Hello! My name is Katie and I'm starting this page to help dispel negative feminist rumors and stereotypes. Feminism is for everyone! Everyone is a feminist to some degree, you probably just don't know it yet! (TW: There are a lot of discussions on rape and/or abuse on this page. I also discuss racism and other forms of social discrimination. If you are sensitive to these topics, this blog is not for you.) I hope you like what you see here! <3

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Words from one white person to all others-

Black tumblr is planning a blackout on March 6th where they will be posting selfies.

Stay out of it. This isn’t for us. Let them have this. Reblog and give them notes and visibility and show support, but keep your pieholes shut. Try to refrain from posting selfies, but if you do for the love of God do not tag it blackout.

This has been a PSA.

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  15. redheadedaddiction reblogged this from gerberatetra and added:
    Or you could just call it the Reddit and go to a site where the porn is sorted better. *ba-dum-tsh*
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    Top fucking lel
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    Wait wait wait.. When were the white spokesperson elections? Did I miss a meeting? I was gonna vote for Bill from...
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