female tears
Just wondering, why aren't you a supporter of feminism?

Because feminism isn’t going to fix much, if anything. Every race, gender, and sexuality has problems, and by focusing on only one or two and ignoring the rest by shouting “privilege” you’re only going to make things worse.

Women have little to no problems that men don’t face either. Men are raped just as much as women, but are erased because rape is apparently ‘only a womans problem.’ Men are forced to war, and are expected to die for their country. They make up most of the homeless. Male suicide rates are around three times higher than women, but no one cares.


Because they’re expected to suck it up. They’re expected to just brush it off. They can’t talk about their feelings, they’re men.

Women can sob and cry and gush out all their worries and problems and feelings to everyone and they’ll listen. But men are just whining. Mansplaining about problems that ‘aren’t as important as real woman problems.’ They’re beaten down and strawmanned, they’re called rapists and that every single one deserves to die, while women cry out oppression and misogyny whenever a man sits on a bus seat.

Feminism is hypocritical, screaming peace and equality while ignoring and erasing men and their problems. They scream that they’re being silenced and scream to shut the fuck up. They laugh and poke fun at problems a hundred times worse than what they have to deal with, and then they coo and hush and comfort the poor ‘womyns’ who got told they looked nice today.

They cause their own oppression, and blame men for it all. They believe women wouldn’t go into porn if it wasn’t for men. They think there would be no disease, no war, nothing but peace and logic for all if men just disappeared. They believe in an overwhelming power that covers the globe that oppresses them because…

…because they’re women, I guess. And that’s literally the only reason.

They’re conspiracy theorists at heart, a fluffy, well-meaning band of poor women who want to help all the helpless people at the surface, and a toxic hate group in between.

Now, of course, I want to clear something. I don’t hate women. I’m not afraid of women. Any time that I have mentioned women in this little rant of mine, I’m talking about feminist women (and men, I suppose, but that’s a whole other story.)

Obviously, women are not all the same. Women have problems, everyone does. Not all women are feminists, and not all feminists are women. Not all men are so helpless and weak and this and that, and not all women are able to stand up for themselves and overcome things themselves.

But if you’re joking about the genocide of 3.5 billion people on your iPhone while you’re waiting in line to buy coffee with the money your female boss gave you after you worked at your job that you got an education for at a female private college, and are ordering a second cup for your boyfriend whom you have consensual love for and met at a library while you were reading a book about feminism and how men are nearly useless and 75% of them need to be killed off while the rest are held only for procreative uses, you’re not oppressed.

You’re a cunt, and couldn’t ever stand actual oppression, like many, many women do every day of their life.

Feminism sickens me, and that’s why I don’t support it. Give help to the ones who need it, not the middle-class white females who cry at video game characters.

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