Friday, 20 February 2015

For Fucks Sake what is Tumblr on about now? - "Hasbro Supports Nazi Sympathizers"

Ahh, it's just like old times. The usual suspects just can't keep their fingers out of anything, but due to the lack of new episodes, they're digging through the trash to find something to complain about. Today we have a treat, as notorious anti-brony and IDW featurette DragonDicks has decided to pick a fight with Hasbro...over Coco Pommel of all characters. 

And where there's smoke there's fire, as our favorite staffer has to pull the trigger himself. And Tumblr is pissing in the bed like usual.

The top post is from a user called "Oak 23" who started this particular shitfit, in which they complain about the reference within Coco Pommel's name. Coco Pommel is of course a reference to world-famous French Fashion designer Coco Chanel, beloved worldwide for her art. This is of course the only reason that Hasbro would use her name.

We're not usually ones to defend Hasbro, but this is pretty innocuous.

Tumblr, hating anything that Bronies like - like kind, cute, pastel horses - decide that Hasbro must have had malicious intent with this reference and dug up a skeleton in Coco Chanel's closet in which she was said to have worked as a Nazi sympathizer in WWII. 

Ted is on the scene again with that all-telling "like" button on DragonDicks' post.

So this is where we're at now huh? Tumblr is triggered by a picture of a toy being made of a secondary character from an episode of a cartoon show from nearly a year ago, whose name is a parody of a fashion designer who was also allegedly once a spy nearly 7 decades ago.

We have found the bottom of the barrel and its leaking.
What's more is that if Ted agrees with this convoluted anti-Hasbro sentiment, maybe he should stop accepting their money.

All of this is besides the point, as it is now officially pretty hypocritical for tumblr users, and more specifically adult-female-pony-fans to complain about Nazi sympathizers, as one of their own was just arrested for planning a mass shooting in Canada (she herself being a nazi sympathizer).


  1. Quick, someone tell Hasbro that one of the comic writers accused them of being Nazi Sympathizers! Maybe then they'll take notice of him.
    Or better yet, accuse Ted of being a Nazi Sympathizer for writing for a company he clearly believes are Nazi Sympathizers.

    1. Yeah right. Have you been living under a rock for the past 7 years? Nazi sympathy is A okay under Obama and radical liberals. To them Hitler and the Nazis represented everything they wish they could do:

      Illegally change the Constitution
      Throw out the 2nd Amendment from Constitution
      Trample on State's Rights
      Force businesses to give their hard earned money to the State
      Allying ourselves with our sworn enemies
      Treating our freedoms as privileges instead of God given rights
      And of course, oppressing the Lord's Chosen people of Israel

      You'd never expect any of that bull to happen under a conservative president, like Reagan.

    2. gr8 b8 m... Actually no. That was terrible bait.

  2. These people are literally insane. Lock them up.

    1. If only it was so simple to arrest tumblrinas for their appalling stupidity.

    2. Anon it is, to the Gulag with all of them i say

  3. When the Nazis confiscated Jewish property and businesses, Coco Chanel used it to gain full ownership over her perfume company, since the other partners were both Jewish. I wouldn't call that sympathy.

    1. Impossible anyway. Hasbro is what most neo nazis and white racialists call "Kosher conservatives" as in they're in bed with Jew money. Look that up. That's real.

    2. Facts,Logic and Evidence are the tools of patriarchy,check your privileged!

  4. Isn't DragonDicks nearly 40 years old anyway?

    1. Yup.

      But arguing age is pointless. You'll just get labeled as "ageist" or some other type of retarded slang they use and get thrown on some ignore list.

    2. nah, you're thinking of purple twanker

  5. In other news, did you know that the Founding Fathers owned SLAVES?

    1. GASP! NOT SLAVES?! What is the world coming to? Now you'll say something like Martin Luther King has used the word "nigger" on occasion.

  6. There's scraping the bottom of the barrel, and then there's tumblr.

  7. Oak23, Dragondicks and bogleech.

    Good god. It is the Tumblr Trifecta of Autism!

  8. When I read "Dragondicks", I went "oh, of course".

    I looked at that name and, without even thinking, went "oh, of course".

    1. when I read your comment, I wondered why you wrote the same thing twice

      when you wrote the same thing twice, I read it and wondered why you did that

  9. yawn

    when is the hiatus over again?

    if I cared about tumblr I'd be on tumblr

  10. Seriously? I thought tumblrinas were stupid but this is a little to much. It's just another reference, it's just a cartoon horse.

  11. >coco shanel

    I see that they care so deeply about this issue and researched it so thoroughly that they can't even spell the woman's name correctly.

  12. Have you guys linked this to M.A. Larson and company?

    The writers needs to realize that the SJW crowd is terrible, even more than us.

    Something like "how do you reply to Tumblr's accusations that you are a nazi sympathizer?"

  13. Why, Capper, and everyone here, are you not writing to Hasbro's complaints department over this? Why are you not telling others to do it as well? Go on mother care forums and all that shit, make a big deal about the hypocrisy there.

    When is he next appearing at a a con?

    1. Because that's probably like 10 retards complaining and doing something like THIS would give them the attention they want, especially DragonDicks.
      Pointing it out to the writers should be enough to have them realize they're morons without making a big fuss.

    2. Okay. Well. Get people to tel lthe writers. And the complaint department. By email. Privately. In large numbers. You make a good point.

      What is his next con appearance?

    3. if you're planning on doing something shitty to him if he goes to the next con you can fuck off. Reporting this sort of shit to him just in case, cause with horsefuckers and bronies, you don't know what to expect. Again. fuck off if you plan on harassing or harming him. douche.

    4. >cause with horsefuckers and bronies
      Hi tumblr.
      Nobody would do anything to him except maybe ask him directly at a con.

      Don't get triggered, moron.

    5. I don't think any of us want to see another GamerGate, but since Dragondickweed is clearly here, to hell with it, let's tell people about this shit. Don't start a fucking hashtag or anything, just pretend you're some random person who stumbled across a bunch of weirdos who think a minor character is proof of Nazi sympathizing and felt the need to share this with concerned parents and/or Hasbro.

      And call them "bronies". That'll really piss them off!

    6. Are you false flagging?

    7. "cause with horsefuckers and bronies, you don't know what to expect"

      Hi Dragondicks!

  14. >So this is where we're at now huh? Tumblr is triggered by a picture of a toy being made of a secondary character from an episode of a cartoon show from nearly a year ago, whose name is a parody of a fashion designer who was also allegedly once a spy nearly 7 decades ago.

    Yep. Sounds like Tumblr.

    But the idea that Ted Anderson liked this post is what has me worried. As a comic writer, he actually has the potential to do something with this. And by "do something", I mean "infuriate me". I swear to God, if he gives Coco a cameo in his next bowel evacuation of a story and has her getting shouted at by an obvious jew pony or something, I am going to smack a bitch.

    1. That actually sounds like it'd be pretty hilarious.

    2. I have an idea: Dragondicks strikes me as a gullible sack of dog shit, so let's start a rumor about something that would just boil Tumblr's piss and make them turn on Hasbro. He bitches about this made-up "problematic" thing, Anderson likes the post, and then he uses the comic as a platform to bash Hasbro. Hasbro will very likely notice this, and Anderson gets fired.

      And then we hire the biggest, blackest actor we can find to walk up to Dragondicks and go "THAT THING WAS A LIE! A LIE I MADE UP! AH HA HA HA HA! BRONY POWER!", Dragondicks goes on an angry racist tirade, Anderson likes the post, and Tumblr drives them off the site for being the wrong kind of racist.

  15. Too bad IDW will be turning a blind eye to this as well. Anywhere else Ted would have his ass handed to him for this stunt.

  16. I'm starting to get the distinct impression that Ted actually despises his job and his audience and is actively trying his damnedest to get fired. Joke's on him, though -- neither Hasbro nor IDW cares enough to do anything! Sucker!

    1. Yay bronies win agen. Go horse power.

  17. Why is there no art of Coco fucking Aryanne yet?

    1. I don't know. Why haven't you asked a drawfag to make it?

  18. So how much do you guys want to be that, despite this SHOCKING OOH THINK OF THE CHILDREN revelation, that Dragondicks and Ted continue to actively support, and work for, Hasbro's IP?

    Bunch of fucking hypocrites. If either of you had any scruples, you'd quit being a fan and an employee (respectively).

  19. What the fuck do these retards mean "based" on a nazi sympathizer? Coco shares HALF HER NAME and that's it. She has quite honestly nothing else in common with Coco Chanel. That would be like getting ruffled over a character named Joseph or Franz or Herman or Fidel.

    1. Speaking of only sharing the name, that toy photo above is disappointing.
