honestly all cis/straight white people need to die so then all us queer trans people can have a few good years of partying and being awesome and then the world will end before global warming gets too bad.

Tagged: #my thoughts #personal #cis #cis people #dear white people #dear cis people #white people #stop white people #stop white boys 2k14 #stop white ppl 2k14 #trans #transgender #queer #lgbt #poc #mte #the t #global warming #srs post

  1. thatshortweirdkid reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    Please tell me you’re joking
  2. justawhoviansdream reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    this is retarded at best , both sides are wrong
  3. randomrantofanangryman reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    Wow. What the actual duck. #bigot #bigotry #Imcomfatablewithwhoiam
  4. officially-winzig reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    Go fuck yourself
  5. sibunapegasus reblogged this from uterusscorpions64
  6. uterusscorpions64 reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    All these people who claim that they “believe in equal rights for all”, then they come around spewing this fucking...
  7. amazhangdisgrace reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    Honey I would tell you that you need Jesus but from what I see we need to go back to the pegan gods to find the right...
  8. become-the-fangirl reblogged this from teatimeposts
  9. hetaliananimelover reblogged this from teatimeposts
  10. merica247 reblogged this from teatimeposts
  11. huggerderek reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    I can’t begin to describe how stupid this is. @nuevaputa
  12. laurielle reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    Bitch what?
  13. perfectclutter reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    Uhm, that’s not racist at all. But of course white, cis people never experience intolerance, because being white and/or...
  14. afrika20 reblogged this from nuevaputa
  15. libertarian-nazi reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    нико не зна или си педер трансродних. Kill urself
  16. so-fishstick-ated reblogged this from teatimeposts
  17. teatimeposts reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    Honestly all gay/trans people need to die so then all of us straight white people can have a few good years of partying...
  18. shititumbled reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    I’m not but she is for definite
  19. nuevaputa reblogged this from shititumbled and added:
    depends. are y’all hot?
  20. okra-homa reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    "But there’s no such thing as cis hate"
  21. hitlerismysister reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    Ive lost hope for humanity
  22. substituteperspective reblogged this from nuevaputa and added:
    honestly all queer trans people need to die so then all us cis/straight white people can have a few good years of...
  23. everdreamingdragon reblogged this from ourgodhasgoneinsane and added:
    Are you fucking serious? I’m bisexual and even I know this is the kind of thinking that makes humanity fucked up. Acting...
  24. xchristmashearts reblogged this from imanfgt

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