Anonymous So, you talk a lot about trans women. What about trans men? A lot of people look at them as a sort of traitors. I don't know what to feel, but honestly I don't like them much

We talk about transwomen because transwomen are males, and thus our oppressors in patriarchy. Patriarchy is a sex-based oppression of females, as patriarchy is dependent on gender, and gender is assigned based upon biological sex. Just as males can not “identify out” of their male privilege by transitioning, females can not gain male privilege by identifying as men. Thus they are (regardless of gender identity) still the oppressed class within patriarchy as they are female. 

I do not feel like transmen are traitors, and I do not dislike them. I do feel like all trans people male and female alike perpetuate gender, and thus perpetuate patriarchy as patriarchy and gender are one in the same. By insisting that by preforming femininity or masculinity you are either male or female as trans people do, they are enforcing gender roles and perpetuating an oppressive hierarchy designed to subjugate and enslave female women. For this reason, I am angered by trans politics as a whole, but I do not think transmen are traitors.  I have sympathy and hold solidarity for all females. 


  1. egalitarianhalfmoon reblogged this from askaradfem and added:
    You do not understand why trans people are trans, then.
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