Should Government Force
Parents To Vaccinate
Their Children?

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A widespread measles outbreak reported to have begun in December has infected more than 120 people in more than 16 states. As those numbers grow daily, the anti-vaccine movement is under fire. Public health authorities are begging parents to get their children vaccinated while politicians try to determine where they stand., America's #1 news site for independent-minded individuals, wants to know where you stand. Do you agree for the safety of all Americans, parents should be forced to vaccinate their children? Or do you feel that mandating vaccinations would be unconstitutional?

The results of the poll will be available to you after you submit your vote, and we'll also share the poll results with major media outlets across the country. Thousands will vote, so take a moment right now to stand up and be counted. Your opinion matters!

Vote today!

1) Do you feel government should be able to force parents to vaccinate their children against communicable diseases like measles?
2) Anti-vaxxers believe that vaccinations may be responsible for developmental disorders, including autism. Do you believe vaccines carry dangerous risk to children?
3) Do you believe a flu vaccinations should be a job requirement for medical personal in hospitals and doctors’ offices?
4) Would you comply with government-forced vaccinations?
5) With which political party do you most closely align philosophically?

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