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That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

I am:
Anti feminism
Anti masculinism
Anti emo. (yeah make fun of it but try looking up what I mean)

To any of you claiming school dress codes are “oppressive” wait until you get a job. Say that to your boss and you will be on the street before you know it.

I work in a fast paced heated environment around grills and fryers and many other people in a small kitchen. Think I can ditch my works dress codes and wear some shorts to work? Think I can throw on a tank top and skip my apron? Think I can say “Its too hot for socks” and wear some flip flops to work?


Dress codes exist for a reason. When you get a job you will get a dress code no matter where you work, unless its your plan to work in a strip club at which point why are you still in school anyways? (And before you say anything, im not saying strippers are stupid, im saying being a stripper doesnt require you to be smart so dont even try and argue semantics here).

If I went to work on monday dressed in an outfit thats comfortable in the heat of the kitchen, I would be sent home. If I told him he was oppressing me, I would be fucking fired. And rightfully so. 

You fourteen year olds wanna wear fucking booty shorts to school and have your asses hanging out need to fucking stop. Shorts to your knees and Tshirts (which most schools allow unless they have a set uniform you have to wear) are just fine, even on some of the hottest days. You’re fourteen, you dont need to be doing that shit, you’re way to young to display your sexual parts and yes, even though you are young, they are still sexual and there are sick fucks who will be aroused by you. You should just be thankful that you go to a school that doesnt make you wear a uniform.

Dress codes in school serve two purposes

  1. To train you for your future jobs and how to deal with it.
  2. To protect you from the creepos mentioned above.

"I shouldnt have to be protected"

True. But thats the world we fucking live in. School is supposed to be a professional environment and you are to dress and act like it. Thats why there are rules dictating what you can DO while your there too.

Whats next? The “No PDA” and “No sex on campus” rules are slut shaming? Rules exist for a reason, its time you fucking learned to follow them.

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