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[–]Warhawk137 703 ポイント704 ポイント  (12子コメント)

Green knows what's up.

[–]Paclac 323 ポイント324 ポイント  (11子コメント)

It's good to see somebody calling them out for once.

[–]tenjikurounin -64 ポイント-63 ポイント  (10子コメント)

There is no need to "call someone out" because they are intelligent (jury is out on this guy however). No one would feel offended if someone was taller, faster, stronger, or had any number of other natural gifts. This misconception that "everyone is on the same level intellectually" is absolutely ridiculous. Some people simply have smaller cups to fill. It is what it is. If someone said to me, "I'm stronger than you", I wouldn't care because they're probably right. If I say "I'm smarter than you", however, that is horribly offensive. No one would argue that someone like LeBron James has natural athletic ability. Does that offend you? Probably not. But it is such a social sin to claim that you might be smarter than someone else simply because you were born with a more adaptive and efficient brain. I get very tired of this double standard.

Source: I'm smarter than you.

Edit: You can be better than others in any aspect, just don't be a dick about it. This guy did nothing wrong. I know his pain.

[–]Sapharodon 51 ポイント52 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Listen to me. There's nothing wrong with admitting you're intelligent. There's nothing wrong with being confident in your intelligence. Likewise, there's nothing wrong with admitting to and being confident in your strengths, your talents, so on and so forth.

But bragging? That's different. This guy didn't just say "I'm smart," though even that would be strange as an FB status and would indicate that he's a braggart. He went out of his way to dismiss the majority of people he ever converses with while undermining their own abilities, and disguises his own attempts at bragging about his supposed intelligence as a mournful FB status.

And to be honest, "intelligence" can't be quantified like physical abilities due to the sheer number of variations that exist between people generally known as intelligent and how different each of their sets of talents are. Also, people overestimate their own intelligence. Like, a lot. There are a lot of people I know who'd call themselves fucking geniuses, but their peers, professors and people they interact with everyday would highly disagree. It's a good rule of thumb to take anyone's claims towards their own intelligence with a grain of salt the size of Mt. Everest.

There's being smart. There's recognizing and being confident in, even proud of the fact that you're smart. Then there's being a prideful dick who has to make sure everyone else knows how highly you think of yourself, even on the internet.

[–]mcfaudoo 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (3子コメント)

But the problem people have with a post like this is not that he's smarter than everyone else, but that he IS being a dick about it. Making a status that you're so smart that you never have to never have to use your brain, and implying that you are smarter than everyone else is arrogant and dickish. It's the same thing if a boxer were to say "I'm so strong that these fights are a joke, I don't have to try at all." Its a classless thing to say, and it's an open invitation for people to challenge your assertion that you are so smart/strong/whatever.

Also usually the people who are the smartest/strongest/fastest have some sense of humility and let their work speak for themselves rather than just spouting "I'm so smart" in a public forum with no evidence to back it up. Those that usually go around spouting how smart they are are often the dumbest individuals of all, hence the entire reason for this subreddit. Also I've found that those who are truly smart are smart enough to realize that they know very little in the grand scheme of things, and therefore don't go around telling everyone how smart they are.