-you make abortion illegal and prevent people-with-vaginas to have control over their bodies
-you say “well, it’s a woman driver after all” whenever you see a woman in traffic
-you say “you need to be more lady-like” and try to control women’s behaviors
-you call a single mother a slut, whereas you make a single father out to be a hero
-you get mad when a woman doesn’t have sex with you, but you slut shame her if she does
-you kill a woman if she rejects you
-you say “i bet she fucked her way to the top” when you see a successful woman
-when a sex-worker gets raped, you absolutely ignore the issue and say it couldn’t have been rape
-you don’t acknowledge men who get sexually harassed
-you say “you … like a girl” as an insult
-instead of punishing the criminals, you blame the victims and silence them
-you don’t acknowledge when a crime occurs against a LGBTQIA+ indivual, and/or a POC, and/or a certain religion, etc
-you think ugly people should be happy that they got raped because it’s supposed to be a compliment
-you refuse to respect people’s pronouns
but when i want to end these issues, when i want to protect myself and other people (yes, including men, because unlike meninists, we acknowledge the problems that patriarchy causes to men as well), you say i should shut up about things i don’t understand, because apparently i don’t face sexism. great logic.