A case against work – short version

This is a short version of a post I am preparing, being called A case against work. I will post this one for shorter references in future and to get a reader interested in an upcoming longer version.

As you might already know, I am basically against the idea that incels should work.

The reason for this is that it is obvious that by working they are paying for their own inability to ever find even unpaid sex, let alone a girlfriend.

This is because paying taxes to current feminist governments eliminated the need of women for providers, since much of these taxes goes to women. Things like welfare, AA, useless jobs for women, all of it ensures that I have nothing to offer women, since I can’t use the horrible process of seduction.

 When providers are no longer necessary men who use seduction get women. and these men are always scum. Those who can’t use seduction are seen as utter scum by modern women, much in the way those who used seduction were seen as utter scum by sane women in sane societies. If  you are to pay taxes you are their money farm.
This has nothing to do with any abstract idea that one should not want to fund feminism. Not at all ! They’d fund it, albeit grudgingly, if they had any incentive to. But the damage done to them isn’t abstract – it is an empty home and an empty bed to return to every day, a life of incredible pain and longing while watching women get raped by retarded thugs around you.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that incel doesn’t stem from feminism. Of course it does. It was feminism that urged for and eventually succeeded in making women no longer dependent on providers, which eliminated all men who aren’t scum (aside from few exceptions in good religions of with huge wealth) from the gene pool.
There are two main reproductive strategies for men. One is the psychopathic dirtbag way of pumping and dumping a lot of females without contributing anything other than sperm. The advantage is that you can have a lot of children and though they lack paternal and family support, some of them will survive to reproduce. The other strategy is the nice guy one of impregnating only one or a few females and spending resources raising the kids, which I would be genetically inclined to do. Historically females preferred the second type of strategy for obvious reasons. However, government policy now gives all the reproductive advantages to females reproducing with dirtbags. 

Evil Western regimes do this giving a huge amount of welfare to solo mothers, giving high paying jobs to females, providing police protection to adulterers and denying decent men stable employment so they can’t be relied upon to contribute much even if they wanted to. This ensures that females have all of the reproductive advantages of breeding with dirtbags with none of the corresponding down side, so females will find dirtbags more attractive than decent men. If you worked out all the resources that go into picking up after irresponsible sluts, I suspect it would amount to most public and corporate spending in the West. Of course, it is hard to explain this to all modern monsters, let alone noncels. Since most monsters today have no idea what a relationship is or why would anybody be in one it would initially seem that talking about sex might do it. But, no, even doing that you’d fail, since these monsters lack any empathy towards anything at all, even things they can somewhat  understand.

So I will try with something even retarded animals calling themselves humans now might understand – visceral fear. If you are a noncel who reads this try to see it this way – would you give me half of your paycheck every month so I could set your house on fire every month or make you eat battery acid? 

The main things women want today are immorality and stupidity. Things like looks or money play a very small role. A disfigured man with enough immorality and stupidity might have problems, while a very handsome man lacking these crucial traits might be approached by a woman,. But unless he is immoral and stupid she will leave soon. In case of money you’d need loads of it to just get some woman who would be with you for it. It doesn’t seem like a viable option for most.

Besides that scenario, women are getting more and more used to poverty since the dirtbags that breed them are usually jobless and poor seducers and petty criminals, so simply providing is useless.

A good example of this is that a “wage slave” is now an insult in America, which was unthinkable when America was still sane, and I’ve heard it said said a couple of times to American men “Which woman would want a wage slave like you?”. Of course, ignoring the fact that women fuck unemployed petty criminal Guatemalan dirtbags all the time.

The evidence for all this is extremely simple and easy to obtain within few minutes. Go and ask a woman if she’d marry a man she’s never seen just based on his income and the fact that he’s not abusive or dangerous toward her. You’ll get statements of disbelief. Well, guess what? This is exactly what women in successful societies were attracted to and wanted.

I won’t even go into the crazy liberal arguments about infrastructure. Somebody aware that he can never even have a girlfriend because of feminism and that he’ll be paying for the infrastructure to be used and inherited by utter scum like children of rapists, seducers and sluts will, in fact, want that infrastructure harmed, not maintained.

It is these men who are the future. Don’t for a second think that betraying fellow non-criminal, not-rapists and decent men by working is a good decision or that it is your duty to pay for the men who will inherit the world. You are not a piggy bank or an ATM for those who have taken any chance you might have at real happiness. You are also not a worker drone. You are a human being and femifascism has taken your ability to ever have a girlfriend or a wife, simply because you’re not an abusive rapist.

Do not fund that ! 

Instead you should show them what a man who had everything taken away from him by feminism simply because he doesn’t kill, rape, maim, cheat and spit on women them does.

32 thoughts on “A case against work – short version

  1. This is one of the few areas where I disagree with Caamib. I hope we can debate this issue. I have two key points. First, most work is totally useless and in no way contributes to the economy. And second, governments no long rely on taxes for funding but simply print whatever money they need that they don’t collect from taxes.

    Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, said “I’m doing God’s work.” I couldn’t agree more. Bankrupting the West is God’s work. Jamie Dimon, Barack Obama, Mario Draghi, and Shinzo Abe are also doing God’s work, all working hard to bankrupt modern society. But why is it so hard and taking so long to bankrupt the modern world? Because the West, before it became depraved, created an incredibly efficient economic system. With modern technology, superb infrastructure, and competitive free markets, it actually requires very little work to support the population. 1% of the population could easily do all the work required for all the people to live in comfort. In the world today, it is the lowest wage workers who do the farming and manufacturing work. This is the productive work and constitutes an insignificant fraction of world wages. So what is everyone else paid to do? Basically to steal from each other. Most of the modern economic system is based on people trying to steal wealth from each other, wealth that is generated by an insignificant fraction of the economy. I have a long work history, having worked for many companies and founding several businesses. The only thing I did in my life that actually had real economic value was washing dishes for below minimum wage when I was young. This is typical, though most people are too stupid or vain to realize it. So the key point here is that most work doesn’t actually contribute to the system that we both oppose.

    The other issue is funding the government through taxes. For most of history, governments were funded through taxation. This makes sense when the economy was real, based on producing things. Now that the economy isn’t based on production, but rather theft, taxation makes less sense. Governments didn’t realize this directly. What actually happened is that as the best thieves (the wealthy) accumulated most of the wealth, the median income dropped which hurt tax revenue (because of course governments won’t tax the wealthy who sponsor them). To make up for this loss of revenue, governments started printing money. They could do this without harming the economy because most of the economy is theft, after all, and printing money is just theft by the government itself. So the key point here is that whatever money the government doesn’t collect from you in taxes, it will simply print, so your taxes do not actually contribute to government spending.

    How does this all end? It ends when the cooperation that makes the economy function at all breaks down. Then the whole world becomes third world or like Europe during the Dark Ages as described by Thomas Hobbes in 1651: “every man is Enemy to every man; the same is consequent to the time, wherein men live without other security, than what their own strength, and their own invention shall furnish them withall. In such condition, there is no place for Industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain; and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no Instruments of moving, and removing such things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continuall feare, and danger of violent death; And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short.” When this happens, men who are providers will again be valued. Until this happens, just be as selfish as possible in dealing with Modern culture and steal as much for yourself as you can.

  2. Franklin, I see where you are coming from. I think the issue here is that in Europe, where I’m living, there’s this thing called austerity. Governments here can’t really print money and are forced to squeeze their citizens a lot. In fact, the parties that demand that they do print money are springing up all over the place.

    • Draghi will change that soon enough. It won’t be as direct as elsewhere but it will be effectively the same. What will happen is that the European Central Bank will buy lots of government debt from member nations. This will keep their interest rate artificially low which will allow them to borrow at virtually no cost. So national governments can effectively “print” money by issuing government bonds which they sell to the European Central Bank and roll over forever.

  3. Am curious, since you do not work, how do you support yourself? I am just finding it impossible to believe that you use no public monies when living your life. Who pays for the roads that you drive one (or ride on), the fire department, etc? I am a women and pay a good portion of my check to taxes, but you seem to assume that all women are supported by the government, what do you think of working women? Are they not essentially paying for you not to work?

    I have a hard time believing that not needing a provider is a bad thing, women needed those before as they were, essentially, banned from the work force. Now allowed into the work force, women can make their own money.

    I also wonder where you get your assumptions about the type of men women go after. I have been with my husband for 15 years, married for 8 with no children (by choice). I would have not married him if he made himself unemployable (by having a worthless college major/degree, getting no skill/trade and then spending years not working) so while I do not NEED him to provide for me, I want a man who can contribute to the household. I do not think he is a stupid thug, he isn’t wealthy ( came from an uneducated poor family), super attractive (though I think he is the cutest), nor lacking in morality (I would not want a relationship with what sounds like a sociopath). So all men are either incels or these useless types you describe? Unless they are in some conservative religion?

    Thanks for any clarification. I find your position baffling and would like to understand better.

    • How do I support myself? By welfare.

      Of course I use public roads and stuff. Irrelevant. My point is that I have no incentive to contribute to society.

      The notion that women who are paying me taxes are essentially paying me not to work isn’t correct and has several issues.
      1. it implies I’d work without welfare -who knows? In a society where I could find a gf/wife sure, in some other where feminism would prevent me in some other way not necessarily and would maybe just starve
      2. it misses the notion that it is taxes at all that made me incel and thus unwilling to work. More taxes go to me being incel through government policies that eliminated providers than for me.

      I never assumed that all women are directly supported by the government by a transfer of funds. I mentioned various more subtle ways like AA or divorce laws.

      As for women being banned from the workforce, that is not entirely correct. They worked in various jobs, but we mustn’t forget that we lacked the technology we had now so many of them had to stay home and take care of the children.

      As for what kind of men women want and employment, go to any incel forum, like Love-shy.com or SlutHate. You’ll find plenty of employed men who are not just currently incel but virgins with no experience at all.

      “So all men are either incels or these useless types you describe? Unless they are in some conservative religion?”

      Not yet, but we are quickly moving there with each new generation.

      Also, I noticed you said you wouldn’t marry your husband if he were unemployable or something. But again, this is irrelevant. I am not unemployable and few incels I know are. Most of them work in STEM and still can’t find anybody because they’re not rapists and murderers.

      • I guess, even with your explanation I don’t understand how your taxes go to contribute to supporting feminists but my taxes do not go to paying your welfare. The way that taxes and welfare go, my money DOES directly go to paying for you not to work (well not really, as I am in the US and you are in Europe). To respond to your points….

        1. What does it matter to anyone if you’d work without welfare. At the this time it does exist, you are collecting it, and women who pay taxes (of which there are many, at least of the population that I know) are paying into the fund that your welfare goes into to. Personally I prefer the lifestyle I live by working (and making more per year) then welfare provides even though I know a lot of my tax money goes to support things I do not agree with, for example a huge military to fight wars I disagree with, and actually welfare for people who make poor life choices and have many children they cannot afford. I think the same kind of women you describe exist and I dislike them as well.

        2. I do not think this misses the point actually. No matter WHY you are accepting tax money as income, that tax money is made up of all monies that are in the tax pool. This includes the money women pay in. Is your point that because the government made you incel (another thing I do not agree with you on, but that debate is for another day) they should pay for you to live? If we take that as a fact then doesn’t the government then owe the women they trained to have many babies with crappy men money to live as well? I mean if this the government created this society and owe you for it, then they also owe women?

        “I never assumed that all women are directly supported by the government by a transfer of funds. I mentioned various more subtle ways like AA or divorce laws.”

        Well I do not get any of these things so how is the government supporting me? No matter the “whys” behind it the government IS supporting you by direct money transfers.

        “You’ll find plenty of employed men who are not just currently incel but virgins with no experience at all.”

        I am glad plenty of incel men and such do work. There is nothing attractive (to most women) about a man who could work and support himself (even if some tax money goes to places he disagrees with) and chooses not too. Women may not *need* to be supported by their husbands anymore but choosing to collect welfare when one can work is a huge turn off for most. Its one thing to be between jobs or to be looking for one, but the conscience chose not to work is not an attractive quality to the women I know (though of course cannot speak for all women)

        “Also, I noticed you said you wouldn’t marry your husband if he were unemployable or something. But again, this is irrelevant. I am not unemployable and few incels I know are.”

        That is correct, if my husband made a chose not to work because he did not want to pay taxes that go towards something he disagreed with I would find this a value that I did not like. Now if he were disabled or something, this would be different of course, but if be could work and support himself but instead made a conscience chose not too, that would disgust me. His actions would have caused me to move along to the another man who shared my values, one of those is supporting yourself.

        You make these sweeping arguments about all women and most men and I think this is your problem. A quality women is not going to be attracted to men with such a low opinion of her sex, such a poor opinion of most other men, and one who doesn’t even work to support himself. What are you doing to attract the type of women you want? I know plenty of people in more traditional type gender roles, but in order to attract these women you must have an income, these women are not attracted to the type of men who wont work.

        • “I guess, even with your explanation I don’t understand how your taxes go to contribute to supporting feminists but my taxes do not go to paying your welfare.”

          When/where have I said that your taxes don’t go to paying my welfare? As for me, my taxes don’t support feminism now but they did when I worked. You are working right now and thus supporting feminism much more than me.

          1. It matters because my point is that feminism prevents me from working. I will not work to pay taxes that go to causes that make women hate men like me and adore rapists and killers.

          2. “Is your point that because the government made you incel (another thing I do not agree with you on, but that debate is for another day) they should pay for you to live? ”

          The point isn’t that they owe me anything. The point is that I am just using what they created. Using the resources of the enemy.

          “f we take that as a fact then doesn’t the government then owe the women they trained to have many babies with crappy men money to live as well?”

          This is the CRUCIAL point. If you get this you’ll understand everything else.

          The difference between welfare sluts/thugs they fuck and me is that they will always be unemployable, while I am refusing to work just while I am incel. Welfare sluts and thugs aren’t incel and are still not having jobs. I don’t want a job simply because not being a rapist and a killer made me unable to get one.

          “Well I do not get any of these things so how is the government supporting me? ”

          Well, not you particularly, but many other women. And even those who don’t had their mentality changed due to these things.

          “I am glad plenty of incel men and such do work. There is nothing attractive (to most women) about a man who could work and support himself (even if some tax money goes to places he disagrees with) and chooses not too. Women may not *need* to be supported by their husbands anymore but choosing to collect welfare when one can work is a huge turn off for most. Its one thing to be between jobs or to be looking for one, but the conscience chose not to work is not an attractive quality to the women I know (though of course cannot speak for all women)”

          But another crucial point – do you really believe that these incels working makes them more attractive?! It doesn’t ! It makes them more hated ! Look at my Nov 17 post on how I was treated when women would find out I am employed. Women are cruel and want to be submissive. This means hate men who serve them and these men are just slaves so they hate them. If you are glad that these incels are employed you’re either extremely ignorant or just masochistic and want to be served.

          “if my husband made a chose not to work because he did not want to pay taxes that go towards something he disagreed with I would find this a value that I did not like. Now if he were disabled or something, this would be different of course, but if be could work and support himself but instead made a conscience chose not too, that would disgust me.”

          Yes, but that’s a third crucial point – this only applies because your husband was somehow attractive to you for reasons unrelated to him having a job ! This won’t happen with these incel men. They will never be attractive to anybody !

          “You make these sweeping arguments about all women and most men and I think this is your problem. A quality women is not going to be attracted to men with such a low opinion of her sex, such a poor opinion of most other men, and one who doesn’t even work to support himself. What are you doing to attract the type of women you want? I know plenty of people in more traditional type gender roles, but in order to attract these women you must have an income, these women are not attracted to the type of men who wont work.”

          Final crucial point – the only Western women you describe who are like that in my country are a small number of Catholic women who want virginal, Catholic boyfriends and don’t want a non-theist boyfriend like me. They are focused on faith. So I am not attractive to these women.

          My point being – I’d have nothing to offer to even such women even in thee case I worked.

          As for my “generalizations” I am describing modern Western women extremely well. This is no generalization. The fact is, I’d be more attractive to them by killing them and cutting their body parts than providing.

          Btw I’ll make this into a post soon. It is important that people see it.

          • Well thank you for the response – I disagree with about 90% of it, but such is the beauty of the world. We are all different!

        • Thing is, one can dislike Caamibs slut/thug terminology, but what he states are quite basic biological principles an 8th grader would understand. Selection and adaption dynamics are really not hard to get and by making women independent of a provider, those men who can put on a show have a massive advantage in breeding in this liberal mating market. In the end providing abilities in men and caretaking mentality in women are extinct. What is left are “thugs” and “sluts”, and their values and behavior is reeinforced from generation to generation.
          It’s nice that your husband does his share in the household and you seem to be an intelligent woman too, but as you renounce to children you are a biological dead end anyway. Probably because you two are not immoral enough. Caamib has just quit the game completely, so not working for him is just consequent.

          • Ms, two things 1. Even if I worked this wouldn’t mean I am “in the game” . Most incels work but aren’t in it – they don’t gain anything ever.

            2. I haven’t quit the game. I just started playing by their rules. Keep reading this blog. You’ll be shocked.

            • I guess I just wonder what you think of women working to essentially pay for you not to work? You say you are unattractive even if you have a job (subjective, I don’t know you!) but I think any women that may be attracted to you will dislike that you chose not to work and collect welfare instead.

              I dislike it when women OR men do this and I work to support them.

              But its clear we disagree on some fundamental things that make this conversations organges to apples…we dont come with the same basic beliefs. I would feel differently if I were an incel man and you would feel differently if you were a happily married (to a non thug/rapist) man. Variety is the spice in life. The world would be dull if everyone always thought as I do. :)

              • “I guess I just wonder what you think of women working to essentially pay for you not to work? ”

                I think it is a part of the entire situation. If women are working they pay for my welfare. But they also pay for me being incel.

                “You say you are unattractive even if you have a job (subjective, I don’t know you!) but I think any women that may be attracted to you will dislike that you chose not to work and collect welfare instead.”

                I don’t think you understand the crux of my argument – NOBODY will ever be attracted to me.

                I mean, they initially could, sure. Some women have been. Women like that TFO person or my first girlfriend. But eventually I repelled them by not being immoral and stupid enough.

                Do you understand? I am going by the (correct) assumption that nobody will ever be attracted to me.

                To understand this you really need to read the Story of post.

                • I understand I just don’t agree with you. I think women are or become unattracted to you for reasons other than or in addition to your lack of immorality or stupidity.

                  I know many married men who neither stupid nor immoral so I don’t believe the lack of those things is the sole cause of your incel. You might not not (definitely won’t!) agree with me and that is OK with me.

                  “But they also pay for me being incel.”

                  That we do! I don’t agree with my taxes going to this, but my taxes go towards lots of things I disagree with.

                  I work (and pay taxes) because I enjoy working and the lifestyle working provides me. Not everyone prefers workings/paying taxes to not funding things they disagree with – and again that is fine with me.

                  • “I think women are or become unattracted to you for reasons other than or in addition to your lack of immorality or stupidity.”

                    And that is delusional. All of them explicitly said my problem was a lack of immorality and stupidity. Not in those exact words, but that’s what they said – they resented me for not raping them, cheating on them and wanting a serious relationship. And that was in their own words.

                    “I know many married men who neither stupid nor immoral so I don’t believe the lack of those things is the sole cause of your incel. You might not not (definitely won’t!) agree with me and that is OK with me.”

                    Again, I’d have to see if this is true irl. Which obviously isn’t possible. Just like with me and my claims being checked by you. People say all kinds of shit that isn’t true to your face, let alone online.

                    “Not everyone prefers workings/paying taxes to not funding things they disagree with – and again that is fine with me.”

                    But this is more than pure disagreement. This is my death sentence. I am being denied wife and kids simply because feminism eradicated wives in the West. I am forced to live in incredible pain simply because I am not a moron.

                    I am forced to live in a society where women see a man who treats them respectfully as a loser, but a man who makes them pick their teeth off the floor a hero.

            • 1. By working you’d sustain the societal system you oppose, sort of help digging your own grave?
              Most incels might work, because it is a “decent” thing to do. It can also give you a general nice feeling that you are valued, needed and can contribute. Some incels might even overcompensate by excelling in their professions, being the high gifted individuals they often are. Getting a job is also much easier and faster done in life than to find a wife, because that’s what school and society prepares young people for. As few incels plan their inceldom they probably end up with a job and a professional life before realizing what it is, that their taxes are funding.
              2. Whatever works for you. I appreciate your blog.

  4. What is also a consequence of the fact that women no longer chose providers as men to have children with, is a loss of abilities and mindsets. E.g. men no longer have to have skills in maintaining or fixing stuff around the house, just as women lose the ability to cook. Just as men have to use “seduction” to procreate, instead of offering providing values, women no longer need to be “motherly” and caretaking, but just promiscuous. That is no feminism-bashing, but pure and neutral biological mechanisms. In the end any responsibility for each other becomes redundant.

  5. To a banned troll here who claims I am not a provider – I would be a provider if I had any incentive. But I have none, since I can’t have a wife and kids since I am not a rapist and a murderer. In a preliberal society there would be no need for me to be on welfare – I’d provide for my wife and kids. But there are no wives in the West. It’s a sick world where beating a woman to the point of breaking her spine is more attractive than being a provider.

    The Western society feeds me simply because it also feeds sluts, which made me uninterested in working and supporting them mating with douchebags.

  6. I believe in a universal basic income. It would mean that Incel men and people who are too ill to work like myself could at least live.

    • Comparing incel to those who cannot work because they are disabled . I told myself I was done commenting on this thread, but its the first I saw this comment. As someone WITH a disability that works full time and pays taxes (and is a women married to a man that does not provide for all my needs/wants and either neither a rapist or any of the names men are called here) this is just plain offensive.

      The pain of incel means you cannot work? I disagree but whatever

      edited on two places – caamib

      • Ok, now you went overboard.

        1. First of all, Mikey really is sick, as in suffering from serious diseases.

        2. Incel is a deprivation of the most important single factor for happiness – it’s more debilitating than most things that make people disabled. It’s sickening how you can expect men who are denied wives and children because they’re not killing and maiming women to not have any consequences with their health and to calmly pay to never stop being incel.

        3. No, men aren’t called rapists here. Men modern women adore are called this.

        You see, if something this cruel and crazy is what somebody relatively reasonable and polite can say guess why am forcing myself to feel no empathy for women at all? Because they are monsters. Why the fuck would I feel sorry for monsters? I must praise all who harm women.

        • 1. Yes, me too.

          2 “2. Incel is a deprivation of the most important single factor for happiness – it’s more debilitating than most things that make people disabled. It’s sickening how you can expect men who are denied wives and children because they’re not killing and maiming women to not have any consequences with their health and to calmly pay to never stop being incel.”

          NO it absolutely is not more debilitating then most disabilities. I disagree with you 100% here. However, you have the right to your opinion and I have the right to mine.

          I disagree that these men are actually denied anything. Because they are not killing or maiming women? What about my husband? Many married men I know as well? Have they just not killed and maimed yet? Or are you able to understand that you may not actually be correct about this for all married men? And I expect it the same way I work to support people who can but do not. Do I agree with ALL the things my taxes support? Of course not. But a value I hold dear is supporting myself as long as I can. Not everyone finds this something they need to do.

          3. “No, men aren’t called rapists here. Men modern women adore are called this.”

          So ALL modern married men are rapists?

          “Why the fuck would I feel sorry for monsters? I must praise all who harm women.”

          Who asked you to be sorry for women? Calling all of us monsters and praising anyone who harms us? That says a lot about who you are as a human being.

      • My post was edited without my knowledge or permission in a substantial way- if this is standard MO then I wont be continuing a convo here as there is less then no point.

        • No, it wasn’ t edited in a substantial way. Parts of it that were removed were those insulting incels. It is against the rules here. They are being brutally attacked everywhere online by various psychos, it’s not gonna be done here. How come your latest post (the one before this) wasn’t touched at all? Or any before this? Don’t insult incels here.

          • I think you version of insulting is what I would call my polite opinion, But as this is your space, to do what you want with, I will go ahead and stop “insulting” you and just not post here.

            Pity, as I thought we could have an intelligent conversation. But it seems you can call women and modern men horrid names but to suggest that incels are not disabled is too much of an insult to you.

            • I haven’t found time to reply yet but I don’t know which vital part of your post have I edited. I edited the part where you used the word disgusting. It is still obvious you don’t think being incel is a disability. I’ll give my views on this later. You’re not banned or even on moderation but if you don’t wanna reply what can I do? But you’re not gonna behave this way here.

              Maybe you’ll change your mind after I explain but doubt it.

              Also, there are no rules against calling all men or women this and that here. There are rules against abuse of incels.

  7. I have a monotone low paying job.Too bad about 1/4 of that goes to government to fund their luxurious lifestyle and deadbeats and feminism.If women would be just honest and pay for their drinks,dates,etc then they would shown they are equal.

  8. Banned troll again – noboby is a provider today. Insane scum like you are the first to oppose women marrying men for merely money, and not seduction. If I paid taxes it would be paying for my own incel. Would you give half of your paycheck to me every month? No? Then why would I pay to be incel, when a man who breaks a woman’s spine, legs and teeth will be attractive and I won’t?

    Will you guarantee that I will find a gf I get a job? How much money will you put?

    Makes no sense, bro.

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