(cache) Tai nėra svarbu - lifelibertyandthepursuitof5sos:...

My name's Victoria. 16, blonde, blue-eyed, as pale as humanly possible, and terrible at keeping a theme with my blog.

I post stuff like humor, anime, fandoms, cute things, art, and anything I suddenly have an interest in. Info about me (orientation and such) is in my FAQ


lifelibertyandthepursuitof5sos:affectionatesarcasm:I’m so proud of my school’s newspaper this week calling out Meninism. And even better, while I was taking the picture I noticed they also had one about eating disorders

Actually, meninism is a parody of feminism. A+reporting right there, who needs facts and research?
"Parody of feminism" What do you call that again? Oh yeah, sexism in disguise



I’m so proud of my school’s newspaper this week calling out Meninism. And even better, while I was taking the picture I noticed they also had one about eating disorders

Actually, meninism is a parody of feminism.

A+reporting right there, who needs facts and research?

"Parody of feminism"
What do you call that again? Oh yeah, sexism in disguise

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