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Authors vs. Goodreads
Zoe Desh
If you are an Independent author, or even a published author thinking about joining Goodreads, I hope you will take a look at my free booklet and closely examine your motives before giving Goodreads, and thus Amazon, a bunch of free information that they will then own and control. If you believe that Goodreads 'Review' system is fair, you need to read about troll review at
ebook, 26 pages
December 28th 2014
by Smashwords
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Authors vs. Goodreads,
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Aussiescribbler Aussiescribbler
The copyright on this book is by A. V. Roe. Since there is an A. V. Roe who writes erotica it seems fair to assume they are the same person.
Community Reviews
Jan 26, 2015
added it
i assume this book was written solely to get a reaction out of people; to prove some sort of point about how naughty goodreaders will gang up and troll-attack a problematic book with "nonreviews" and "abuse," and it certainly has had caused a stir. however, there is just so much misinformation in this book, and it is so insulting to goodreaders - to people who have long used this place as a little booknerd refuge where they can make friends and talk books and do their own thing without bullshit,
I was torn between rating this 1 star because it is ridiculous, and 5 stars because it is possibly the most I've laughed in months. And yeah, I actually downloaded it from smashwords and read it because I am a masochist like that. Truly side-splitting stuff.
Just one of my favourite quotes:
“...if it is for a very tiny country, it doesn't take much to be the #1 reviewer and best reviewer in your country. Especially a country where the majority of the population can ill afford books, computer equip ...more
Just one of my favourite quotes:
“...if it is for a very tiny country, it doesn't take much to be the #1 reviewer and best reviewer in your country. Especially a country where the majority of the population can ill afford books, computer equip ...more
Thank you so much to the author of that article for teaching me how to write a non-review. I'm a good pupil.
I hope so, anyway.
For you, dumb reviewers, here's how to do an outstanding non-review :
# 1 - A good non-review is put on a "wouldnt-pee-on-it-if-it-was-on-fire," shelf with a rating of 1*" ☑
# 2 - A good non-review has a gif in it, because "sometimes reviewers don't make a rating, they just want to make a statement about the book, almost 100% of the time a negative or derogatory statement w ...more
I hope so, anyway.
For you, dumb reviewers, here's how to do an outstanding non-review :
# 1 - A good non-review is put on a "wouldnt-pee-on-it-if-it-was-on-fire," shelf with a rating of 1*" ☑
# 2 - A good non-review has a gif in it, because "sometimes reviewers don't make a rating, they just want to make a statement about the book, almost 100% of the time a negative or derogatory statement w ...more
Quick review for a very quick read.
Never in the five years I've been a member on this site have I read such a prejudiced, ignorant narrative on the Goodreads community and being a part of it. It's interesting, because I just read an article in "Writer's Digest" talking about marketing on the Goodreads community for this past month (January), and one of the things they were talking about for aspiring authors is using your presence as a reader chiefly on the community.
Because that's what this comm ...more
Never in the five years I've been a member on this site have I read such a prejudiced, ignorant narrative on the Goodreads community and being a part of it. It's interesting, because I just read an article in "Writer's Digest" talking about marketing on the Goodreads community for this past month (January), and one of the things they were talking about for aspiring authors is using your presence as a reader chiefly on the community.
Because that's what this comm ...more
Something peculiar that I noticed soon after putting up my first book on Goodreads was the number of FOREIGNERS who put my book on their to-read shelf and others even started reading it. All of my stories are in the erotica genre and they're short, a novella at most. Strangely, these foreigners were from countries whose governments would probably frown on smut. And strangely, nobody ever finished a book, even after months of reading it. Most of the profiles were only name and country and almos...more
0 stars. I read it. I rated it. #sorryamnotsorryatall. Review posted January 21, 2015

So, here is my very authentic review and no, I don't consider it as harassment.

*whiny voice* Where's my fucking cookie? I deserve one and some brain bleach to top it all off. And, when the author can mention numerous times "wouldn't-pee-on-it-if-it-was-on-fire" shelf and all those derogatory dancing gifs, then I must categorically insist that Charlie would not be amused being called derogatory. BTW, he doesn't d ...more
So, here is my very authentic review and no, I don't consider it as harassment.
*whiny voice* Where's my fucking cookie? I deserve one and some brain bleach to top it all off. And, when the author can mention numerous times "wouldn't-pee-on-it-if-it-was-on-fire" shelf and all those derogatory dancing gifs, then I must categorically insist that Charlie would not be amused being called derogatory. BTW, he doesn't d ...more
Jan 19, 2015
rated it
1 of 5 stars
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Desh is very upset because she got some bad reviews and does not feel like the world has appreciated her masterpiece(s). She feels persecuted. Everyone is out to get her. It is not that her book was bad, and people didn't enjoy it, it is that Goodreads is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, full of corrupt faceless suits who run it, and bitchy out-to-get-you GR librarians who are corrupt and unfair. I feel sympathy for her - I really do. It is hard to accept that perhaps your writing craft doe
Jan 19, 2015
Emma Sea
added it
TLDR: “Suggestions To Fix The Flawed Review System”
“Completely abolish the rating only system.”
“Remove the Comments section [from reviews] along with the like button”
“Anyone proven¹ to have put Read Book or DNF, when they didn't read the book should have all of their reviews removed. ”

¹ How we would do this, I have no clue. Random drive bys where authors administer quizzes in which you prove your familiarity with the book's content??
“Completely abolish the rating only system.”
“Remove the Comments section [from reviews] along with the like button”
“Anyone proven¹ to have put Read Book or DNF, when they didn't read the book should have all of their reviews removed. ”
¹ How we would do this, I have no clue. Random drive bys where authors administer quizzes in which you prove your familiarity with the book's content??
Woah. This was really hurtful and mean and everything wrong with the world. I've spent five years on this website and mostly only seen a positive image of companionship and goodwill. There are people like Garima, Mike Puma, Ian, Samadrita, Praj, Manny, MJ, Miriam, Mariel, Nathan N.R. Gaddis, M., Dolores, Proustitute, Steve, Stephen (and all the variations of our awesome name), Finnuala, Karen, Renato, Annie, Kenny, the list is too long to complete without insult and I'm only stopping here becaus
This is an excerpt of the author's second bullet point on How To Fix The Flawed Review System
* For any rating only, if they are kept, or review, add three buttons that always appear: Read Book, DNF (Did Not Finish) or Didn't Read Book. Anyone proven to have put Read Book or DNF, when they didn't read the book should have all of their reviews removed.
* Remove the Comments section along with the like button from reviews. If Goodreads is going to treat the 'Review' as a literary work worthy of ...more
Update Zoe Desh is a man with a grudge (and a couple of aliases)! He has a wonderful website Goodreads Sucks grown out of his obsessive hatred of the good ship Goodreads and all who sail in her (us!).(The link won't trigger his applause-o-meter and leave your tracks).
5 stars, 5 large stars made of carefully-moulded and stinking ordure for achieving the ultimate orgasmic zenith of a troll, provoking such a reaction from so many people. For getting so much publicity for a book that very few ...more
5 stars, 5 large stars made of carefully-moulded and stinking ordure for achieving the ultimate orgasmic zenith of a troll, provoking such a reaction from so many people. For getting so much publicity for a book that very few ...more
Hey, this "booklet" did exactly what I assumed it was supposed to do. Everyone took the bait and read it, and gave it more attention than any laughable tantrum-in-print would ever deserve.
It is unintentionally hilarious, however, in the 'Wah wah!' pointing-fingers-on-the-playground woe-is-me wallowing in self-pity way. After all, how can you not feel so bad about a poor wannabe underappreciated crusader taking on a 'noble' quest against those vicious readers who dare to have opinions instead of ...more
It is unintentionally hilarious, however, in the 'Wah wah!' pointing-fingers-on-the-playground woe-is-me wallowing in self-pity way. After all, how can you not feel so bad about a poor wannabe underappreciated crusader taking on a 'noble' quest against those vicious readers who dare to have opinions instead of ...more
Jan 17, 2015
marked it as hell-no
What the fuck.
Jan 27, 2015
marked it as to-read
[People can talk of nothing else! (Charlie Hebdo is so last week). While discussing these weighty matters with Nandakishore, Traveller and others earlier today, I believe I came across a complete and effective solution to the urgent problems described by Mr. Desh. Fearful that my penetrating insights may languish forever unnoticed in Nandakishore's thread, I take the liberty of reproducing them here. I began by expressing my deepest sympathy with Mr. Desh's position.]
I feel the author's pain! Wh ...more
I feel the author's pain! Wh ...more
Where I got the book: free download from a retail platform.
This odd little document came across my radar, and I downloaded it hoping it might be a cogent roundup of the author side of the current, very regrettable polarization of the reading world. I should have known better. It is, alas, a sad little rant, with enough baiting of Goodreads reviewers to ensure it’ll earn its day in the spotlight. If you’re an author looking for information about how to thrive on Goodreads, I would advise you to s ...more
This odd little document came across my radar, and I downloaded it hoping it might be a cogent roundup of the author side of the current, very regrettable polarization of the reading world. I should have known better. It is, alas, a sad little rant, with enough baiting of Goodreads reviewers to ensure it’ll earn its day in the spotlight. If you’re an author looking for information about how to thrive on Goodreads, I would advise you to s ...more
This book is written by a man. No woman would piss on a fire.

In the end the only thing we have is time. We arrive on time, we are late, we don’t have time, we prefer doing this or that in our free time, you have cancer-how much time left I have?, I have to wait-how long will it take?, please don’t waste my time, oh my God it was about time!
And I’m sorry but we don’t have time for everything, we have to choose in which we invest our time.
Time time time time time.
Time is like bread, keep it for t ...more
In the end the only thing we have is time. We arrive on time, we are late, we don’t have time, we prefer doing this or that in our free time, you have cancer-how much time left I have?, I have to wait-how long will it take?, please don’t waste my time, oh my God it was about time!
And I’m sorry but we don’t have time for everything, we have to choose in which we invest our time.
Time time time time time.
Time is like bread, keep it for t ...more
If I could roll my eyes further up my head,I would.
Seriously?! What is this?! I'm just stunned at how low a person can stoop. So, you obviously received hate from the goodreads community? You must be one of the behaving badly authors. My poor child.
So, you've been bullied by reviewers and that's your answer? Making a guidebook against goodreads and us reviewers. So that's how the 'bullied' author becomes the 'bully' author.
I don't have anything else to say. I just wonder how they allowed such a thing to be published.
Are you freaking kidding me??

Bitter loser much? You can just see the words "failure" oozing out of the pages of this travesty. I have no idea who this so-called author is because writing this shit under your real name would be a career suicide that of course this "courageous" author who wants to warn all the unsuspecting other authors and point out all our flaws, is not willing to make.

You know what is the one quality I admire most in an author miss "Zoe"?? Their ability to accept criticism! It ...more
Bitter loser much? You can just see the words "failure" oozing out of the pages of this travesty. I have no idea who this so-called author is because writing this shit under your real name would be a career suicide that of course this "courageous" author who wants to warn all the unsuspecting other authors and point out all our flaws, is not willing to make.
You know what is the one quality I admire most in an author miss "Zoe"?? Their ability to accept criticism! It ...more
Jan 20, 2015
Val ⚓️ Shameless, Bitchy, Skanky & Not Sorry ⚓️ Digression Queen
marked it as fuck-to-the-no
I won't rate something I haven't read.
So, I read this.
Click this LINK to the author's website, if you'd like to read this for yourself.
This pamphlet was written in response to the author getting excommunicated from Goodreads after "getting uppity with a Librarian while trying to get around a broken feature on the Goodreads website that affected sales of my smut."
At first, I thought this was written because of some sort of incident between the author and a pack of rabid reviewers. And it surel ...more
So, I read this.
Click this LINK to the author's website, if you'd like to read this for yourself.
This pamphlet was written in response to the author getting excommunicated from Goodreads after "getting uppity with a Librarian while trying to get around a broken feature on the Goodreads website that affected sales of my smut."
At first, I thought this was written because of some sort of incident between the author and a pack of rabid reviewers. And it surel ...more
What a ridiculous book. Just the synopsis sounds like it was written by an over privileged brat. I am glad to see this book/article thing getting such shitty reviews.
I really feel like authors don't understand what Goodreads means to us as readers. We do not use Goodreads to offend authors or anything, we use Goodreads to get book recommendations. To see what our favourite reviewers or our friends felt about a book we were thinking about reading.
Plainly put, Goodreads is for readers. Not for a ...more
I really feel like authors don't understand what Goodreads means to us as readers. We do not use Goodreads to offend authors or anything, we use Goodreads to get book recommendations. To see what our favourite reviewers or our friends felt about a book we were thinking about reading.
Plainly put, Goodreads is for readers. Not for a ...more
Jan 20, 2015
Jess-i-ca ~The Gif Witch~
marked it as no-way-in-hell
Here is my non-review review :)
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GR ratings and reviews | 4 | 74 | Jan 30, 2015 01:48AM |
Feb 01, 2015 11:49AM
Feb 01, 2015 04:00PM