1. 娘がそんなに早く男の子に興味を持つようになるなんて、誰も教えてくれなかった。
2. こんなにも深く妻を愛せるなんて、誰も教えてくれなかった。
3. 汚れたおむつを一回でも交換すれば、これまで女性の体の構造を理解しようとしてきた努力が根本的に変わるということを、誰も教えてくれなかった。
4. 娘を持てば必ずフェミニストになると、誰も教えてくれなかった。
5. その優しさの裏側に何が待っているのか、誰も教えてくれなかった。
娘を持つ父親はよくこんな冗談を聞く。「人を愛したことがあるって?準備しておきな! そんな気持ちになったことはないはずさ」。ある意味、その通りだ。「パパの娘」の小さな指を包む父親のイメージが、それをよく表している。あまり語られないのは、優しさの中の優しい部分の裏側に計り知れない怒りがあるということである。説明もできないような、荒々しい凶暴さが中央からこみあげてくるのだ。割り込み同然で入ってきた群衆の誰かに暴力をふるう自分の姿を思い描くこともできず、ハラハラしながら、農産物の直売所の人混みをまだ赤ん坊の娘が入ったベビーカーを押して歩いた日を思い出す。同時に、同じ理由で、自分の命を失ったり他人の命を奪いかねたりしないほど激怒もしている。男心とはなんと複雑なものか。ここから学ぶべきことがあるのかもしれない。
6. 「バタフライキス」という曲が世界一素晴らしい曲だと、誰も教えてくれなかった。
7. ピンク色がこんなに大事だなんて、誰も教えてくれなかった。
8. 妻から聞いたことがあったかもしれないが、信じていなかったこと。女の子は、幼稚園のころから自分の結婚式について考え始めるものなのだと、誰も教えてくれなかった。
9. 娘が初めて、自分ではなく幼稚園のバカなイケメンと結婚したいと言い出したら、見境いなくショックを受けるだろうと、誰も教えてくれなかった。
10. マニキュアや、お茶会ごっこ、昼間のクローゼットあさり、即興でワルツを踊ること、パステルのタックルボックス、ファンシー・ナンシー (翻訳者注: 絵本) を心から楽しめるようになると、誰も教えてくれなかった。
The love between this dog and this boy is as pure as pure love comes! Jackson and Mickey Dog. Best friends forever!!!!!
These two pictures are of our daughter Julia (9 months old) "talking" to her Daddy over Skype while he was deployed to Afghanistan.
It was taken two years ago by our friend. It was actually not planned and she just caught the shot as I was stealing a kiss.
Love at first sight! This was taken 2 days after she was born.
This photo is from September 2010. I had just shaved my head for St. Baldricks in honor of my son Levi, pictured. He was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer (Medulloblastoma) in 2004 when he was only four. Surgery to remove the tumor left him mute, paralyzed and incontinent. He relearned all his life skills while undergoing multiple surgeries, chemotherapy and intense radiation. He is my hero.
This photo is at our wedding day, our daughter ran up to be with us at the alter.
My 6 year old Lucie with her then 5-days new little brother Eliot. Her expression was not posed, I had wanted her to look at the camera but he did a little sigh in his sleep and she said “aww” and turned her head towards him and closed her eyes. I teared up as I clicked the shutter, so magical.
Baby brother's first haircut
This is my definition of love. Sister love.
Here are my two "everythings"-kissing me!!!
My 9 yo and Kira. A rescue from the Austin Humane Society.
Taken at the homebirth of my daughter, Lucy Nova, on 1/9/09 with her brothers Parker and Simon present and eager.
This is my son and his new born baby sister
The attached photo is of my 3-year-old twins, Petra and Ivan. They're both on the autism spectrum, but Ivan's powers of speech are far more advanced than Petra's, and on some level he seems to know this. He makes sure she's not overlooked when we're doing family things, and occasionally takes her hand to walk with her when we're out. If she pulls away he reaches out to grab her hand again, to make sure she doesn't get left behind!
This is a picture I took of my son and daughter while hiking.
Brothers and sister through adoption.
Carly helps little sister Brooklyn enjoy a lollipop. Brooklyn has a gross motor disability (Rett Syndrome) so she can't use her hands purposefully.
This picture was taken one Sunday afternoon when we were leaving Church. My daughter had been getting upset during the Mass because she was missing her Auntie who had passed away earlier that year from cancer. She told her brother how she was feeling as they were leaving. He put his arm around her, hugged her and kissed her forehead telling her that everthing was going to be alright. As they walked the remainder of the way to our car, they held hands. It was so precious. They did this all on their own. This is the true definition of sibling love at it's finest! I just walked quietly behind soaking it all in. (And of course taking a picture like any good mom would :)
JJ (boy) Mr. Teddy (the white butt) Jeter (the orange cat) Minnie (the kitten) We just had to put Jeter to sleep yesterday after 15 years of warmth and sweetness :'(
This is me and my daughter, Chelsea. If I ever doubt that I am loved, this picture reminds me otherwise.
This is a picture of my then 16 year old son and his 12 year old sister about 6 weeks after she was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. It is the first day of school and I think it's easy to see the tragic love he feels. Hope Alizah Kimlee Fuller 6/26/97 born 7/29/09 diagnosed with DIPG 3/10/10 died
My sons... love how affectionate they are with each other.
Aiden gets wrestling tips from his big brother, Ryan
This is a picture of my son, Elliot and I on his first birthday. He had just finished digging into his birthday cake and I was giving him a drink of water. We have a really special connection. I'm a single mom and he is the best thing that ever happened to me. Love!!
Caught this picture of my husband and (at the time) 2mo old son catching a cat nap. Look at the smile of pure satisfaction (love) on my son's face. Neither would have wanted to be any other place in the entire world.
Big brother (Elias - 2.5 yo) meeting baby brother (Jackson - 1 day old) for the first time.
Love is the first of many a newborn will take...first steps...
The moment I met my twins.
This image was taken moments after mom, who had been looking on, had *that moment* - that moment when you realize your entire world has changed – that moment as a new mother that takes your breath away. Her eyes filled with tears of overwhelming joy and love and got both of us, the dna photographers, and the daddy to well up – the only one not crying was the 8 day old little angel in daddy’s arms.
My four year old son with his Daddy doll while his Daddy was deployed.
When we brought our son home from the hospital, I was not able to cradle him close to me. So every morning my husband tucked our little one in his robe and held him 'skin to skin' because I couldn't.
Our baby was born with hemolytic disease and was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for two weeks. This was when his brothers and sister woke up and discovered he was home with us. This was their first time seeing him with no wires, tubes or monitors. He is seventeen months old now and they still adore him as much as they did then. Bob and Jennifer Quinlan, along with David- age 12, Maisie- age 9, William- age 8 and Johnny- age one.
They are best friends!
Sisters meeting each other for the first time. Tori age 2 and dani 18 hrs old
My grandmother suffered from lung cancer months before my daughter was born, devastating news to our family . In this picture my daughter was just three weeks old as she was entertained by Grandma's charming Southern stories, old wives' tales, and superstitious expressions. Grandma loved her the minute she knew she was coming and every day she has been gone, I know that Grandma would love the little girl she has grown into. This picture is a constant reminder of the important 'things' in my life.
This photo was taken in September 2012. Our daughter Kori Jo was headed in for surgery on her eyes.....I caught this moment between Kori and her Daddy. We were havin a grand old time after she had been given the 'juice', and she fell right in to this beautiful moment with her biggest fan.
This is a picture of my son meeting his Great grandmother for the first time ..I see love when I look at this picture.
How much do I love that my photography student captured the love of my life in this series? My lives/loves all converge here: son, photography, teaching, learning. We traded photo shoots, so I'll send one of her with her dad that I took, in a separate email.
My 5yo son, Carson, and his 7yo sister, Savanna. Carson has Leukemia (T-Cell ALL) - and was 3 months into treatment when I took this picture. This pictures says 1,000 words about the sibling bond they have for one another and the strength and laughter that goes along with it. I couldn't be any luckier than to have these amazing kiddos in my life.
I happily submit this photo of me, my husband and our sweet baby boy who was born on Jan. 6, 2013. Our family was created through the miracle of open adoption, and we will be forever grateful for our son's birthmother and birthfather!
This is by far my absolute favorite photo of our fraternal twins when they were about four months old. I love the look on both of their faces. A special bond that only twins share.
Asha, age 3 hugs little brother -- 1 year old Jaisal.
Unfortunately taking a photo in the dark resulted in it being a little blurry, but I can't think of a picture that shows my 3 and 5 year olds' love for one another. They insist on sharing a little twin sized bed on the top bunk.
Little Keona Sky of Denver, Colorado has been hospitalized for weeks with rare infant botulism and is slowly improving. This is a photo of her Keona with her big brother Micah as he finally gets to visit her in the hospital. Keona's mommy, Kari Henkel, is the sister of a dear friend of mine.
Love = My son and his dog sharing love and comfort when my son arrived home after a week of chemo.
It's blurry, but in this photo my 4 year old daughter Allie was introducing her 6 year old sister Ansley to her classmates as her show and tell "item." The way she is gazing up at Ansley is so full of sisterly love. (Teacher in background) I just wish I had my big camera to capture the moment, but I'm also so grateful phones have cameras or I would've missed it completely.
This photo is of my two youngest children, Kacie and Avrie in June 2011. Kacie was 6, and Avrie was about 6 weeks. Kacie just bent over and gently kissed Avrie's hand. This photo captured the love between two sisters perfectly, as their eyes meet, little Avrie smiles up at her big sister. And that admiration continues today. Kacie made the transition from being the little sister of Zachary, to middle child, and big sister to Avrie flawlessly. There is no one she loves more, than her little sister.
This is an image I took of my 2 step-children and our new son. The things you do for love...
I took this picture of my sister during labor. She went through a lot for the love of my nephew, and my brother in law was by her side because of the love he had for his wife and unborn son.
This is Davey, age 1, and Bailey, age 13. Taken in July 2012. She's so protective, and he's so in love with her. It's amazing to watch them together..
This is my favorite photo of my boys (so far) BFFs :)
My son is almost 4 years old, but this is the photo that will always represent "Love" for me. He was diagnosed with a condition called craniosynostosis when he was two months old. He underwent surgery to treat this condition- which involved surgically removing a portion of his skull when he was 4 months old. This photo was taken the day after his surgery. He is smiling at me (love) and my husband is holding his hand (love). This was the moment when I knew my baby was still my baby, and everything was going to be okay. I couldn't believe he was awake and alert enough to smile the very next day, and as banged up as he looked, he's never looked more beautiful in my eyes.
Here, Mommy...eat a shell!
This was taken at the Oregon Coast last fall. They are getting older and argue a bit more than usual but the love and reliance on one another is priceless. Thank you for letting me share my finest work
This is my 9 week old son, Haaken meeting his 95 year old great-gramma for the first time. So much love in that squeeze.
My son is a mommy's boy, but on this one day, he chose to snuggle with Daddy after work.
Let me introduce Alexis and Liam, siblings, ages 4 and 2 respectively. I'm a single mother and they are my rock. They were meant to be together, we make a wonderful family of three.
My son Will and I reuniting after my first long weekend away from him.
This is the day my boys and my husband's girls became a family.
This photo of my 3 year old daughter, Hailey, and her baby brother, Dylan defines love for me. The expression on her face is pure, happy love for her brother and it makes this mama so happy every time I look at it.
Big bro and little sis. True sibling love!
My 2 year old twin boys that touches my heart Everytime I see it. Nathaniel lending a foot to his brother Nicolas while they enjoy some tv time
One of my many, many definitions of love for my daughter Sophia: showing her how important it is to seek out those little languid pockets in time that are made precisely for being silly and laughing at ourselves.You are your own best friend, first and foremost. If you can't laugh at yourself, you're missing out - big time!
Daddy Ross Goodspeed with then 1-month-old Chase. Once Chase started talking, he greeted everyone, "Hi Dada!" no matter who it was. Our unexpected little joy has made our family complete.
After 20 years of infertility and adopting 3 wonderful children who were now teenagers through some weird glitch in my body I became pregnant with Liam. Being almost forty and not very healthy it was a risky and complicated pregnancy. My oldest, my son Kevin was apprehensive and a bit angry at first becasue he was so worried about losing me and frankly a bit jealous about what this new birth child would mean to the family. Liam came early but healthy and the kids were allowed to see him while I waited in the ICU for them to see me. When Kevin walked in he was crying and told me Liam was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and he was so glad I had him, a sentiment shared by sisters Alissa and Ashley aas well. This is a picture of the boys hands on the first day Liam was out of the incubator.
Lindsey Schneider:Me and my precious boy. He has my heart.
lcgator:Lil' sisters first day home!
Lindsay Pugh Taylor:We were worried about our son Gavin adjusting to the new baby after being the baby himself for 5 years. As you can see, he doesn't mind his baby sister too much ;)
kellfayark2229:Kelly & Owen Muenks' love connection.
cujosgrl15:my crazy kids...my daughter and her autistic brother..she is like a 2nd mom to him and they love each other to the moon and back!!
Bethanese:11-month-old Cassidy (born about 2 weeks after Valentine's Day 2012)holding Mommy's hand off camera at Inspire Me Photo in West Springfield, MA
salinawall:monica and seven
Jessica F:Spontaneous cuddles while they were watching fireworks.
HuffPost Blogger Mia Aquino:My brothers and sisters have always been more than just siblings, they have been my best friends. From left to right: Angelo, Lydia, Mia, Nina, and Ricco
ABC3309:My daughter and I waiting to see Peter Pan on her first trip to Disney. She is my heart.
laura812:Me and my 5 week old baby, Ella
Judy Merrill Moticka:I took this photo on Easter 1995. To me, it has always defined my sons' childhood.
Lisa Kestler:
dmevans:Our oldest holding is highly anticipated little brother for the first time.
ThisisCharity:After a very complicated pregnancy of my second daughter I caught this beautiful moment of my oldest (15 months old at the time) and my husband sitting down and meeting our newest addition. It made the 10 weeks of bed rest and horrible c-section completely worth it.
angelalusk:Xavier holding his 11 month old sister that he adores!
Nicole Middleton:Mommy and son share a giggle
Melannie Eldridge:my first photo with our newborn son James, the love of my life. (well...maybe tied with daddy.)
MelBHab:7-year-old Lucy is an incredible big sister to Daphne, almost 4. Daphne was born prematurely at 27 weeks and deals with many health issues, including chronic kidney disease. She is receiving a transplant in less than a month. The two sisters are inseparable and each incredibly strong in their own way.
Candy Brackey:What love I have for my beautiful adopted daughter
Lindsay1980:Twin boys shortly after birth.
Stephanie Jaklitsch:A sweet moment caught between Daddy David and daughter Elliot.
Cassandra Barlow Tucker:14 months apart and completely inseparable.
Manpreet Randhawa:Love is.....watching Superman together
hey lee129:
saddlesman:Pure Love
Venessa Marion:A day at the beach with my Mom!
LorieMcD:Mommy and Ben sharing his first malt milkshake.
gabadie007:Thank God for Grand Daughters!!!!!
thebluetornado:Mary Violet welcomes her new baby brother, Jonathon
JRTraff:From the day he arrived big sister Lucy has taken care of brother Brendan, this picture of her reading to him is no exception.
Douglas Davis:From recent vacation to Florida. Madilyn's introduction to seafood.
Gigi251:Sweet Camryn & her Daddy Cody
Gigi251:Camryn & Emma -cousins
Douglas Davis:From recent vacation to Florida. Madilyn's introduction to seafood.
Sarah Cork Henderson:This photo of my 87 year old mother and my 22 month old son Daniel, was taken the day our family celebrated Christmas together, Dec. 29, 2012. My mother died two weeks later. At the time we did not know that she was so close to the end of her life. This was the first Christmas in well over a decade when my entire family was there to celebrate. I am so grateful for that and to have this photo because it shows how much she loved her grandsons, both Daniel and his older brother Matthew. I'm also grateful that she was able to know them and for them to have known her. She was a very special lady and is greatly missed.
Sarah Cork Henderson:This is my favorite photo of my sons Matthew (2 years old on the left) and Daniel (22 months old). It was snapped by their baby sitter when Matthew climbed into Daniel's Pack N Play. These brothers are only 10 months apart and they are very close. You can see the love they have for each other in this picture.
Giselle Abramovich:Giselle (mom) and Stella (daughter) on Christmas morning.
Heather Ann Dutcher:This is my dad, John, adoring his first grandbaby. My son and dad were nearly identical in temperament and even had the same eyes. Dad died 8-08-08 of pancreatic cancer & his namesake still tries to raise money in his honor for research.
Renee Layton Green:A look of pure love and admiration for his Daddy.
Wendy Fiorucci Portier:Big sister is helping little sister through a tough moment!
Stephsalive:My daughter Olivia with her new baby brothers, Ben and Ryan. She climbed up on the hospital bed and asked to hold them. We saw love come alive! Magic! It was 11 yrs ago now but ithe bond is still there!
pwoodii:Family... doesn't get any better!!!
Stephsalive:We are a family because we want it more than anything else. Thismis love to me
Elizabeth Powers Moore:My new granddaughter, Veyda Josephine.
jif00:the light of my life!!!
Stephsalive:Ben and Spunky Nearly every day after school!
Jill Lyles:Big Sister discovering how sweet her little brother can be.
Stephsalive:Rick and Steph We had a great time vacationing in Cape Cod the summer of 93. Always close and always loved him from the minute he came home from the hosp. When i was 4! He died last month after battling AIDS since he was 19, 1989. RIP Lil Brother Richard DeThomas 7/9/66 - 1/29/13
Beth ShuppGeorge:Ellie was conceived by IVF using donor sperm and Mommy's (purple) egg, and Mama (green) carried her.
Girl Power:When my little girl had a bad cold, she just wanted her big sister. Big sister held her on her lap while she slept.
James Gaddy:Our two beautiful boys. Our family is complete.
michellem99c:Sister and brotherly love
Jennifer Childers:This is a picture of Emily meeting her little sister Allyson for the first time. This was taken 4 months after we almost lost Emily to a severe case pneumonia.
Cheryl Lee Holloway:The love of a boy and his dog.
Dora Traynor:When you know your children are truly friends!!!
Olga Pavlova Harrison:
Shauna Smith Mable:Hanging out at the park... This was taken when Pax was 8 and Gabe was 5. They were always the best of friends. Now that they're both teenagers, I love that they still appreciate, and enjoy their sibling relationship.
sscheves:My 5-year-old daughter, Maggie, and 20-month-old son, Sam, get along really well, but now that they are playing more together, things can get rough sometimes. In this picture, Maggie has just calmly stated to him in her big girl voice, "Hands are for loving, Sam." Whenever she says this, he goes over and leans in for hugs and kisses. It instantly melts me and reminds me of the power of forgiveness.
MH-California:Parsa would wake up in the middle of the night and walk to his sister's room and sleep with her.
Lrtaylor88:This was Adelle's first time out of the house at 3 days old. We took her to see Nanny her great grandmother for the first time.
Chandra Roy:They were lying together watching birds through the window when I clicked this one.
Lrtaylor88:My husband holding our baby girl for the first time.
gabadie007:So much love in the eyes of babes!!!!
Jocelyn McConnell Miller:Brothers Hayden and Nate at nap-time
adenikeadeyemi:Daddy with Timileyin less than 24hours after he was born
Shyla Ramos:This was taken while my husband was home from Ft Jackson for AIT where he is currently in the Army. The love my husband shows his son is just a fraction of what I feel for the both of them and I love them both more than the world.
Delphine Mary G:my love on my birthday...he made the cake.
Victoria Bansey:I love that my two miracle babies just need to look at each other to start to smile and then giggle.
Kate Zeiss:. . . we stay on guard so you can sleep.
workberlinmum:My two beautiful boys: Milo holding his 1 week old little brother Alfie
slbarrow:How can you not smile when looking at this? Max saved Sam's life TWICE! First, by showing him how to roll off the back of the couch which allowed us to find Sam's brain tumor--he fell and hit his head and got a concussion which led to a CAT scan. Max saved him again by showing him that even though he couldn't walk after surgery, he could crawl which got him moving again. They are BOTH my heroes
Alisa Mooneyhan:Every breath of who you are Tells a story that I love I have finally found the truth In what I see in you And what I feel with every touch The simple beauty of your heart In every breath of who you are
jeffheather:Cooper and Mommy
cas2dy:Two grandboys are missing from this one but I think you get the picture. Rainbow Love!!
roccozilla:Dad and Lily
jim midway:On their first camping trip.
Adrienne Veglia Mazeau:Adrienne and Rowan
eleventynine:My dad and his mom. Grandma has Alzheimer's, but she was having a really good day at our Christmas party this year (she remembered everyone's name all day!). I caught this picture just as Dad and Grandma were sharing a laugh.
jekstorey:Sisters, Amber and Zoe my beautiful girls!
hcg19:The day Liam became a big brother. He didn't even realize his Aunt was taking the picture.
Anne Marie Fleming:Twins (unexpected) the day after they were born. My husband took this snapshot as I was kissing the head of our twin who almost didn't make it into the world after a scary birth.
Janet Wyatt Ellis:This picture taken of 2 of my kids just melts my heart! My daughter, Shelby, is 15 and Zachary is 6 months. True sibling love!
dmevans:Our oldest son(7) took a picture of mom & his highly anticipated baby brother, a week after he was born
Jamie MacDougall:...it's a love without end, amen....
Sand6:Luke, 8 and Will, 5 holding new baby brother Jake.
Michele Maisey:Our daughter and only child, Rowan Grace, whom we lost to relapsed pediatric cancer in April, 2009. November 2004.
grammydude:My children I adopted, non related, my boy was sick with a bug and my babygirl was so worried about him. I put them in their own beds and this is what I found @ 11pm when I went to go to bed. It melted my heart!
Ann Gregory:Ryan holds Baby Millie on the day she was born. Neither one was aware of the camera.
Stefie481:Celeste's first day home
CYD108:It was the last year that little brother could attend the K-1rst grade easter egg hunt in town, growing up. Big brother (who was long too old to participate) carried little brother's bucket because he knew he was embarrassed that it was baby blue with fuzzy bunnies on it. Mom didn't know.
katefreyer:Little brother William adores his big sister Abby
Emily Westlund:2-year-old Madeline snuggles with her 5-day-old sister Claire.
Jami Copping-Butler:Brayden and Carter
bradmoore:Brother and Sister, Brad and Katie, avoid doing laudry.
Smms:My niece and her baby brother.. So much love and laughter
catheystanley:My children are best friends.
catheystanley:Four years apart, nearly the same size.
giesork:Rosie was adopted from Ethiopia, Henry from Guatemala... Rosie very much looks up to her big brother and will wear her Bengal jersey when she particularly wants to impress him. He appreciates that!
eve mahar:Best Friends through the ups and downs!
landhmommy:Lilja & Henry, in their Hanna's, ready to have fun after the Blizzard of 2013!!!
landhmommy:first father & son fishing trip!
landhmommy:lilja and daddy soak up the summer sun!
Kathie Pedersen Canny:Mother and son dance...
Andrea Danger:We had never seen anything so beautiful nor had we ever felt a love so powerful.
Andrea Danger:Love.
Andrea Danger:Love.
Andrea Danger:I just can't stop smiling when I'm with her. I didn't know that life could be so full of joy. She is my greatest love.
Andrea Danger:I just can't stop smiling because of her. I didn't know that life could be so full of joy. She is my greatest love.
Andrea Danger:I just can't stop smiling because of her. I didn't know that life could be so full of joy. She is my greatest love.
Andrea Danger:I love to watch them together. Their love is the sweetest thing.
Andrea Danger:I never knew what I was alive for, until I knew what I would die for.
Max Cabot:The first time I held my daughter. Minutes after she was born she was already smiling at me.
Max Cabot:My father with my oldest daughter. He was very ill at the time, but my daughter just loved to sit on his lap. She thought he was Santa Claus.
DezRoberts:Six weeks after spinal surgery Christian's big sister Desiree got out of the hospital and immediately went to see him play his championship baseball game. They won, and she stood up out of her wheelchair to get pictures with him, to applause from the team.
SuHouLadoo:We had been waiting for too long to take the picture, and the kids began to lose their composure. All cousins from ages 1 to 12!
Tia Harrell Yarborough:My son and daughter, just watching TV
Tia Harrell Yarborough:My daughter with a tear on her cheek because she wanted so much to hold her baby sister
Realist74:Gabriel, 6 - the proud big brother to Gideon, 4 months.
Catherine Park:Proud new big sister 2008
TheDiva:Katie and Bella met when they were 4, and 6 years later, they are still inseparable.
Dawn Saari:three generations of us
youbet110:5 year old Hannah and the love of her life... her Pops.
Buckeroomama:A sweet moment captured. :) www.buckeroomama.com
TracySinNC:A brother's love can smother, but this sister doesn't seem to mind.
TracySinNC:My heart, in three pieces, outside my body.
Mandy Wright Rodgers:I love getting kisses from my kids!
Stephen Paul Gates:
Daddy JG:Last December, our (then) 2 year old daughter met her brother Henry for the first time. This was less than 24 hours after he was born, still in the hospital.
Autumn Ronald Flora:Pierce resting on his big sister's lap
Casey Makel:Joy!
Carla Sobral:
jrcart:This is the moment when my (then)four year old son meets his baby brother for the first time, the day after he was born. :-)
Carrie Asselin:This is me and my only brother, circa 1990. He passed away two years ago at age 24, but even in memory still remains my closest companion. We were best friends from the very beginning, and he never failed to take care of his little sister.
Jennifer Estep:We were only a few days home from the hospital and she had wanted to hold him by herself since she first saw him. She loves him to pieces.. she now carries him around the living room all the time!
werocktheyroll:Izzy holding her dad's hand while watching a movie even though, as a quadriplegic, he cannot feel it.
Casey K Taylor:He's now two year old and has the best daddy any little boy could ask for.
akterise:My twins and their boy :)
plytimshly:My fiance and then 6 month old son Jericho at this years Harvest Festival and Pumpkin Patch
pchga:Samantha, 4, could not wait to hold her new baby sister, Rachael.
christinaemanuel:My nephew Will and my son Peter are cousins and best friends. Their love is warm, playful, and delightful to behold!
RachelAff:Saying our 'see you laters' to Daddy.
LtTawnyMadison:Our daughter with her grandparents
sks17:We can't wait to hit the beach this summer
jae12:After a stressful 1st birthday party, Liloa was having trouble falling asleep. I left him to work it out, and when I came back later, found that Kawika had gotten out of his bed and snuggled up with Liloa.
natalieborn:Fun in the sun!!
GQs Momma:Holding our son for the first time.
Nicnicsmom:At the end of a photo shoot, my photographer friend snapped this unstaged picture of me and my son, Nicholas.
gatrgrl81:Peyton & Cash. They love each other so much.
kmccormick84:Cousins by chance, best friends by choice.
Kerri Abbey Al-Khazraji:
The McBlud Family:This family is full of love
MartinezinWyo:Gabi & Isa. Growing up 17 months apart means you'll never be far away from a friend.
adominik:Make the best of a bad situation.
sameface1:Playing in the park with my the then 3 year old son. He was giggling when we took this picture. :-)
LaciMiranda:My stepson and me on the day that I married his Daddy!
Terrie Alberding-Slocum:
whiteirony:This image is of my husband and I two days before he passed away unexpectedly. We were married for 8 years and had 3 children together. With this picture, I see love, compassion, empathy, peace, sadness, acceptance and this complete understanding of what it truly means to love someone through life and death.
aprouddaddy:this is the most perfect person (in my eyes) that i will ever meet. she's my everything and a daddy's girl :) perfect until shes a teenager lol
ayrl:Lily & her great-grandfather, 93 years apart in age
Stephen Brent:Our middle daughter holding her new little sister.
Sessy12:This was the first time I really held my son after was born. And the moment I knew I'd do ANYTHING for him.
kimbtatter:Declan (2 yrs) kisses his uncle to say goodbye after Skyping. His uncle has been in Switzerland for 6 months and would call him every Saturday morning.
Ci Ci:My baby loved this puppy so much! They would do everything with each other til one day he was stolen :(
Ci Ci:My Princess and her 6 year old cousin are the best-est of friends!
andreabenetrn:Gracie loves her Mommy, and her Mommy loves her More!
andreabenetrn:Mom steals a kiss from her son
andreabenetrn:A kiss from my baby girl
andreabenetrn:Sweet friends for life, Aleah and Grace, born one day apart...
KellyGold:My husband and son enjoying a snuggle and a good book.
Cinni Minis Mommy:The first time I held my daughter
mwiddicombe:When he holds her hand just because he wants to. . .
Jess Millsap:Emma meeting her new sister, Sophia, for the first time!
badwolfmama:Aurelia and Liam
roseygrl33:this is the first time my fiance got to hold our baby! she had a rough start but is doing great now
LeonaP:My stepdaughter always wants to snuggle with our dog, who is the best snuggler in the house.
spfmartins:Big kiss!
glamourgirl 1983:Zachary & Alyssa
staceyrossey:This is the first time my husband got to hold our son, Bryce, who was born two months early and was in the NICU.
ggmyriam:Breastfeeding and discovering his mother's face...
Glyss:The chemistry these 2 have is more love then I see between most couples and they are 6 & 5. My Son & My Best Friends Daughter. We always joke that we are planning a wedding... but I'm totally serious!
broadwaybaby9:Ella and Joey, friends since birth, enjoying S'mores at the lake. Is there any love more pure than that of childhood friends?
Mary Beth Bryson:My 1st Mother's Day, my husband snapped this picture.
Audrey Lynne Pope Reed:Livvy & Savvy Sugars!
Coco1030:Brotherly love
CristinaWall:I try to pose them all the time together and it never works. I finally let them do their own thing and this happens!
mrsthreeinthree:Delaney adores her baby sister Charli. She will hold her, feed her, try to change her and clothe her. She smothers her with kisses and blows raspberries on her stomach. She's probably more of a mother to Charli than I am; she loves her so much!
LanieMass:Mom and her little boy
Aurora Sheba:Bella has high functioning autism and while she is the older sister Lilly is a huge cuddle bug. Bella doesn't like to sleep alone some nights so Lilly snuck into her bed that night. Found them like this in the morning. They are the roots to my tree. Majickal little pixies who tear my house apart, but fill my heart with love.
dpetersen2005:Big Brother Welcomes Little Brother
Nuni71:This image was taken when my 10 year old was expressing his fears regarding his treatment for brain cancer to his 14 year old cousin (my niece).
Mindy Boccadori:That's me, lucky Grammy on my birthday. Check out my husband (Papa, the bald guy behind me) helping to hold us all together.
Christina Goding:
sugar smax:
Miss Carrie Jane:Princess Anna
Rachel Carusella:
Lori Davault:
elarmer9:Magnus feeds Sasha yogurt
elarmer9:Jess & Magnus
lasapa17:This is Faith & her new baby sister Hope. Faith was so excited to have a new baby sister. Can you see the love in her eyes?
Meghann Drews:our first date, In Pompeii after six years of friendship
ghaupt:My husband and our daughter on one of my first days back to work.
edenk3smommie:my beautiful babies
Laurie Jo:My baby loved to take off my scarf and kiss my bald head... Photo by Emily Southerland
Key Dennis-Hill:
Terry Creel Perkins:
Sanjay M:Angel on my shoulder
cjacobs151:Big sis loves her lil bro :o)
Stacey Lane Mills:Mommy with her sweet Mia
Angie Rodenkirch:Joe was so fascinated by baby Becca. Even now, at age 20 and 14, they're still close!
Anastasia Carter:You may tell him that he is only their Step-Father but to him those girls are HIS girls and to those girls he is THEIR DADDY ~ photo taken on one of over many family movie nights
Anastasia Carter:My son is only 18. I was upset and scared about my son being such a young father. I felt as if all those things I said and all the heart ships we went through because I was a young mother my son never listened to any of it. But, I would be lying if I didn't say what a blessing this has been. My son was going down a fast and dangers road but since the birth of Olivia he has down a complete 180 degree turn in his life. Saying that I am proud of him would seem to be an understatement, he is a natural father and I have seen him grow into an incredibly loving and mature man since Olivia has come along. He is everything I would want him to be, he is such better parent then I. Olivia has wonderful parents, and they have made me a very proud and happy Grandma! The smiles and love in this photo say it all!
RenataG:Ayola is a 2 years-old little girl from Khayelitsha, in South Africa. This picture was taken in the first time that I took her and the other kids from the orphanage to see ocean. Was a truly magical day.
Mommybook:Me and my best friend!
colliemo:In my Father's last days it became very important to get a photo of my parent's hands.
texasaggie80:this is a picture of my biological nephew, eathyn, and my adopted niece, mariela (his sister). they were born twelve hours apart at the same hospital. her biological father beat her so severely at a few days old that she suffered permanent disabilities. when my brother and sister-in-law took her home, they raised eathyn and mariela as "twins." this is one of my most favorite pictures of them, taken not to long before she died. even though she died when they were both only 3 1/2, eathyn still talks about "lella" daily. she is always in his heart.
Tazzyhb70:Always best buddies.
Clare Sebenius Cohen:Even though he drives her crazy, she seems to love him unconditionally.
somuchlove:two brothers
rfrech:Ella (age 3) and Cullen (14 hours old)
ozzyswife:Pure Bliss!
kunuchi:Once he was home from the hospital, his sis took care of him the best she could - by loving him.
linda5562:This is my daughter, Amy, with her dog, Cassie, who she first got as a puppy in a basket under the tree from Santa. True Love,
BPalermo22:Rocco (age 7) holding the baby brother he prayed for every day for 2 years.
BarryRand:Our Grandson & Classic 1972 Corvette
KKGSuperMom:My beautiful daughter, what a beautiful look when I was kissing her cheek
Jane1789:Laughter is the best when it's among brothers!
stephgo:Portland, Oregon
Fed up in Denver:God's blessings in my life
ItsTheNayNay:They have been doing this going on 6 years. I have never seen two siblings adore one another so much. I'm so blessed they are mine and my husband's.
JacksMOM09:Oh Mom!!!
Boysx3:My son was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 6 1/2. This picture was taken two months later. His smile never faded during treatment and thankfully 8 years later, it continues to smile.
realahbrowne:If there was one place I could always find complete acceptance of the person I was, it was my father. He passed in 2001.
hakelly86:Kam smiles brightest for big sister, Rals
pleslie1:Love in the snow!
Geneva Dawn:Bryson Laine at 2 months old snuggling with his soon to be best friend, Bogie.
mslissalynn:Brother and Sister holding hands while they sleep. Sibling security.
stelleinleiocchi:Mom and Isabella, snuggling for the very first time. Isabella was born extremely premature, and mom waited 7 long weeks to hold her baby in her arms. It was bliss.
neonurse70:My son and daughter, shortly after he because a US Marine.
TeamAllegretti:8 Days old
raven22576:Micah, age 4, Delaney age 8 months.
raven22576:Micah, age 4, Delaney age 8 months.
Jenn Cottel Larrabee:Sadly lost about four months ago, Hamish was the most patient, wonderful cat as he was constantly "loved" by our toddler, J.D.
RollerGirl808:My oldest daughter home from college, snuggling with her little sister...
jane333c:Siblings Ethan and Sophia
KimAnn40071:2yo brother & his 5 month old sis
Abby Dubbe:Our first moments together after an emergency c-section
Five Degrees of Chaos:So much mischief, so much love
jane333c:Siblings Ethan and Sophia
teachersquared:This is what I wake to each morning. This is how I define happy. :)
teachersquared:This is what I see when I wake up each morning. This is how I describe happy. :)
Annik Stahl:A girl and her panda--what could be more lovely?
WolfSpirit Free:
Michele Howes:Malorian, 2 1/2 lets his little brother, Noon, 11 months share his box.
elphabathropp47:These are my nephews, Maddox and Dexter. They were looking out the window, watching cars go by, when Maddox leaned in just to smell Dexter's head and give him a kiss. Just because.
evelynrosa:She's a daddy's girl from day one!
beatle chik:My Daughters.
swatisam:Dream together, my angels
swatisam:Look Ma I love my new friend
patticakez:All I wanted was a picture of my 3 babies, and this is what I got instead
jvoelker74:The love between two sisters. Maeve and Tallulah ages 8 and 2.
KimandDave:Mike and Gram at the beach!
protectivepapa:Brother, sister...best friends.
protectivepapa:Big brother, little sister...best buds.
protectivepapa:Love to hug
justfivefeet1970:Remember...I'm the boss!
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