© meliapond
posted 9 months ago with 764 notes
· J


Patriarchy (n.): a family, group, or government controlled by a man or a group of men

And according to Princeton University:

Patriarchy is a multidimensional condition of power and status. Whyte’s 1978 comprehensive study examined 52 indicators of patriarchy, which corresponded to 10 relatively independent dimensions. The ten dimensions are:

There are undeniably societies in the world today that are patriarchies. A place like Saudi Arabia comes to mind as well as institutions like the Catholic Church in which women are not entirely excluded (i.e., nuns) but are kept from positions of real power (i.e., the priesthood and the papacy).

However, at least in the United States…

I realize I didn’t refute or address all ten points. Ultimately,however, women have the choice to wear the kinds of clothes they like; vote; pursue almost any career; drive a car; live where and with whom they want to; have children (or not); get married (or not); cut their hair; have sex with whom they choose, etc. While many people may criticize them for making what they deem “incorrect” or “inappropriate” choices, no patriarch or patriarchal authority is going to punish women for making them. 

There is no patriarchy. There may be the vestiges of one, but SJWs and Tumblr feminists should ask the women who had to live coverture, or the girls and young women elsewhere in the world who are still forced to marry before their eighteenth birthday (or even puberty) what it feels like to live under a patriarchy.

Then maybe they’ll have something worth actually complaining about.

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