
//I just took baby!Hans to meet Anna and Elsa, again… And they were really unimpressed with him… again. *sadface*

I asked Anna to pretend that she didn’t know that Hans would grow up to be a jerk, but she said no, and the Cast Member with them said, “The girls don’t have to do anything that makes them uncomfortable,” which made me feel really bad, like I was being a creeper or something… Maybe this will be the last time I take baby!Hans to meet the girls, if it makes Anna and Elsa so uncomfortable. I thought he was cute… =T

  1. honeylemons-twin said: Wow, that’s really mean of them. If I were a face character, I’d at least say how amazed I was that you had made your doll! It’s not like you asked them to do anything inappropriate… I love your Hans doll and love all of the hard work you put in!
  2. firelordhans posted this