There are at least ten books based upon Twilight fanfictions. If you believe heteronormativity doesn’t exist, think about this and then name just one book based upon a slash fanfiction.

Isn’t it scary that a story about domestic abuse is more accepted than it would be a love story between two men? I could list several slash fanfictions that deserve to be published novels, that deserve to become a movie, and I’m sure a lot of you could do the same.

What upsets me the most is that I can’t do anything to change this situation, apart from ranting about it on my blog. Anyway, in the unlikely event that an editor reads this post, I’m here to suggest two novel-length fanfictions that could achieve the bestseller status:

Back in the day by KeelieThompson1
Nothing gold can stay by perkynurples

You know what to do.

elise white