(cache) Our Culture, Our People
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No longer will we stand aside and watch as our beautifully rich culture is stolen, exploited, and ruined with cultural appropriation (the popular version of racism).

We are here to educate people of our POC culture and the racism against us in this day and age. We are here to show that the genocide, torture, and enslavement done by the Europeans has not and will not stop us. Our ancestors have died to have a voice, and we are here to use it. We are here to say that we are still here. We will not be silenced.

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Black Locs

Jatas worn by sadhus (Hindu Yogi)

Japanese Geisha
(CC BY-SA Japanexperterna)

Hawaiian woman in traditional wear

La Catrina (Lady Death) on Dia de los Muertos

Indian woman in sari wearing a nose chain and bindi - (Aishwarya Rai in the beautiful movie Jodha Akbar)

Romani women celebrating their culture despite negative stereotypes in the world

Chief Sitting Bull wearing his much deserved and earned headdress for his bravery against the blue eyed devil

Inuit women in amauti, traditionalclothing.

Hindu yoga

Jain Sadhvis participating in Jain Yoga

Thai Forest Tradition Buddhist monk

A painting of the First Wife and Queen Nefertari of the Ancient Egyptians who were Black, African, and gloriously inspired religion, philosophy, and everything of the ancient world that white people choose to ignore.

Holi, the Festival of Colors. Holi festival has an ancient origin and celebrates the triumph of 'good' over 'bad'. The colorful festival bridges the social gap and renew sweet relationships.


Some troll that came out from under the bridge appropriating the sari and bindi

Another troll dressing up as an actual human being and stripping said human being's self worth and culture

A demon from the seventh level of hell dressing up as an actual human being and stripping said human being's self worth and culture

Icky Azalea trying to look like a Black woman by getting her flat ass inflated with mayonnaise

I think that's a human being? I'm not sure. The ugliness is very hard to tell.

A racist mayo stain decides that there is nothing wrong to dress up in the skin of another person she oppresses

The same aging carton of milk appropriates Egyptians who were African, not white. Imagine the backlash Beyonce would get if she decided to make a Viking inspired music video since the Vikings weren't Black. Katy Perry is also not on Bey's level. Katy Perry is on the dog shit level.

A white women modelling for a racist costume making company that dehumanizes Inuit by dressing up as them and calling the costume a racial slur


A plastic surgery disaster smiles as she remembers how 95% of the Native American race were wiped out by her ancestors so she could be able to wear the Native American headdress without being deemed as a racist as she truly is

White people wishing they had hair like the people they oppress and pressure to have hair like them--the white people

A very ignorant white girl appropriating the sugar skull makeup

Lady Gaga being pathetic

White women not knowing what they're doing.

Honkies particpiating in an ugly, downgraded, and appropriation of a religious holiday and calling it Color Run.


Africa is not a country. It is a continent that is home to over seven thousand tribes.

Awutu of Ghana

Nuba of Sudan

Igbo of Nigeria

Zulu of South Africa

Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania

Afar people of Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Eritrea

Hamer of Ethiopia

Turkana of Kenya

Himba of Namibia and Angola

This was to name only a few. Read the entire list here of the different peoples in the continent of Africa.


Anonymous asked:I just know it's on whitepeoplestealingculture blog


OMG I HATE THEIR BLOG they are honestly so rude. also, how can one “appropriate” a word?! they’re honestly crazy and care way too much. its literally a word. please calm down people.

thanks so much for letting me know.

White people: stop trying to make something sacred or important to millions of people to being “just” something. Dreadlocks/Locs isn’t just hair. Bindis aren’t just dots on the forehead. And the word “Namaste” is certainly not just a “word?!” that you pasty whites have butchered and ruined.

"Though the word ‘Namaste’ has been a South Asian greeting for centuries, now every yoga student, celebrity and creepy guy trying to hit on an Indian woman thinks it’s fine to use it as a way of saying ‘hey’ or ‘I’m so in touch with what it means to be worldy and spiritual.’ … 

"After hundreds of years of British colonialism enforcing English as the dominant language in South Asian government and schools, trying to erase the many facets of culture and history that mark the region, I’m supposed to feel flattered that the dominant culture I live in now wants to start using some sort of ‘authentic’ greeting that doesn’t even have anything to do with them?

"And as a second-generation Indian-American, I’m also perturbed that people assume anything about by my relationship to ‘Indianness’ in the first place: I’ve used ‘Namaste’ only a handful of times, with South Asian elders who I’ve never met before.When majority culture wants to start adopting the exotic, everyone is supposed to just come along for the ride. My mom and I wince a little when we get asked to be the voice of Indian authenticity — it may be a well-intentioned attempt to appear culturally sensitive, but to me, hearing ‘Namaste’ from complete strangers will always be appropriating and a little racist." (x)

"Namaste" is more than a word. It’s more than what you bird feces make it seem, as it is with everything else y’all hypocritically steal. Stop using it. You have no idea what you’re saying and shaming your ancestors that committed ethnocide to the same culture.

- Jess

PS: You know you only hate the blog because we don’t allow you to be racist and aren’t nice to people who purposely dehumanize, glorify, fetishize, exploit POCs.

Posted 3 hours ago on Feb 17th with 358 notes
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