Greek crisis: put your questions to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
By Szu Ping Chan
Telegraph: 5:00AM GMT 04 Feb 2015

By Szu Ping Chan
Telegraph: 5:00AM GMT 04 Feb 2015
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the Telegraph's International Business Editor, answered your questions in a special webchat
Greece is at a crossroads. Syriza, the leftist party which has pledged to renegotiate the country's €240bn (£180bn) bail-out agreement, is in power and seeking change.
The transition has sent markets on a rollercoaster ride. Bank stocks plummeted last week as traders feared that the government was ready for a showdown with international creditors. However, prime minister Alexis Tsipras and finance minister Yanis Varoufakis have stated repeatedly that they want to work with Europe, not against it.
A deal looked within sight, but the European Central Bank's decision to suspend taking Greece's junk-rated bonds as collateral at the bank has thrown greek markets back into turmoil.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard answered your questions in a special webchat on Greece and the outlook for the eurozone.
Ambrose has covered world politics and economics for 30 years, based in Europe, the US, and Latin America.
Szu Ping: Hello and welcome to a special webchat with Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, our International Business Editor. We’re just crossing the Ts and dotting the Is on a few technical matters to ensure there are no glitches, but please start sending your questions in. We’ll be with you shortly. 12:24
Szu Ping: We've already had almost a hundred questions via email, so apologies in advance if Ambrose can't answer yours. 12:25
Szu Ping: Right, we're ready to start 12:34
Ambrose: Hello Comrades 12:35
Szu Ping: So Ambrose, what do you think of the ECB's decision last night? 12:35
Ambrose: It was in essence a political decision that goes beyond the Treaty authority of the ECB.
They pre-empted elected prime ministers on an issue of enormous sensitivity, before key meetings held. Why not wait? It was Ultra Vires in spirit.
The Greek collateral rules are arbitrary. They make these rules up as they go along, and change them at will. The ECB is not bound by rating agencies. 12:36
Comment From Nefti: Hi Ambrose, Do you think the EU would deny Greece voting rights (as they did with Austria) to head off a Greek veto of Russian sanctions, in case the hard line taken by the ECB forces Athens to accept financial aid from Russia and they demand the veto as the price of their help? 12:37
Ambrose: Yes I do. Capable of anything right now. But this will blow up in their faces if they fail to acknowledge that Syriza's election changes whole European order.
They will bring about what they fear. US already furious with EMU. Does not want anti-Nato failed state in the Balkans 12:39
Comment From Guest: Do you think that this ECB ruling will have any real effect being as they can still access the ELA? 12:40
Ambrose: It risks setting of a pre-emptive run on Greek deposits. ELA is not equivalent. Higher rates, bigger haircuts. Amounts to liquidity squeeze. 30% crash in Greek banks stocks this morning.
Besides, they can cut off ELAs at any moment. Have shown their teeth, but their teeth will be punched out 12:41
Comment From Nigel Ratcliffe (UK citizen living in Greece).: Hello Ambrose. If Germany is successful in ensuring that no changes are made to Greece's austerity programme what would be your forecast for the condition of the Greek economy 5 years from now? Standard of living? Numbers of unemployed? Thank you 12:42
Ambrose: Can't possibly happen. Non-starter. If no concessions to Greece, the euro blows up, and so does Germany's 60-year investment in the post-War order.
Answering your hypothetical question, Greece's debt would be 250pc of GDP because all the assumptions are invalidated by deflation/contraction policies of EMU. Hopeless 12:45
Comment From Gary: Merkel cannot give in to the Greek demands. Will Tsipras cave in or go it alone 12:45
Ambrose: This is FX equivalent of 1914. Everybody thinks other is bluffing. Once again, a damn fool thing in the Balkans threatens to blow up European structure 12:46
Szu Ping: Oliver Duval, John McAleenan and Peter Millar want to know: isn’t it just better if Greece defaults and leaves the euro? 12:46
Ambrose: For Greece it would be cathartic. Whether it worked would entirely depend on policies then pursued, and whether EU would lend helping hand or punish Greece.
Not hopeful on either front. Syriza does not have post-Grexit road map, and would probably make a mess of it.Some EMU states would want to ensure Greece's failure, though the French, Brits, US would help Greece. Evenly balanced 12:49
Comment From Robin Dundas: Is there any chance the Germans (and Finns, Dutch etc) might consider leaving the Euro instead of the Greeks? 12:50
Ambrose: Optimal outcome is for North to leave the euro (AfD solution). This would allow South to keep euro and honour € contracts without default. Need 25% devaluation.
But impossible. Spain thinks it is safely out of the woods (delusional). France would never have (amour propre). Germany would never do it (why should we?) 12:52
Comment From Les: Isn't just a matter of time before the contagion of austerity hairshirt wearing spreads to Spain and Italy? 12:53
Ambrose: Exactly. That is why so many governments want to crush Syriza to teach populists a lesson. Germany is not the hardest on this. Athens thinks Merkel will ultimately rise above petty politics and act in the interests of the Union, but other northern creditors have less compunction (or less of a feeling of moral duty).
Spain's Rajoy wants Tsipras boiled alive in goose fat, and then hanged from the tallest tree in Europe 12:56
Ambrose: But yes, Italy is the elephant in the room. Renzi was very close to mutiny before the ECB did QE.
If Draghi had not delivered, talk of a parallel scrip currency in Italy would have become loud.
All three opposition parties in Italy are anti-euro, and so are Fassina (even Zingales, sort of) in Renzi's own party.
Consent for euro breaking down. Deflation was causing Italy's debt trajectory to spiral. catastrophic. Still is 1:00
Comment From jay: Hello your opinion, what do you think the possible outcome/scenario will be between Greece and the troika eventually 1:00
Ambrose: Troika does not exist. No funeral rites either 1:00
Comment From Patrick: So with nobody willing to back down what is your best guess for how things will now transpire? 1:00
Ambrose: Best guess? Guerrilla warfare for two months.
Creditors and ECB pretending they have all the cards. They don't. The correlation of forces are evenly balanced.
Greece has US card, Russia card, China card, gum up EU works card, destroy euro card.
French quietly helping Athens. Does Germany really to destroy Franco-German marriage over this 1:03
Ambrose: The dispute is over whether Greece has a primary surplus of 1.5pc or 4.5pc of GDP.
Do these fossilized elites really want to risk the disintegration of monetary union over this trivial difference?
And do they really think - a propos Germany's leaked document - that they can order Greece to comply with every detail of the Troika contract as if nothing has happened in southern Europe.
There is an earthquake going on and these pedants rabbit on about Troika clauses.
Weep or laugh 1:08
Comment From Roy: The Greeks seem to me to just want to spend money that comes their way. Why should anyone give them more money or cancel their debts. Already a large chuck of debt has been cancelled. It looks from the outside that even if all debt was cancelled, in 5 years they would be in the same place. It's a Government problem not a Euro problem 1:08
Comment From Andrew: The creditors knew the risk, shouldn't they take some losses (either by Grexit or a haircut)? If so, what would be a reasonable percentage? 1:08
Szu Ping: Two different opinions here. Where do you stand? 1:08
Ambrose: Creditors and debtors are EQUALLY responsible for the fiasco of EMU. It was a joint venture. Both sides were in cloud cuckoo land.
It was cheap Northern capital that flooded the South and destabilized these economies. 1:10
Ambrose: As the IMF minutes admit, the first bailout (2010) was a bail-out of the banks. It was not done to help Greece.
The creditors got off lightly, switching the burden onto Greek taxpayers and roping EMU taxpayers into the game.
Greece needed a debt restructuring then. This was not done because it would have led to a pan-EMU systemic crisis. Greece was in effect sacrificed to buy time for the euro.
This is a moral debt that Berlin et al have yet to acknowledge.
The solution to the North-South crisis must a symmetric adjustment, reflecting equal guilt.
So far the whole burden of adjustment has fallen on the weakest debtor states. Stinks 1:15
Szu Ping: Breaking: Die Welt reports that the ECB has agreed to grant Greek lenders €60bn in ELA funds. Ray of hope? 1:16
Ambrose: If so, it won't be enough.. try €100bn and soon 1:16
Szu Ping: Wolfgang Schaeuble and Yanis Varoufakis, the German and Greek finance ministers, have just ended a press conference in Berlin, though it looks like not much progress has been made. Do you think Tsipras (Greek PM) and Varoufakis will be able to win the Germans over? 1:17
Ambrose: No 1:17
Ambrose: Varoufakis wants Germany to act as "hegemon" and assume its leadership responsibilities, like the pious Hohenstaufen that upheld Christian civilization under the Holy Roman Empire.
Might find an echo of sympathy on that one.
As for Schauble - the man who made a desert and called it peace, in the earlier words of Varoufakis - he does fortunately have a sense of humour. He also wants to avert the destruction of the EU.
Yet forces have been uncorked in Germany that will make this very difficult. But again, Germany is not the biggest problem 1:21
Comment From Andrew: Does that mean that Greece's debts should be cut by 50%? 1:22
Ambrose: As natural justice, there should be a London 1953 debt conference to resolve all the debts of the EMU wars, treating it as a legacy of a collective disaster that is holding back progress. (1953 caused immense damage to Britain by the way, since it was the biggest creditor to Germany, and debts were halved)
This is impossible in Europe right now. Italy's debt is too big. And there is universal denial. There is no leader able to impose the solution.
It will therefore happen in a disorderly fashion. Grexit would set it in slow motion by reducing EMU to a fixed exchange ERM3 that would be tested again and again, and destroying the political foundations of the euro bluff. Schauble knows this. 1:29
Comment From Katerina: You said "Germany is not the biggest problem". Who is? 1:29
Comment From Roy: Thank you for todays opportunity to talk to Ambrose and Thank everyone involved 1:31
Ambrose: Other EMU creditors like Finns, Dutch, Balts, Slovaks. Southern states with populist revolts of their own like Spain (Podemos), or Portugal (less so, with Socialists).
Risk for Tsipras is that Merkel hides behind Finland's Stubb and Holland's Rutte, washes her hands 1:32
Comment From Jo: The troika programme (the dreaded austerity word...) worked with Ireland and Portugal why is it not working with Greece? 1:33
Ambrose: Ireland is sui generis. Has trade gearing of 108% of GDP. (Greece 26%) and can therefore export its way out of crisis.
Was never uncompetitive in EMU. It had a credit bubble. Different story entirely. It now has a huge trade surplus.
Probably for Ireland is that it will soon be TOO STRONG for EMU. Better off in dollar bloc. 1:35
Szu Ping: Ambrose has agreed to stay and answer a couple more questions - get them in now! 1:38
Ambrose: Portugal is not out of the woods. Combined debts (non-financial) are 380% of GDP, worst in Europe.
NIIP net debt debtor position 108% of GDP (from memory).
Remains unsustainable. The naked exit from the Troika was a rash thing to do (though one can sympathise).
Besides, Portugal has backed away from reform and budget deficit is still huge.
I love Portugal but can't buy the happy story. Sorry 1:39
Ambrose: As for Greece, the drastic fiscal contraction tipped the economy into a self-feeding spiral. The austerity itself caused the tax base to implode.
IMF admits in mea culpa that it misjudged the fiscal multiplier.
There is a proper therapeutic dose for austerity. The doctors overdosed.
Sheer Troika incompetence. They then tried to claim the Greek were not complying in order to cover up their own blunders 1:42
Comment From Martin Baker: How will historians write about the Eurozone? 1:43
Szu Ping: time for one more question after this one.........get them in now 1:45
Ambrose: They will say the ECB's pro-cyclical boom-bust policies - and rate rises in 2008, 2011 -- turned a very bad situation into a disaster.
As Nobel economist Peter Diamond told me, historians "are really going to tar and feather Europe's central bankers" 1:46
Comment From Roy: Enjoyed the webchat, wish politicians took it on board 1:47
Comment From Ardian: Great chat ! Thank you Telegraph & AEP. Pls repeat it whenever you can. 1:50
Ambrose: They will say it was reckless in the extreme to launch a currency with no EU treasury or political union to back it up, and worse yet to do so knowingly in the expectation that the inevitable crisis would force a quantum leap forward to a superstate.
They played a horrible ideological game with peoples' lives. Millions are jobless and in distress across the South have paid the price.
A currency must always serve the polity. You must never, ever, build a state to save a currency. It is economic determinism run amok, and it can lead only to a central bank dictatorship.
In fact, EMU is already half way there 1:52
Szu Ping: Final question comes from Alex: 1:52
Comment From Alex: What would you do, if you had the power, to sort out the Euro once and for all? 1:53
Ambrose: If they want to keep the euro:
They must repeal the idiot Fiscal Compact since it guarantees twenty years of quasi depression that will destroy Europe altogether and reduce it to a seething mass of hatred, under-investment, and poverty.
They must launch a real New Deal worth €1.5bn of infrastructure and high-tech projects immediately.
They must rewrite the treaties to allow direct monetary financing of deficits ignite this with €2 trillion of helicopter money from the ECB, outright fiscal dominance, not with meaningless attempts to squeeze 20 more basis points out of the yield curve as they aim to to do with their QE.
This would avert deflation and prevent a compound interest trap in half Europe.
They must accept that monetary union means fiscal union. They must abolish the nation states in all but name and accept a latterday, polyglot, dysfunctional, Habsburg Empire. 2:04
Ambrose: Since this is undesirable, undemocratic, dangerous, and impossible, why not just break the damn thing up 2:05
Szu Ping: On that cheery note, that's all from us.
Thanks Ambrose, and thank you all for your questions. Apologies if we didn't get round to yours. We'll do this again soon 2:06
Ambrose: Thank you Comrades 2:06
Comment From Frank Squire: Thank you, very interesting and informative 2:06