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toriyama you fucking faggot
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>Wow training turned my body into gold.
And the Oscar goes to... Big Hero 6!
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He looks like a nigger with too much oil on at a muscle show.
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Is he like the blue and black or gold and white dress meme now?
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Is this from the movie or it is that shitty multiverse game?
I like it. I guess God mode always changes your color palette into something that pops.
this is from the movie
Is this Cooler
It looks even worse than the terrible CGI from Battle of the gods.
Is that piss armor?
Is this real?

Looks like some fucking fake recolor shit from DBZ Kai.

this is from the shitty movie

toriyama is a shitty hack writer, what did you expect
All he had to do was make a manlet version of Cooler's final form.

Was that too much to ask for?
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>this is going to be THE MOVIE for all Dragonball fans worldwide
>gives us recolored Freeza
Is this his final form yet?
Not cool at all, looks forced to me.
this isnt even his final form
lmao. You losers couldn't tell from BotG that becoming a God means transcending mortal color palettes? Step up.
he reminds me of a /co/ related character, it's on the tip of my tongue.
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It isn't even confirmed you fags. We had fakes just like this for Battle of Gods.

Even if it was real, Frieza turning gold like a Super Saiyan is fucking hilarious.
Here's a pic that's from the movie. I havr more you want.
>God mode
I honestly don't know what's lazier, this or God saiyan.
god that looks shit in every way..
Homer Simpson?
Right, I thought our first glimpse of Frieza was supposed to come from Jump scans.

But I expected this or something similar straight away.
I suspect Marvel is gonna sue the hell out of Tori for this. Freiza looks like fucking Thanos
green lantern.
His name is apparently "Golden Freeza". Seriously. I guess it's supposed to be like Freeza getting poetic justice?
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>homer simpson
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Toriyama confirmed for Lakers fan.
Except he really doesn't.
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I do too, but I like Frieza's final form the most, so I wouldn't be mad. As long as it had a cool Color Scheme and his muscles weren't too big.
Here, have another pic.
I'm just angry Freeza's new final form isn't a little girl.
I don't really see a problem with it. I suspect most of you don't either, you just don't know how to react to new things.
Fuck off,lolicon.
That shoulder is huge.
I'm guessing they were expecting a new form. Not a recolor.
Looks fine to me. Simple is better. I was worried it'd be something that goes against his streamlined final form, the way Cooler's does. That never made sense to me.
He looks like Danny Devito.
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Yeah. 100% Roshi is fucking jacked. Alas, another pic.
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That, and the purple clashes hard with the Gold color. They should have left it white, or a lighter shade or purple.
Not before Marvel gets sued for copying Darkseid.
I just have bad experiences with final forms that suddenly make every part of the body piss gold for no real discernible reason, thank you very much.
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This shit is special kind of retarded
That one on the right.
>There are too many rocks out here.
>I wish Anubis would shut up.
>I wish I was at home right now.
You could've at least tried to make something better instead of just a recolor.
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They should have just done an updated, better version of Cooler's final form but without the stupid mask thing and kept Freeza's colour scheme.
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or nearly every other DC character for that matter...
That's not actually better. It honestly looks kind of dumb.

Why does transforming give him a mouthguard? What kind of anatomy does he even have?

I love both of you anons
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Lol. The blue guy is Whis, the strongest being in the universe. "Anubis" is Beerus, the God of Destruction. Have a pic.
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Golden final forms are so predictable, Japan just overused it.
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But Cooler's final form looks stupid. That's why they didn't use it for the second Cooler film.

What about Black Panther? Isn't he basically African Prince Batman?
Cooler doesn't pop, though. Look at Beers, Whiz, and God-Goku. Their color game fresh.

Holy Shit. Is that edited?
because it looks COOL
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How long until they get a movie?
He is much Cooler
Cooler's final form shits on Toriyama's design philosophy for Freeza. As Freeza transformed, he steadily grew larger and more grotesque. However, for his final form, he went the complete opposite route and became smaller, simpler. He has absolutely nothing unnecessary. It was compact, economical, and maximized Freeza's fighting potential while getting rid of anything that might hinder him.

Cooler's final form has meaningless headspikes and shit sticking out of his shoulders, completely shattering that minimalist philosophy.
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It doesn't have to be the same. I was just expecting something more impressive. Like this guy
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Well guys, it's real. Go to the Kanzenshuu forums. Oh well. Have another pic.
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Well obviously cooler's colour are going to look shit, that move came out in 1991, it is three years older than I am.
Here is a more recent picture of cooler.

I'd spike your drink and rape your young asshole, anon.
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>three years older than I am
never say this again please.
Design philosophy my ass, have you forgotten Freeza's other form, it went small midget with little horns to giant monster with big horns to fucking xenomorph to a polished, hornless version of Freeza's first form.
Toriyama follows the rule of cool, trying to make sense of Dragon Ball is pointless.
So basically, freeza was just lazy ass and that's why he lost to goku.
Wouldn't that mean cell should be much more powerful since he was not lazy ass and actually fought and trained?

Would prefer them than Frieza again to be honest.
>Freezer still using 4th form
>not the 5th form like Cooler had

Come on, it looked so much better
Cell suffered from the same problem Freeza had, he might haven even inherited from Freeza and sayians. Arrogance, one he got perfect, Cell thought he was unbeatable.
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>everyone in this thread
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So could Cell do this?
The next movie is gonna be about Cell training.
>implying I drink
>Implying I leave my house
swommeng anniemay?
You left out Captain Marvel and Captain Marvile and Miss Marvel, or The Vision and Brianac,
>First the game
>Now this

Has everyone working on the DB franchise suddenly lost the ability to see what a good color scheme is?
So he's what now? Super Frieza?
But who will revive him? Is there a secret Red Ribbon army club or anything?
>yfw Frieza becomes a good guy
God forms are intentionally megafresh compared to mortals.

In case you couldn't tell from SSJG
I would not be surprised if someone already made this exact look in Xenoverse way before this reveal.

This legitimately looks like a cac in Xenoverse.
super perfect frieza
Golden Gigga Nigga Frieza.
The only way this can be justified is that its basically the "Super Saiyan" of Freiza's race.

Still this movie just shits on cooler. Toriyama stated that Freiza was a prodigy and he was born from his "Father alone". Which means Cooler came first is basically a failure of a son.
not even
Silly anon, your eyes just aren't seeing it right.
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Posting in a thread that will be in archive history books.

/jp/ was here

I bet he makes Golden Frieza do the Fusion dance with ULTRA ULTRA Perfected Cell too.

I'm about to be banned for life
Well it looks like he was right about one thing.
In a very early interview I believe he said the movie would be very funny. He's not wrong.

I'm looking at this golden wonder and I'm already laughing.
RR: Black ops
I cant believe this is real. It looks so fucking bad
Nice dubs.
Really? This is pathetic. Half of those just have similar powers, and half are just "HURR THEIR COSTUMES ARE SORTA THE SAME COLOR"
RR: Dead Cell
>One shitpost = Bennd for life
That's not how it works /jp/-kun

Next movie will be about Tao Pai Pai finding a way to get a Saiyan's body.
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Who is the semen demon on left? Why is this urge to fap? Any porn of her? Can some kind anon provide a sadpanda link?
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This new form shit is a retcon, it was established years ago that freiza's forms were just him putting a cap on his power because he couldn't control it accurately.

His "real" form is his 100% form or his final form. So to be able to go beyond that makes no sense.
Were you guys expecting something good after seeing this? you need to learn someday.
Read the filenames, nigger.

how so? if anything it means that his real form is actually just his base form.
Toriyama said his original concept of SSG looked more like a mix of Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan.

So no , I wasn't expecting this shit again.
You're not supposed to make sense out of a battle shounen. Is Momoiro Clover doing a song for this?
Both of cooler's forms were designed by tori.

You forget that freeza's final form is his base state, his first, second, and third forms are power limiters.

Cooler is always in his final, true form, since he doesn't need to limit his power because he has better control. Cooler's transformation isn't a limiter, it's an increase to his base power, that's why it looks different.
>Gold Freeza
>Jaco cameo
I'm sorry but did Frieza just pull a Shu Shenron?
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Daburas little sister
In Toriyama's defence, there is literally nothing he can do with any of his characters at this point that won't look like DA shit. Those autists have done fucking everything.
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>mfw Beerus will reference events from xenoverse in the movie
Another recolor?

Fucking hell, at least GT had original designs for it's transformations

wasn't expecting Jacko to be in this
Mental gymnastics so he can find something to complain about

Typical /a/ behavior.
This is a new level of autism. Now we know anybody working over there on this is either mentally deficient or has the absolute worst shit taste imaginable.

Who greenlit this and thought it was a good idea just coloring him differently? Toriyama and anyone working under him must be completely off their meds.
Exactly, that's what make''s cooler special, his transformation was actually an increase from his base state. This seems to be the same thing.


>b-but not canon
Toriyama designed cooler's forms. Also he said the movies are canon but just take place in other timelines and dimensions.
No he didn't, fuck off
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That Jaco
>Oscar Frieza
>Vegeta saying he got dis


makes no sense

Dabura is red while that slut is blue

it's like if I had a nigger sister despite being a proud ginger
I'm already life banned from /jp/.
I thought moot would tell them to unban everyone when he left as a present for the gigantic shit he dropped.on us all these years serving to the normies but I was wrong.

Janny and maido please unban me. I was aleays on topic.
Side note, I felt like the latest dbz movie was pretty bad. I.mean he had vegeita dancing......the king of all sayins.....dancing......

The worst part was that Super Syin God Form was just a repeat form of Kai Form from the orginal dbz Sayin Saga when we first meet Vegita and Nappa......

Akir has become lazy and doesn't.know what he wants to do with the series anymore. If anything he's desperate for.money for some reason.
>he said the movies are canon
No. He didn't.
it makes money so why the fuck not?
>Golden Freeza
Is it because SSJ are gold?

Fucking Jacko I'm watching this movie with Jaxco in it
This is just Frieza "god" form. Similar to Super saiyan god.
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Now watch all the autismal weaboos defending this.

>it's from toriyama, so unexpected always good for a surprise, so it's fucking amazing! :-DDDD

Fucking hell, GT is infinitely more original than this cancerous shit.

no, it's because he's meant to be an alien Jew
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Everyone complaining about this shit is a massive sperglord. Your fucking nostalgia goggles just got removed
Anyone can explain why everything to do with DB animation now has this cheap shiny look to it? Not to mention the terrible color schemes.

It looks disgusting.
So where is his dick? How Frieza race reproduced?
This will be answered in the movie?

i'm so mad about the lack of doujins involving pan and the doll freak
If i could, i would edit this image and replace the SMEG by SMUG and add a Pepe image.
Za Warudo?
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>being this assblasted because Toriyama didn't rehash the Cooler transformation
>eating toriyama's shit without complaining
Typical Toriyama fanboy.
He more or less did.

Niether him nor toei has ever said the word canon, but in an interview when he was asked about the movies, he said he considers them to take place in other dimensions, and alternate timelines and universes are already part of the content tori has made, such as with the whole cell saga and with battle of gods, so it functionally confirms them to be potentially canonical.

He literally looks like Cooler's first form just golden.

If you defend this lazy shit, you have lost all control of your life.
What in the name of Terra on fucking roller skates?
Honestly I just expected the purple bits to turn red.
You're reading too much into a boring and lazy design.
How big is the DBZ fanbase on Japan ?
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Mah nigga
Cooler isn't canon
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He sait that he considers them in an alternate dimension than his manga and himself just an ordinary viewer. No where did he say alternate timeline.
Have a pic though
This one is lazier, at least he bothered to make God goku skinnier
4th best selling manga
I'm able to not sperg over how Freeza's transformation looks, and I'm the one who lost control of their life?
How in the worst fucking hell could his strict editor praise this lazy shit?

The X-men comparison is retarded, only Angel from that group is an original X-men
Tears of laughter?
Digital animation. They haven't progress from the early 2000s
Alright guys, what's worse:

People sperging out over the designs, or people sperging out over "m-muh power levels"?
You are sperging on /a/'s usual reaction to something new. You are just as bad as him.
That and the fact DP and X-Men have literally nothing in common.
Actually he looks black and blue to me.
Im glad I got over dragon ball decades ago
>all these no swag havin ass fuccbois who don't know fresh when they see it
Well fuck, you showed me the light. I need to wake up to the freedom of being forced to autism over how Freeza looks.

Is Golden Frieza gonna slap the shit out of Beerus?
what the fuck is shit how come fan arts design looks much better than this one?
>or people sperging out over "m-muh power levels"
You might as well say DBfags.

This isn't the 80s anymore. Toriyama is at least 30 years older and his condition shows in his creation. Give the man some slack, he's created one of your favorite franchises and now that he feels like going at it again a bit you all lash out against him just because.

Yeah, it looks lazy but SSJ is also the literal definition of lazy because he said himself that it made it easier to draw SSJ in the comic due to hair being just white so he didn't have to color it.

Let the man have some fun as long as he can.
There are DBfags who don't care about power level bullshit.
This is from an actual youtube video
Am I the only one who actually liked Cooler's final form? Why couldn't they just give Freeza a new form that changed his whole body into something monster like Hirudegarn?
We are not starting this shit.
You need to bring them to /a/ someday.

>Every Saiyan loses his tail early on because Toriyama was lazy and didn't want to draw tails

Why is he so lazy?
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I would be perfectly fine with just a recolor, but this looks like something out of the depths of DeviantArt.
What if this isn't actually his final form, and he has another powered up form that's kept secret until the film's release that goes above this?
With Vegeta's track record, I would honestly be entirely fucking concerned for the fate of the Earth when he tries to reassure people that he "got this."

>Vegeta fans are the fucking worst.
Looks like a Chinese knockoff, recoloured to ensure they won't get sued for plagiarism
Toriyama said Frieza was born from his father alone, take that as you wish
He came back for that? This purple/gold combo makes him look like some space nigger. Even no final form would've been better
Yeah what if there's a second final form which makes it more final than the final form? Maybe he also has a final final form which is the final of all final forms final.
Frieza's father is such a slut. I'd let him fuck me hard. Not even gay. Serious.
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He will just job as usual, someone has to make Freeza looks like a formidable opponent.

Why aren't you watching the greatest propaganda piece ever made? Why are Brits such cucks?
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Par for the course with DBZ then
Toriyama confirmed for being ISIS terrorist
What's with all the Android 18 shots in the trailer? Felt like she was getting a lot of attention.
>This purple/gold combo makes him look like some space nigger
well, his feet always looked like hands, like monkey feet, so...

ANYTHING would've been better than doing a shitty recolor of the same fucking form he already had. We got this same exact shit with super saiyan god and he KNOWS nobody liked that lazy crap.

I honestly would've preferred NO new appearance over a shit recolor.
I like it. His anatomy shouldn't change too much, since his "final form" is his natural form, and the other three forms were just helping to suppress his power. I thought he would be reddish, like God Goku, but gold is a nice parallel to SS.

And now /a/ will berate me for "suckling Toriyama's cock" instead of hopping on the hate band wagon.
>All those shots of 18
Now all I need is Gohan and Videl and I'm set.
>had a dream last night that jaco was in this movie
>this happens

good taste bro. I tip my fitted to you, nigga
So nothing would also be better? No visible change in appearance, just stronger?

There are better fan designs than this shit.

I get it

You would think with the amount of times Vegeta has lost, his Saiyan Zenkai shit would at least put him on par with Goku.
>he KNOWS nobody liked that
Why would you tell lies on the internet?
I don't think I can take him seriously when I get to watch the movie, I'll be laughing the whole time whenever he comes on screen looking like that.
its just to make him look cool
Like a bitch
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Why is it that GT fags think this is a way to justify their shit as being good and Canon?
Vegeta had a great theme.
Because it apparently isn't any better than the shit Toriyama pulls out of his senile ass.
I feel like im the only who like this form. Also
>Space nigger

>I can speak for everyone because I'm butthurt!

No, motherfucker, don't lump me in with you.

I loved SSG because it paid homage to Kaioken which I thought and still think is a better upgrade than SS.

Hell, ANYTHING design wise is better than SS3 or that non-canon-but-in-every-DBZ-video-game-ever SS4.
"Golden Freeza" is the official name going by the trailer.
Vegeta needs to win this one because Vegeta got motherfucking killed by Freezey pop.
>arguing about what's canon like autists
>not realizing there exist two different canons of DBZ both of which are true
>yamchafags assblasted their main has never won a fight
well toriyama did say he wanted vegeta to be the star of this movie
They really make no bones about how lazy they are.
he tied with a saibaman

I don't think he can shine more than freezer now.
>This new form shit is a retcon, it was established years ago that freiza's forms were just him putting a cap on his power because he couldn't control it accurately.
I guess you haven't been following new about this movie's plot? According to this movie, Freeza had never trained before, his entire power in his final form was natural, from birth. So, what was said before isn't retconned at all.

However, this time, after he was resurrected, he decides to train to unleash his hidden potential. So, yes, the previous forms weren't power ups at all, but this one is.
Stop fucking defending GT.

I'm so fucking sick of you GT fags. Toriyama is a senile hack who can't remember his own work and is generally retarded these days but GT was fucking terrible, it was abysmal in every way possible from character design to animation to fight choreography, I bet you're one of the fucking mouthbreathers who think the Garlic Jr. filler was good too.
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This must be the reason of why he bring Frieza seeing that he is the only villain that Vegeta gives a fuck.
>Saiyans turn into giant apes
>This increases their power tremendously
>A design that incorporated the giant ape design into a Saiyan body is bad.

It's the transformation that makes the most sense. The power of a great ape in the body of a human-form Saiyan. Makes more sense than adding golden hair to someone, anyway.
So, how strong do you think Golden Freeze will be?

On par with SSJ God? Stronger? Will Freeze get in a fight with Beerus? Let's speculate.
too bad frieza only cares about goku and trunks
They're doing away with SSJ beyond 1 and God. No way Freeza would have multiple new power ups.
>This increases their power tremendously
It only multiplies it by 10.
>muh superior headcanon
so basically it took him 3 times the strength it did for goku and piccolo to get the same results
It's leages more original than just a fucking recolor you blind shitmuncher.

Welp, now I know this movie really will be shit instead of hating on it unbiasedly.
I dont see the problem
Super Saiyan turn gold when they go godmode
Why not Mr. Freeze
So Cell is the weakest main villain in Dragon balls now.

This might be the best bait post on /a/ at the moment.
He said that Vegeta could be the star of a future movie, but it was before this movie started production. However, it does seem like these trailers are building him up as the hero.

Beerus would wreck his shit.

Goku and Vegeta can't even go Super Saiyan in this movie because they're training with Beerus and he locked the forms. Toriyama already said Beerus is practically twice as strong as Goku was even as a Super Saiyan God.

Beerus is just gonna stand around and watch everything play out and maybe give advice.

And no last minute Goku saves, dammit.
Wait until Dr. Gero's long-lost son recreates him with even stronger genes.
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Watch these shiteaters defend anything Toriyama pulls out of his ass.

Apparently Dragon Ball = Anything goes

As long as it's by Toriyama that is. Fuck consistency and logic amirite guyze?

>literally defending a lazy recolor

tip top cuck
Cell will never get a power-up anon. He's gone forever
>implying that King Piccolo or Tao Pai Pai can beat Cell

I never said they didn't make sense. They do.

Design wise, anything past SS2 is complete shit.
face first in the dirt where he belongs
Wasn't Android 16 based on his dead son?
Main villain I said, King Piccolo is from Dragon Ball.

Couldn't you tell from the Buu saga?

Toriyama fucking loathes Gohan.
He already has Frieza cells, he only needs to train.
>"Goku, I managed to disguise myself as your wife and collect your sperm after you blew it into my ass."
Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I hear that kind of argument, so I kind of just put two and two together when replying.

But I'll agree with you on that. Never liked the SSJ3 form, nor the SSJ God form.
Dragon Ball is a classic
So that's why you should respect it and enjoy it.
Thank you.
DB has always been shit but this shit is even more shit.

Oh wow, I can't believe there are sane people who actually decided to do this and thought "yes this is good".

>Their super saiyan forms are locked

Yknow if this is true, then it's not that bad. Freiza's power boost doesnt seem so insane now.
Gohan isn't as marketable as Goku.
>frieza is finally defeated
>goku thanks vegeta for his help
>they shake hands
>cell walks by in the back of the frame and nobody notices
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Don't steal Yamcha's home!
Besides, the only thing Gohan goes face first in to is best girl, Videl.

I thought it was because the fanbase loved Goku too much and wanted more Goku?

But muh Gohan
>their ssj forms are locked.
Baseless fan theory. I was in the same threas that put forth the theory. It is in no way confirmed nor even officially suggested.
Nah. Broly attaining SSJG and training.
You heard it here first.
Need clear high res goodness for background
This supposed to be Frieza's equivalent of SSJG, i'm not surprised that's not Cooler-esque at all.

I hope someone in the movie makes a comment that Frieza looks like Super Saiyan.
>Cell is the weakest main villain in Dragon balls
>Dragon balls
He locked the forms? So Freeze-san isn't even fighting them at their full power? That's a bit disappointing.
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Would you /a/?
Dragon Ball ended in 1996.

Anything else are degenerate fancies which should not be paid attention to.
So Frieza is Persian now?
Has everyone forgotten that Super Saiyan is just Goku with Gold hair?

I bet Freeza painted his body gold, because being defeated by a super saiyan was a hugely traumatizing event. And this is how he expresses his trauma.
Aren't classics supposed to be good?
I wonder if he´s stronger than madara Uchiha

you what
not canon
He didn't. It's a fan theory.
Not always and DB does have some good aspects.
classic just mean it's popular and old

wait...what are the top 3?
>Toriyama can't remember his own work

This, he forgot who launch is. And more recently he was speaking of Freiza's race and how Freiza was born from his father alone and was a prodigy and that him and his father are mutants.

Yet he never once even mentioned cooler.
Like it matters. Broly is based as fuck and deserves to be canon.
One Piece, clearly.
Probably Black Jack.
Golgo 13?

I'm talking from my ass as per usual
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So Frieza's final form is Gold Experience Requiem then?
>Genderbent dodoria
Because Cooler doesn't appear in the manga, just in the movie. He only designed him.
one piece
who cares
who cares
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>Goku powerpole'd to the moon
>the rabbits were breathing in space
>Dragon Balls magically recharge in less time than a year right before the Red Ribbon Army story arc
>the mystical spiritual force that is ki can be detected by science
>Goku gets retconned to have near death powerups because of reasons
>Freeza even existing in general
>earth robits more powerful than Freeza
>bug monster knows attacks because of the dna of certain fighters
>fucking bubblegum monster with "bad air" that defuses a magical and permanent fusion using the tools of the gods
>dragons can grant "any wish" except for when the plot requires the wish that would totally save the day to be "out of their power"

>a space mutant with an insanely high battle power from birth trains for the first time in his life and makes crazy gains
>he turns gold and purple

Jesus fucking christ are you actually serious right now?
What's her final form look like?
He also forgot who was Tao Pai Pain in a interview he had with Oda.
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I thought Dodoria was already a female, though...
>at the end of ressurection of F dio steps out of the shadows and reveals he was behind everything

All of that is equally utter shit.

I'm just saying, hes still a creation of his for his series.

I could understand forgetting launch but jesus christ cooler had 2 movies and is the older brother of the first villian and main villian of the movie hes currently working on.

Toriyama is a lazy ass color swap fag.... Super saiyan God and Gold Frieza..
I don't understand why would anyone give a fuck, much less get angry over this design.
One Piece Naruto and Dragon Ball are the top 3. And Dragon Ball ended serialization decades ago.
>no line can be drawn anywhere ever!! because I say so!!
Then Dragon Ball isn't for you. Find a manga/anime that actually suits your taste.
booster gold?
It suits him. Gold and purple are the royal colors.
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>yfw weebs pretend Toriyama has Alzheimers just so they don't have to admit GT is canon
>TFS makes a joke
>It must be canon

So, how do we feel about this, anons? I feel okay.
why is there so much shit covering the screen

Threadly reminder that Naruto is the true successor to DBZ. OP doesn't have the overseas presence that Naruto does.

Although OP kills Naruto in Japan.
A line is fine to be drawn. But this is the stupidest place to actually draw it. You can't justify drawing it here without asking yourself "wait why the fuck did I let all of that other shit slide?"
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Why is Gohan a slav now?
He looks more like piss yellow than golden
>no swag
One needs to understand that Toriyama literally does not give a fuck about his series in terms we as fans obsess over every minute detail.

We analyze every little detail to see how it fits together. He, on the other hand, really only does what he wants and what he thinks is fun. Consistency and canon are nonexistent concepts for him.
OP is shit anyway.
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>tfw dweebs call him senile.
That said, the gold isn't really my style. I would have rather had him stay the same, get red pods rather than ourple or have a cool new form. It's still cool though.
Then where is the line? It seems like the majority casually accepts everything without questioning it.
isn't he like 80 now
Oda: It feels kind of weird to ask if you remember, but it seems as though you have forgotten a good amount of characters... (laugh) Anyway, you know how Ranfan took her clothes off, right? Her armpits during that scene were really drawn well. I thought that you were the first person to accurately draw someone's armpit that well. Back then, I always drew people's armpits. Those, and Taopaipai's hands.

Toriyama: Taopaipai...? You're getting to some of the less important charactrers.

Oda: What!? Taopaipai is a HUGE major character!

Toriyama: The guy with the braid?

Oda: Yeah yeah. The assassin. The guy that throws a pillar into the sky and rides it himself.

Toriyama: Oh yeah, I did draw that didn't I.
He looks even more like Cooler now.
Toriyama-sensei has such an amazing sense of humor.
>Movies aren't canon
>BoTG is
Explain Vegeta's brother then, faggots.

You don't pick and choose.
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Gohan jobbing as always
>Implying Super Sanic Frieza has shit on Lord Beerus
That wasn't a movie friend.
Remember: All Chichi's fault. What a cunt.
So what, Frieza will just lose and die again?
That's kind of lame, makes him look like a THK.
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You groove you lose

What the flying fuck is Jaco doing there? that's fucking awesome.
Fuck yeah!
Link that interview, because I think it's fake.
He's the new Yamcha.
Pretty much anyone that's not Goku is jobbing in this shit.
You need to shut off your brain to enjoy DB. It really is nothing more than that and if you start to rationally think about what happens, then you should reassess your priorities because it's unhealthy.
>his Saiyan Zenkai shit would at least put him on par with Goku.

He surpassed Goku in raw powerlevel in the first movie with a rageboost.
This looks like somebody just discovered Paint for fuck's sake.
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sounds like Toriyama is actually Kubo in disguise, or Kubo is actually Toriyama
It's probably that it's been so much longer since he watched the original compared to TFS that he forgot what's canon and what's just a TFS joke.
Except Goku gets the shit kicked out of him
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>Today we’ve got a comment from the voice of Piccolo, Toshio Furukawa!

>Dragon Ball features many charismatic villains, but out of all of them Freeza was most memorable. He’s the ultimate bad guy. So with him coming back to life, things are definitely going to heat up.

>This time Piccolo has a big role too, and I gave the intense fight scenes all I had. It’s the Revival of “F”urukawa (laughs).

>The highlights this time are definitely the battle scenes, with “battle” written in wild and crazy letters.
That's not that groovy, though.
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Oh it's basically the same thing, nigga.
Can John Cena beat Goku?
I like the design. I will have fun watching it.
>having to compare your favorite character to Yamcha to make him look good
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Is the red henchmen that's trashing Piccolo possibly Sorbet or Tagoma transformed or fused? He has Sorbet's nose, but Tagoma's armor.
For me the bullshit action was always worth it, and the hype. I didn't go watch it expecting a script written by Kubrick, I watched it expecting fighting sequences that were in no other cartoon. That's why the entertainment mediums are diverse, and you should watch something for what it is and enjoy it for what it gives. If there's a superior version of the same available, then that's another story.
Why didn't freeza train before arriving on earth in the beginning of the cell saga?
I hope they fuse and fuck Freezer's gold skin apart.
Use the text and search with Google. It's real. I don't see why people are surprised about Toriyama forgetting stuff during the almost two decades where he did little related to Dragonball. It's not like he didn't revisit the series again before working on this new stuff, that's from where the comment about him forgetting SSJ2 comes from. Toriyama himself noticed that he didn't remember that while doing rereading stuff for these new works.

One of them seems to die right in the beginning though. It's likely just a new design. He likely has some kind of special origin though - maybe he's a fusion, considering how they were apparently Zarbon level and were the elite of what was left of Freeza's empire.
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I'm going back to GT.
So Goku and Freeza are pretty much even, he transforms and then Vegeta takes over? If that's how the fight ends, that will be great. Hopefully it doesn't come down to 2 vs 1 or a stupid spirit bomb strategy. I would accept Beerus or Whis showing up to take him out in one hit to use him as the next god of destruction. Shit would be hilarious.
>without the stupid mask thing
But that would be extremely painful.
That special was based on a concept from Toriyama though. He wasn't as involved with it as with Battle of the Gods, but the basic story came from him, and he also directly supervised the manga version of the special (which eliminated some anime cameos from the anime version).

Frieza is now Golden Sperm from One-Punch Man.
Because the cyborg stuff was supposed to make him stronger.
Either couldn't due to cybernetic parts, or didn't want to due to still being cocky.
They're ripping off from themselves.
Because he was all like "with my daddy I'll show those filthy saiyans who rules!! REVENGE" and didn't consider the possibility of getting buttfucked again.
But muh Maximum.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought of this.
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cannot unsee
But anon, GT was shit.

if this aint lazy i dont know what else is
But anon, nobody wants to see the same shit twice.
People green lighting shit like this, Freeza coming back was already a big ass pull, this shit ass design just make it worse.
You wouldn't be watching DBZ if that was the case.
He's not actually shown dying, that's just the assumption. Maybe he survives and absorbs Frieza's energy or something, thus allowing him to go mano a mano with Piccolo.
That's why they are doing it again but this time by shitting on Freeza.

> same skin color as cooler

So, is cooler canon?
Faggot pls
He's blasted into space. I doubt they rescued him.

Good to see that Tien can still get work. Maybe now he will stop censoring so much tits and ass with his solar flare.
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>People green lighting shit like this
I'd say the main issue here is that no one would really "edit" Toriyama at this point. If you read an interview with Toriyama and his past editors, it was the editors pushing for cooler forms and transformations, not Toriyama. So, when we get Toriyama at the top of everything, we get stuff like this and Saiyan God.
Vegeta is just Yamcha 2.0, Bulma love interest that jobs to show how powerful the new foe is
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Somebody needs to make an "Alright Gentlemen" edit out of this. Here's the template.
Still don't see what there is to even sperg out about power levels. Not that they have ever been consistent and aren't just meaningless big numbers anyway.

This design is a little weird though. He looks like a bodybuilder who just oiled himself up.
I liked Super Kaioken though.
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>yfw his editor praised him for this
If you think this is a shitstorm, just wait until Vegeta's transformation is unveiled.
What's wrong with SSJG?
Nah, everyone already know that it's going to be Super Saiyan God, maybe with blue hair. There won't really be any surprise there.
So everything that we love about DB is actually because of the people behind Toriyama. Good to know.

Toriyama confirmed for hack.
He's definitely blue and black
vegeta gets a form goku doesn't have? How is that even possible?
>in before he turns bald.
We already know there's no SS transforming. It can't get worse

It looks terrible
>ever loving yamcha
It's bland and lazy. Kaioken already exists.

>inb4 nuh it totally does not look like Kaioken XD
It's all about that base form, no super saiyan.
>He's blasted into space
I just got here, yesterday I read the Fukkatsu no F manga and they do blast him into space but then activate some sort of energy shield that keeps him away from space and I assume he returns to the ship since he appears in the movie. Do they blast him into space again later or what?
>Kaioken already exists.
Oh, so he should have used purple? Maybe green?
He should already have gone god if he's training evenly with Goku. If he's managed to reach that level without going god and then goes god, he's gonna be like 30 to Whis's 15.
Fucking hell, I can't breathe.
These new movies just get more and more disappointing. I liked BotG with the exception of SSG since it was just a redder, skinnier Goku that wasn't even very much of a power-up since his fight with Beerus ended with him going super saiyan anyways. I was really hoping we'd get more exposition on those 12 other universes with the other gods, but no. Instead we get a rehashed villain with a stupidly bland power-up that puts him over Goku's current power level after only 4 months of training. Really wish Toei would do something with a modicum of originality rather than this lazy cash-in.
It's a lame version of Kaioken.
Dragon Balls becoming evil from over use was a good idea for a final arc.
The trailer seems to show the scene where he looks surprised as he's blasted. We've also seen the scene with Freeza coming out of the tank. It really seems like he's only there to die right in the beginning.
>Roshi jumping in to action
>Even motherfucking Jaco will fight
>Yamcha nowhere to be seen
So he died off screen or what?
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>tfw Golden skin
SS really turned the manga into shit when they all reached that level.
>Gold Frieza
How am I supposed to hate this? It is fucking dumb but it's also hilarious, I like it.

I hope Platinum Cell shows up in New DragonBall Z 3: Retribution as well.

>lacked the power to make saiyan saga vegeta disappear

>now suddenly stronger than SSJ4

how about

He could be using the god power partially, like how Base Goku against Beerus was much stronger than SSJ3 Goku, but still not proper SSJ God level, but then when he transforms he goes full power.
oh god
GT has a lot of good ideas, the problem isn't there.
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Done, for you.

>gold freeza

>platinum cell

and then

>bronze uub
We've seen no Goten and Trunks at all so far, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't just cut them from the movie. I guess Yamcha is being hidden because he's in scenes alongside them. And THEY're being hidden since they'll look older here, considering how Pan is already born.
If the movie ends with Freiza half dead and Goku lets him live because "muh morals" I'll throw a temper tantrum

It's like poetry
It rhymes
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>wow training turned my hair to gold
Gold is the most powerful color
nintendo pls.

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