
The Place to Showcase your Video and Broadcast-related Content on the Web


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.TV, Powered by Verisign, Puts you in Control of your Online Channel

Create a home for your video library or broadcast your stories to the world. People will know what to expect when they visit your site.

.TV domain names

Be in Control.

Create your own channel online, where you decide how people will experience your content. With a .TV, you sit in the director’s chair.

Woman creating video for .TV website

Be Distinct. 

Engage the world with your .TV domain name. Let them know it’s your channel, your passions, your stories.

Confidence in .TV domain names run by verisign

Be Confident.

Since .TV is powered by Verisign, you can trust that your domain is backed by the same proven and industry-leading expertise that has kept .COM and .NET running with 100 percent reliability for more than 15 years.