More Blue Card Related News
- NOV10Germany: 68% of Blue Card holders stay in host country
A majority of the highly qualified immigrants decide to stay permanently.
- OCT29EU: Blue Card procedures and requirements
Background information for participating European member states.
OCT3Greece: Combat illegal migration by setting up a regular immigration framework
Avramopoulos said one of his main tasks would be to improve the “Blue Card Directive”.
AUG28EU: Diversity is a country’s 21st Century Strength
Key to a nation’s future success is its approach on smart immigration.
AUG5Czech Republic: smart 21st century implementation of EU blue card law
A credit-card sizes plastic card with biometric data will replace paper work- and residence permits.
- JUL15EU: Blue Card procedures and requirements
Background information for participating European member states.
JUN19Germany: EU voters favour smart immigration
Demographic trends are endangering the industrial and engineering future of Germany, which is facing a looming talent crisis.
- JUN13EU: Blue Card – The best of both worlds
Individuals and organizations who control a publishing channel, such as a website, can now become an affiliate of the EU Blue Card Network.
MAY16Spain: immigration to Europe is a key EU topic
Fighting illegal immigration by making people aware of the legal options, such as the European Blue Card.
APR23EU: Employment returns to growth in the Eurozone
Growth of business activity in the euro area economy accelerated to its fastest for just under three years.
- APR15Germany: EU Blue Card – the labor ticket for Germany
Berlin is the ICT start-up capital of Germany. Salaries for experienced software developers range from 50.000 to 55.000 Euro. 44% of entrepreneurs are non-German nationals.
- MAR26EU: EU reaches deal on universal right to a basic bank account
EU directive ensures that all European citizens, including blue card holders, have access to their own EU bank account.
MAR7Luxembourg: Immigration leaflet
Extensive information on Luxembourg immigration and blue card policy.
FEB6Germany: immigration of professionals more than doubled in three years’ time
The number of highly qualified, non-EU professionals increased from 16,000 in 2009 to 37,000 in 2012.
JAN14Belgium: Favourable implementation of EU Blue Card law
Highlight: spouse and children of the blue card holder are entitled to a work permit (arbeidskaart B)
JAN2EU: NGO's can now easily refer their professionals
Foreign agencies can opt to supply their professionals with a custom sign-up page.
DEC16Italy: EU Blue Card 'instrument still little known, but with great potential'
Minimum wage for blue card holders is set at €24.789. Reference article is in Italian.
NOV19Spain: Spain issues a permanent residence permit, five years after issuing the EU Blue Card
During these five years one can be absent from Spanish territory up to six consecutive months, provided that the sum of periods of absence does not exceed the total of one year.
OCT24EU: New EU member state Croatia implements EU Blue Card law
A description of the blue card visa procedures for the participating member states.
OCT01Germany: Short and concise information on the Blue Card (Flyer in German)
The Blue Card (Germany) is initially a temporary residence permit, which is valid for a maximum of four years if the job provides for the same or longer duration.
SEP12EU: Europe and the global race for talent
Introducing legislation to make it easier for third-country nationals to study and stay in the EU.
AUG19Sweden: EU Blue Card gets green light in Sweden
As from August 1st Sweden offers the EU Blue card; an excellent opportunity for non-EU nationals to tap into its main industrial sectors of forestry, telecom, automotive and pharmaceuticals.
JUN27Germany: EU Blue card is the visa of choice for the highly educated
Blue card holder from India reports: ‘ spite of bureaucracy, I live here like a king’.
JUN6EU: EU urged to address paradox of unemployment and skills shortages
Millions of jobs remain unfilled in many sectors key to economic development
MAY24EU: EU Commissioner Malmström at the State of the Union Conference
Europe should give migrants the opportunities they deserve
APR10Italy: Florence studied the impact of the EU Blue Card on its economy
The Italian province of Florence is Italy’s major production and commercial center with a growing number of foreign companies who are increasingly looking for highly qualified personnel. (PDF in Italian)
MAR11Germany: Over 4,000 EU Blue Cards issued in Germany since August 2012
Blue Card Exceeds expectations in Germany. EU-wide Eurostat figures are expected end of 2013.
FEB19Austria: Communication from the Austrian government (in German)
EU Blue Card is issued for a period of two years, unless the contract has a shorter duration.
FEB7Greece: Solid implementation of EU Blue Card legislation
Combating illegal immigration by providing legal alternatives.
JAN28EU: Commission issues action call to close digital skills gap in Europe
Europe faces up to 700.000 unfilled ICT jobs and declining competitiveness. The number of digital jobs is growing.
JAN16Belgium: Minimum job contract term is one year
After five years, the blue card holder may apply for the status of 'long-term resident'.
JAN3Netherlands: Growing shortage of Engineers
Potential lack of 170,000 engineers in 2016.
DEC20Germany: Job opportunities for foreign graduates
Cities take initiatives to inform graduates on the EU blue card
DEC4EU: OECD report finds prospects for immigrants are improving
Countries make attracting highly-skilled migrants a key target of their immigration policy
NOV29Poland: Set to increase its role in Europe's economic future
The EU's sixth largest economy projects 2.2% growth in 2013
NOV14Spain: Publishes handy guide for the Blue Card
The Blue Card Spain is granted for an initial term of one year
NOV5Italy: From emigration to immigration
Sustaining social systems and expanding economic prosperity.
OCT22Finland: Fast-track procedure
Immigration Service completes decision on granting the Blue Card within 90 days.
OCT16Czech Republic: Government guidelines
Country specific details for employers.
OCT3France: Details on the French Blue Card
France has excellent family reunification conditions.
SEP14Portugal: New laws for foreigners
Portugal to introduce the EU Blue Card on October 8th.
AUG27Netherlands: EU Blue Card application forms available
The IND publishes the application forms for the "Europese blauwe kaart" online.
AUG14Germany: Hamburg attracts highly qualified persons
Non-EU foreigners come to Germany easier thanks to the new Blue Card.