Cal State Fullerton Women to Protest Campus Police's "Victim-Blaming" Pervert Alert

Categories: School Daze

Photo by Irene Arellano
Cal State Fullerton students walk as night falls

Last week, some loser perv grabbed two women's butts as they walked near the campus of Cal State Fullerton. The sexual battery suspect is only described by campus police as being of medium build, wearing a dark jacket, and running in the opposite direction both times after he got his grope on.

Cal State Fullerton University Police sent out a bulletin the next day with details of the incidents and tips for women on how to avoid them. Campus groups and activists call the alert "victim blaming" and are planning a "Stop Rape Culture" rally at the school tomorrow in response.

Noting the two women walked alone at night, university police offered the following:

When possible, walk in a group. Walk with your head and eyes up. Don't be distracted by electronic devices. Be aware of your surroundings. Phone in suspicious behavior to the police.

"I'm sick and tired of being told to avoid these things when they keep happening," says Cal State Fullerton student Christina Prado. "It's always the potential victim's responsibility." She called for tomorrow's rally, saying the campus police bulletin's language perpetuates rape culture.

"Situational awareness is important, but we've heard it all before," Prado says. She herself used to park off campus and still walks back to her car with keys ready in hand. The Wednesday humanities quad rally at 1:30 is aimed at bringing attention and educating people on rape culture, victim blaming and sexual harassment. Campus organizations like the Women & Gender Studies Association and Queer People of Color Club are joining in.

Prado thinks the campus police should have put a heavy emphasis on sexual battery as wholly unacceptable. It's a long step away, but the Human Services major hopes that one day workshops on male privilege can be part of the solution, citing the example of LA-based feminist group Ovarian Psycos Bicycle Brigade. Prado's more immediate next step is to speak with campus police themselves after the rally.

The Weekly asked CSUF police for comment but didn't receive a response. They booted it over to the college's media relations department instead. We'll update once we get their side of the story.

Two reported dorm rapes happened at Cal State Fullerton last year. As The Daily Titan noted, they were the first on record since 2010.

"It's not a one-time thing," Prado concludes. "It's going to be a process to figure out what safety means for women on campus."

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Prevention information is required by the federal Clery Act to be included in all Timely Warning/Crime Alerts. The suspect is ALWAYS at fault for the crime, but people have to understand that doesn't protect them. Being vigilant and careful does. Do you leave hundreds of dollars of expensive stuff visible in your car in urban settings? If someone breaks into your car and takes it, whose fault is it? It's their fault, but being careful prevents you from losing your stuff.

"...the warning should include all information that would promote safety and that would aid in the prevention of similar crimes. "
--The Department of Education's Clery Handbook, page 113.

ltpar topcommenter

Sounds like Cal State Fullerton Police need to expand their Community Policing Program to include nightime campus escorts for women walking alone.  Many other campuses have such a program and it is a deterrent.  


two things: 

1. the fact that women have a group that wants to be "equal" just shows that they're actually weak by having and being in said group, and will forever be the weak sex by perpetuating said group (feminism/ist).

2. can you ladies walk one mile without checking your phone or having your face buried in your phone? You need to be aware of your surroundings. 


Trigger words: misogynist rant (according to a gender feminist)

Okay people, let's spin the wheel of blame and see what else is rape culture. And the winner is "police safety reports". Let's add this nugget to the other rapes:

Madonna recently said having her song hacked was "artistic rape".
Charlize Theron once equated running from paparazzi as the same as rape.
Guys, don't stare at a woman lest you be accused of "eye rape".
Last week a woman whose partner changed position to a position she didn't like accused her partner of "change rape".
And the best of the bunch, Whoppi Goldberg admitted that Roman Polanski did indeed boink a drugged out 13 year old, but that's okay since it was rape but not rape-rape.

And I was told that rape was a serious crime. Obviously not by these definitions.

Of course there is "rape culture". You feminists throw the rape culture card as fast as Al Sharpton throws the race card. And as long as the feminists are allowed to move the "rape" goalposts anytime they want without being called out for it, all I can WOLF say is WOLF I'm really WOLF not interested WOLF in WOLF your WOLF problems. Take off your rose colored glasses snowflake, and realize that you are in a world where some people don't give a damn about you so you must protect yourself


This post is dedicated to my old friend Common Sense. Mr Sense was gunned down in a drive by twenty years ago, The shooter, Political Correctness, is still at large.



Wake up cry babies!  Yes rape and anything that hurts another human being is wrong!  The cops are only telling you to pay attention, not that it's right, where the fuck does the warning say it's alright?  Pull your head out of your asses, this new world is wack!!

fishwithoutbicycle topcommenter

It's really unfair to place the entire burden of avoiding sexual assault squarely on the shoulders of potential victims. Why does the potential perpetrator's responsibility to practice self-control not factor into the equation?


@ltpar They do offer it, no one bothers to take advantage of it.


@fishwithoutbicycle No, it's not fair that the burden lie on the potential victim for any crime. There are some bad guys who don't care, that's reality and reality bites.

A simple thought experiment: I know that people would rob me of my stuff if given a chance. I took TOOK FULL RESPONSIBILITY to put locks on my doors to deter this. I know that people would like to look at my 300 lb carcass as I leave the shower. I took TOOK FULL RESPONSIBILITY to put curtains on my bathroom windows. Should I have not done that?

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