

I am a self identifying spud.
My preferred pronouns are Spud, fryself, hash, tater, and tot. 

  • aries: waffle fries
  • taurus: baked potato
  • gemini: crinkle-cut
  • cancer: french fries
  • leo: hash browns
  • virgo: curly fries
  • libra: sweet potato fries
  • scorpio: poutine
  • sagittarius: potato wedges
  • capricorn: carne asada fries
  • aquarius: tater tots
  • pisces: potato skins

My New Years Resolution :

My goal for 2015 is to be more active. I’ve spent far too much time on my couch this year. All I do is sit in my room, smoke, and watch old tv shows. I love to chill, but getting baked and watching M.A.S.H. shouldn’t be the only enjoyment I get out of life. I think my problem is that I’m just a chip off the old block. As I was growing up, my dad never really did much but sit at home. I learned from watching him.

This year will be different. I’m tired of feeling all rotten about my life. The old me is gone, and the new me will sprout from the ashes.

Happy New Year everyone

Anonymous asked: Don't hate, pollinate! #prayforplantkin


I’m thankful for all the different ways I can eat potatoes

(Source: billycraplan)

hey baby are you potatokin? because I want to cover you in gravy:

Anonymous asked: How big is the potatokin community? Are there ever gatherings or conventions?

The potatokin community is growing every day! Currently there are no planned gatherings that I know of but I would love to be apart of one. Please let me know if there are more people interested!

Otherkin Haters and Trolls

Anonymous asked: could you explain what the heck a foodkin is?

A foodkin is a person who identifies as something that would generally be considered food. But really anything can be eaten. Even people. So in a way, we’re all foodkin.