February 25, 2015Richard Melick By Richard Melick: Marketing Outreach Specialist

Lenovo Support Page Hacked

In possible retaliation to the Superfish MITM software installed on Lenovo consumer machines, hackers looking to be representing Lizard Squad have hacked Lenovo’s support page through DNS hijack.  Currently, if you head to http://support.lenovo.com/us/en/product_security/superfish, a whole new site appears rotating through images hosted on IMGUR and playing a song hosted on YouTube.  Meta data in the code shows “The new and improved rebranded Lenovo website featuring Ryan King and Rory Andrew Godfrey”, who have been implicated as members of Lizard Squad in the past.  We have pulled the source code for reference. We will update as we find out more information.

[UPDATE] Lenovo has restored the page back to the proper website. No official word from their team on what happened or how many affected in this DNS hijack.

2-25-2015 2-39-28 PM




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