting, and Coding: Reverse Engineering Exploits and Tool Coding for Security Professionals: Reverse Engineering Exploits and Tool Coding for Security Professionals

James C Foster
The book is logically divided into 5 main categories with each category representing a major skill set required by most security professionals:

1. Coding – The ability to program and script is quickly becoming a mainstream requirement for just about everyone in the security industry. This section covers the basics in coding complemented with a slue of programming tips and tricks in C/C++, Java, Perl and NASL.

2. Sockets – The technology that allows programs and scripts to communicate over a network is sockets. Even though the theory remains the same – communication over TCP and UDP, sockets are implemented differently in nearly ever language.

3. Shellcode – Shellcode, commonly defined as bytecode converted from Assembly, is utilized to execute commands on remote systems via direct memory access.

4. Porting – Due to the differences between operating platforms and language implementations on those platforms, it is a common practice to modify an original body of code to work on a different platforms. This technique is known as porting and is incredible useful in the real world environments since it allows you to not “recreate the wheel.

5. Coding Tools – The culmination of the previous four sections, coding tools brings all of the techniques that you have learned to the forefront. With the background technologies and techniques you will now be able to code quick utilities that will not only make you more productive, they will arm you with an extremely valuable skill that will remain with you as long as you make the proper time and effort dedications.

*Contains never before seen chapters on writing and automating exploits on windows systems with all-new exploits.

*Perform zero-day exploit forensics by reverse engineering malicious code.

*Provides working code and scripts in all of the most common programming languages for readers to use TODAY to defend their networks.

Microsoft Log Parser Toolkit: A complete toolkit for Microsoft's undocumented log analysis tool

Gabriele Giuseppini
Written by Microsoft's Log Parser developer, this is the first book available on Microsoft's popular yet undocumented log parser tool. The book and accompanying Web site contain hundreds of customized, working scripts and templates that system administrators will find invaluable for analyzing the log files from Windows Server, Snort IDS, ISA Server, IIS Server, Exchange Server, and other products.

System administrators running Windows, Unix, and Linux networks manage anywhere from 1 to thousands of operating systems (Windows, Unix, etc.), Applications (Exchange, Snort, IIS, etc.), and hardware devices (firewalls, routers, etc.) that generate incredibly long and detailed log files of all activity on the particular application or device. This book will teach administrators how to use Microsoft's Log Parser to data mine all of the information available within these countless logs. The book teaches readers how all queries within Log Parser work (for example: a Log Parser query to an Exchange log may provide information on the origin of spam, viruses, etc.). Also, Log Parser is completely scriptable and customizable so the book and accompanying Web site will provide the reader with hundreds of original, working scripts that will automate these tasks and provide formatted charts and reports detailing the results of the queries.

* Written by Microsoft's sole developer of Log Parser, this is the first book available on the powerful yet completely undocumented product that ships with Microsoft's IIS, Windows Advanced Server 2003, and is available as a free download from the
Microsoft Web site.

* The book and accompanying Web site contain dozens of original, working Log Parser scripts and templates for Windows Server, ISA Server, Snort IDS, Exchange Server, IIS, and more!

* This book and accompanying scripts will save system administrators countless hours by scripting and automating the most common to the most complex log analysis tasks.

A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language

Sanford Friedenthal
A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language is a comprehensive guide to SysML for systems and software engineers. It provides an advanced and practical resource for modeling systems with SysML. The source describes the modeling language and offers information about employing SysML in transitioning an organization or project to model-based systems engineering. The book also presents various examples to help readers understand the OMG Systems Modeling Professional (OCSMP) Certification Program.
The text is organized into four parts. The first part provides an overview of systems engineering. It explains the model-based approach by comparing it with the document-based approach and providing the modeling principles. The overview of SYsML is also discussed. The second part of the book covers a comprehensive description of the language. It discusses the main concepts of model organization, parametrics, blocks, use cases, interactions, requirements, allocations, and profiles. The third part presents examples that illustrate how SysML supports different model-based procedures. The last part discusses how to transition and deploy SysML into an organization or project. It explains the integration of SysML into a systems development environment. Furthermore, it describes the category of data that are exchanged between a SysML tool and other types of tools, and the types of exchange mechanisms that can be used. It also covers the criteria that must be considered when selecting a SysML.
Software and systems engineers, programmers, IT practitioners, experts, and non-experts will find this book useful.

*The authoritative guide for understanding and applying SysML
*Authored by the foremost experts on the language
*Language description, examples, and quick reference guide included

Cyber Crime Investigations: Bridging the Gaps Between Security Professionals, Law Enforcement, and Prosecutors

Anthony Reyes
Written by a former NYPD cyber cop, this is the only book available that discusses the hard questions cyber crime investigators are asking.

The book begins with the chapter “What is Cyber Crime? This introductory chapter describes the most common challenges faced by cyber investigators today. The following chapters discuss the methodologies behind cyber investigations; and frequently encountered pitfalls. Issues relating to cyber crime definitions, the electronic crime scene, computer forensics, and preparing and presenting a cyber crime investigation in court will be examined. Not only will these topics be generally be discussed and explained for the novice, but the hard questions —the questions that have the power to divide this community— will also be examined in a comprehensive and thoughtful manner.

This book will serve as a foundational text for the cyber crime community to begin to move past current difficulties into its next evolution.

* This book has been written by a retired NYPD cyber cop, who has worked many high-profile computer crime cases

* Discusses the complex relationship between the public and private sector with regards to cyber crime

* Provides essential information for IT security professionals and first responders on maintaining chain of evidence

Getting Started with Spiceworks

Darren Schoen
This book will have a getting started approach, thus making it easy for the readers to understand and learn Spiceworks.This book is for any IT pro who wants to make their day easier. With this book, you can go from installing Spiceworks to having a good working knowledge of it in a single afternoon, no Spiceworks experience required! This book assumes no prior experience with Spiceworks. Knowledge of Linux System administration is expected.
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