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all 30 comments
[–]Makal -4 points-5 points-6 points  (1 child)
I've defended SRS for years, both in person and online to friends and colleagues. But this post crosses the line for me. Bye. You've lost an ally by getting outraged on ISIS's behalf.
And yes, I've read the other comments, saying this is Islamophobia, but this is more like insulting the Nazis, and then saying that insult is an insult to all Germans. To me, that's just as offensive.
[–]SRScreenshot ~Automated Poopologist v0.1~wow -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
"What do you get if you insert human DNA into a goat?" "An ISIS membership card?" [+421 gilded]

At 2015-02-28 12:24:04 UTC, dubstepbane replied to "What do you get if you insert human DNA into a goat?" [+454 points: +454, -0]:
An ISIS membership card?
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[–]ThoushaltbemockedBrown Knight -1 point-2 points-3 points  (7 children)
Reddit: Where it's Muslims committing beastiality is a joke, but white people who want to f*ck dogs and kids are defended.
[–]thebeandream -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
It's like everyone suddenly forgot about the popular "Welsh people fuck sheep" joke that gets tossed around every other week.
[–]narrenburg"Self-hating" man --4 points--3 points--2 points  (3 children)
Careful. I got hit by a brigade. You just might as well.
[–]kuhndawg88 --3 points--2 points--1 points  (2 children)
you got hit with logic you dumb fuck. do you ignorant fucks actually believe this shit?
[–]narrenburg"Self-hating" man -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
It doesn't help to dismiss my concern about brigading in this thread by brigading.
Whether I was correct or incorrect (which can't be determined by logic, by the way), you're brigading in SRS, which is highly ironic considering that we get accused of summary organized brigades, especially in default subs with highly-voted comments.
[–]ShadowcatX2000 --1 points-0 points-1 point  (0 children)
Note that the screenshot that is so offensive specifically identifies ISIS, not Muslims as a whole.
[–]narrenburg"Self-hating" man comment score below threshold--10 points--9 points--8 points  (22 children)
It's funny because I'm stereotyping a broadly victimized ethnic group as being goatfuckers!
e: If this isn't a brigade against SRS, I don't know what is.
[–]iMini -1 point-2 points-3 points  (1 child)
I have no idea about this goat fucking that middle eastern people apparently do, I've heard of the Welsh fucking sheep.
[–]MacduffFifesNo1Thane -11 points-12 points-13 points  (17 children)
Please tell me you aren't defending a terrorist organization as a victimized group...
[–]narrenburg"Self-hating" man --3 points--2 points--1 points  (16 children)
Yes because this joke is clearly aimed at Da'esh alone and not the ethnic groups found in the territory controlled by Da'esh.
[–]xXgeneric_nameXx -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
But te joke was specifically aimed at ISIS, not anyone else, no other ethnic groups
[–]shittycubicle[S] -3 points-4 points-5 points  (8 children)
[–]narrenburg"Self-hating" man -7 points-8 points-9 points  (7 children)
Sorry. That's the local acronym (Romanized of course) for ISIS (e: based on the Arabic).
[–]LarsPoosay --5 points--4 points--3 points  (6 children)
Lol gfy
[–]narrenburg"Self-hating" man --2 points--1 points-0 points  (5 children)
Take a fucking hint. We don't want asscredit spreading here.
[–]LarsPoosay -0 points-1 point-2 points  (4 children)
Lol gfy
Did I trigger you and your friends?
[–]narrenburg"Self-hating" man --2 points--1 points-0 points  (2 children)
Not everything's a trigger, you fucking redditor.
[–]LarsPoosay -0 points-1 point-2 points  (1 child)
You sound triggered
[–]gnat_outta_hell -0 points-1 point-2 points  (5 children)
Um... Yes? It says Isis not Middle Eastern, not Sunni, not Muslim, not (insert regional or ethnic group here). Isis. Can we not just make fun of terrorist assholes without getting offended because other people happen to share the same color of skin and ethnic background as said terrorist assholes? It wasn't an ethnic issue until you made it an ethnic issue.
Fuck Isis and their slave goats.
[–]narrenburg"Self-hating" man --4 points--3 points--2 points  (4 children)
Wait, so you don't know about the (obviously false) stereotype that claims Arabs fuck their goats?
e: You seem lost. Politely go the fuck back to /r/Asscredit
[–]shittycubicle[S] -2 points-3 points-4 points  (2 children)
Yea I don't think narren was defending isis. using the goat stereotype against isis is like using a black stereotype when describing a black gang that commited A heinous act. It's still racism, just packaged up so people are less likely to call it out
[–]Often_Sarcastic -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
Yeah, kinda surprised this post your getting so much negativity.
It's clearly thinly-veiled racism disguised to target terrorists. Just look at the replies. Must just be invading redditors.
[–]narrenburg"Self-hating" man --4 points--3 points--2 points  (0 children)
Thank you. I thought this was easy to understand, considering that this isn't Reddit proper, but SRS.
[–]gnat_outta_hell -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
I guess I spend more time bashing groups of people for their actions than paying attention to the racial slurs propagated by the internet at large. Now that you mention it, I guess I have heard it around. It just seems a little excessive to take to heart such a broad insult like the inability of a terrible person to get real women to like them and apply it to yourself just because bigots have done so before in an effort to put down someone's racial group.
[–]erikjbenson -0 points-1 point-2 points  (1 child)
ISIS isn't an ethnic group. It's a terrorist group. You seem to be really confused.
[–]narrenburg"Self-hating" man --1 points-0 points-1 point  (0 children)
Imagine if someone made a joke like that aimed at white people, but used the KKK as a proxy. It wouldn't have as much of an effect, I think, but it would qualitatively be the same. I can think of many bestiality- and incest-related jokes about white people (e.g. one involving a horse, another involving someone's sister), but I'm not going to reveal them fully because I know that they're generally gross.
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