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[–]hthelium 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (38子コメント)

The way I have heard it explained is that way back when, many many years ago, an ounce of gold would buy you a very nice suit.

Today an ounce of gold will buy you a very nice suit.

Very different dollar price for the suit but still the same (very approximate) value.

You can speculate on precious metals but that would require timing your buying and selling, which requires much luck and/or skill.

[–]ir0nli0nzi0n 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (37子コメント)

And if you have bought stocks instead of that ounce of gold, you'd be able to buy 1,000 suits today.

That $1300 piece of gold just sits in your deposit box. A stock is a company with assets and workers. An ounce of gold is worth $1300 to you, but that same ounce is transformed into $10,000 of revenue by a jeweler.

I have a bit of my wealth in precious metals, but they aren't in bullion. I bought a few collectable silver coins at a slight premium over silver spot price. I will win if 1) silver goes up, and 2) collectors become more interested. If you look at the coin market, it's very volatile but there's been about a 4-10% return over the past 50 yrs.

[–]hydrocyanide 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (1子コメント)

People don't seem to understand the value of investing in something that will grow vs something that will sit in a vault.

Imagine you're in a hospital with thousands of newborn babies. Each parent approaches you and says they have no money, but if you pay for their child's living expenses, you get to keep all of the income they earn in their lifetime. It's obviously a bad investment if you're going to pull out tomorrow, because those babies aren't making money right now, so you're just going to pay some costs and walk away empty handed. But, by the time they're of working age, their costs will fall and their incomes will rise, and you own every cent of it for financing their activity throughout their lives. Across a pool of thousands of these children, you are practically assured to walk away a winner with many more dollars in than your cumulative dollars out.

Plot twist: each of those human babies is actually a company and you're investing in the stock market. That stock market's name? Albert Einstein.

[–]cn1ght 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

And the index fund would be you can buy part of the hospital which will give you a share of the profits from all of the babies born there!