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[–]zorreXInternational Socialist Organization 49 ポイント50 ポイント  (98子コメント)

This is a frustrating cartoon. The issue isn't about benefiting marginally over other working class people. It's such a narrow view. Instead, as socialists we need to look at how racism reinforces classes. Focusing the conversation on working class whites being in denial about benefiting from racism removes from the conversation that, in actuality, working class whites under capitalism are exploited and are being treated very unfairly. Yeah, obviously the black working class has much more on their plate, so to speak, but in reality, working class whites don't benefit from racism, because racism is used to drive down wages for whites, too. Look at the wages for whites in the south vs wages for blacks in the north. Destruction of unions in the south and the upholding of racism has made life awful for working class whites in the south.

[–]sammythemc 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (1子コメント)

But isn't this the exact sort of denial that the cartoon is talking about? Racism doesn't hurt everyone equally, and the divisions that arise from bringing that up are way more the fault of people who refuse to entertain the notion that someone might have had a tougher time than they have. Until white people can acknowledge that, racism is going to keep hurting everyone.

[–]zorreXInternational Socialist Organization -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The best way to tear down the illusions that have haunted working class whites about race is to unite the working class into a multiracial, multigender movement in a struggle against the capitalist class. Whites will not become aware of the injustices that are served to others (and not to them) because the reality is that whites are also being fucked over and are dealing with their own conditions of exploitation. That being said, yes of course non-whites are obviously oppressed far more. However, there are countless types of people who are oppressed. I mean, who is oppressed more: a disabled white woman or a black man? The question is irrelevant, actually, because what's really at stake is capitalism itself, and the destruction of exchanging labour for wages.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist 31 ポイント32 ポイント  (81子コメント)

in actuality, working class whites under capitalism are exploited and are being treated very unfairly.

Yes, but relative to whites, working class blacks under capitalism are even more exploited and treated more unfairly.

[–]zorreXInternational Socialist Organization 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (14子コメント)

I would never deny that, because that is 100% true. However, that doesn't negate the fact that the working class in its entirety is exploited and oppressed.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (11子コメント)

Except that being white is not a "marginal benefit". It's huge. Very big. If you weren't white you'd realize that.

[–]zorreXInternational Socialist Organization 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (10子コメント)

Being white doesn't change the fact that 99.9% of white working class are stuck as wage slaves for their entire lives. Racism is detrimental. Racism transcends class, even. However, regardless of its severity, it doesn't change the fact that racism is the lynchpin of capitalism and sustaining the subjugation of the proletariat.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (9子コメント)

Being white doesn't change the fact that 99.9% of white working class are stuck as wage slaves for their entire lives.

Yet, despite being wage slaves, they are still benefactors of racism and have an easier time as a result of it. These "white working class" you're talking about still have about 125% the wages of the black working class:

the median black male worker earns 74 percent as much as the median white male worker, while the median Hispanic male worker earns only 63 percent as much.

If you look at this and say "yes but white people are STILL OPPRESSED AND IT'S SUPER BAD, GAWD!", you are part of the problem.

[–]zorreXInternational Socialist Organization 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (8子コメント)

I don't deny any of your statistics. I don't deny that white workers have a distinct advantage over their black and Hispanic counterparts. However, you continually dismiss the fact that white workers are exploited. This fact is the core in which a revolutionary, class conscious part of the working class orients itself around. If you cannot see this then it's safe to assume you're not properly engaged with Marxism.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (7子コメント)

you continually dismiss the fact that white workers are exploited.

How the hell are you reading that into what I wrote? Of course white workers are exploited. Nobody has ever said otherwise. I'm saying that workers who are not white face greater exploitation. This is an empirical fact, as evidenced by the statistical analysis of the wages of blacks, hispanics, and other racial groups. Why you are so intent on misreading what I'm saying?

[–]zorreXInternational Socialist Organization -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (6子コメント)


The fact that white workers are exploited means they are not benefactors of racism on a systematic level. You're reducing their experience to an individual level to their non-white peers, in which case can be said that, yes, white workers are benefactors of racism. However, it's important to remember that Marxism is more than looking at interpersonal experiences, but an objective science that looks at the broader forces in society.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (4子コメント)

white workers are exploited means they are not benefactors of racism on a systematic level.

Actually, they are benefactors of racism on a systematic level... that's literally what institutionalized racism is. White workers are exploited economically, but hey, at least they don't always get pulled aside for extra screening when they want to board a plane, to name just one example out of the countless white privileges.

[–]FabianN 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The fact that white workers are exploited means they are not benefactors of racism on a systematic level.

That logic does not make sense to me. At all.

[–]content404Anarcho-transhumanist 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Class is the main issue but you cannot talk about class without talking about race. They are inextricably linked.

[–]zorreXInternational Socialist Organization 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Of course. Racism is the lynchpin of capitalism.

[–]RobotEmperor 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (62子コメント)

No one is denying that whites have it easier. But there's no point arguing about which subset of the working class is getting fucked in the ass by the biggest dick. The point is that we need to think about the working class as a monolithic entity if capitalism is ever to be defeated. Racism is a symptom of class conflict and not a disease unto itself.

Edit: Probably should have specified that no one in this thread is denying whites have it easier. I absolutely agree that we need to show solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter and the Ferguson activists. I'm just saying that it's pointless and counterproductive to help the bourgeois reinforce superficial divisions of the working class. Making oblivious white people feel like they're under attack for something they have no control over is terribly stupid. The working class has a common enemy and that is the direction socialists need to take our rhetoric.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (61子コメント)

No one is denying that whites have it easier.

Yes, there is. There are plenty of people that think white people, specifically white men, are an oppressed group that is being laid low by the "matriarchy".

there's no point arguing about which subset of the working class

That's interesting, because Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc. all the major thinkers of Marxism thought differently and paid special attention to the material conditions of different sectors of the working class.

Racism is a symptom of class conflict

[Citation Needed]

[–]WineRedPsyLibertarian Socialist, Intersec. Queerfeminist, Transhumanist[S] 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (39子コメント)

[Citation Needed]

Even Marx said stuff to similar effect.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (38子コメント)

Actually, he said the opposite. So how about you provide a source for your claims?

[–]WineRedPsyLibertarian Socialist, Intersec. Queerfeminist, Transhumanist[S] 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (18子コメント)

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (17子コメント)

Show me where Marx said "racism is a symptom of class conflict'. What writing, what speech, etc. ?

[–]WineRedPsyLibertarian Socialist, Intersec. Queerfeminist, Transhumanist[S] 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (16子コメント)

I didn't say he literally said that, but something to that effect. Looking at these tools of analysis he's using they're fairly easy to apply to ethnicity.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (15子コメント)

Except he didn't say anything to that effect. That's what I'm getting at.

[–]internationalismdasvidaniya 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (18子コメント)

Actually, he said the opposite

[Citation Needed]

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (17子コメント)

Read please.

Marx and Engels commented on the American Civil War and race relations quite extensively.


[–]internationalismdasvidaniya 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (15子コメント)

I don't see anything in that piece that indicates Marx said "the opposite" of "racism is a symptom of class conflict". I am curious to know what you think the opposite is?

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (14子コメント)

Marx is saying that racism in the form of slavery is actually preventing class conflict from unfolding. He's saying that it's only with the abolition of slavery and racial injustice that class conflict can take place and develop. In a racially divided society, the separation of races prevents worker unity and only serves the interests of the bourgeoisie, who exacerbate race relations.

The similarity here is with the support of the bourgeois overthrow of the monarchies in order to facilitate a proletarian revolution. One must come before the other.

[–]xveganrox 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Yes, there is. There are plenty of people that think white people, specifically white men, are an oppressed group that is being laid low by the "matriarchy".

I don't know about "plenty," but certainly there are some people out there who believe that. I think we can fairly refer to them as "batshit crazy," and I doubt that web comics will do much to erase whatever damage caused their current ideology.

While the comic is both funny and sad/true, it doesn't do much to address the actual roots of racism: historically, colonial exploitation, and presently, capitalist oppression. The average working class white man has more in common with the average, working class black man than he does with Donald Trump. The average, working class white woman has more in common with the average, working class black woman than she does with Angela Merkel. Killing classicism won't magically end racism, but it'll do most of the job.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I don't know about "plenty,"

Yes, there are plenty. Read some of the other comments here:

A recent Public Religion Research Institute poll found 44% of Americans surveyed identify discrimination against whites as being just as big as bigotry aimed at blacks and other minorities. The poll found 61% of those identifying with the Tea Party held that view, as did 56% of Republicans and 57% of white evangelicals.

And here's the big problem with white racist liberals... they don't realize how racist they & their ilk actually are. They constantly downplay it and pretend that it's just a few fringe... when in reality it's front and center & mainstream.

I doubt that web comics will do much to erase whatever damage caused their current ideology.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know web comics must solve racism and overthrow the bourgeoisie or else they are substandard. What crock.

it doesn't do much to address the actual roots of racism: historically, colonial exploitation, and presently, capitalist oppression.

No, that's bullshit. And I'll tell you why: racism is not some "historical" thing that happened in the past, out of sight, out of mind. This is epic bullshit on the same scale as calling the Atlantic slave trade the "triangular trade". Whence comes racism? People. Human beings. What kind of human beings? White people. It's that simple. Don't try to pass off racism as being some abstract "colonial exploitation". It's not. Racism is something that actually humans being did and continue to do. The actual root of institutional racism is racist human beings. "White is beautiful and black is ugly", the white men said. "Negros are naturally fit for servitude", the white men said. And so they constructed entire societies based on these ideas and promoted a false consciousness. Racism is an opiate for the white masses in much the same way that religion is. The white worker might be crushed under the heel of white capitalists, but at least he's not a nigger, an inferior breed of human. Racism makes people feel good about themselves. That's the draw. That's the actual root of racism: people desiring to feel better about themselves.

Killing classicism

Hey, what did classicism ever do to you?

[–]xveganrox 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

A recent Public Religion Research Institute poll found 44% of Americans surveyed identify discrimination against whites as being just as big as bigotry aimed at blacks and other minorities. The poll found 61% of those identifying with the Tea Party held that view, as did 56% of Republicans and 57% of white evangelicals.

Do you have a link for that? I googled it but only found a CNN article from several years ago and couldn't find the original survey. I'd be interested to read it and when it was taken. I would have expected something more like 14% than 44% - perhaps the poll was taken right after some major affirmative action decision or something else that could have affected it.

No, that's bullshit. And I'll tell you why: racism is not some "historical" thing that happened in the past, out of sight, out of mind.

I absolutely did not say that racism is "historical," and I'd appreciate you not misquoting me. I did say there are major historical roots of racism - which there are - as well as modern roots of racism - which there are. It really seems like you're trying to pick a fight with me over something we agree about.

Don't try to pass off racism as being some abstract "colonial exploitation".

I did no such thing. Colonial exploitation has crippled many countries, especially in Asia, Africa, and South America. Imperialistic, colonial economic policies continue to cripple them today. Obviously we can't go back in time and fix that, but it's completely worth noting in my opinion that racism isn't some kind of new, modern phenomenon - it's been going on ever since some Europeans got into a boat and decided to go murder some people and look for gold (and yes, even before that, though on a smaller scale).

Racism is something that actually humans being did and continue to do. The actual root of institutional racism is racist human beings.

Nobody is born racist. Saying "racism exists because people are racist" is stupid. Racism exists for tons of reasons, but the biggest one - and this has ALWAYS been the biggest one - is that it's profitable for the people at the top.

"White is beautiful and black is ugly", the white men said. "Negros are naturally fit for servitude", the white men said. And so they constructed entire societies based on these ideas and promoted a false consciousness. Racism is an opiate for the white masses in much the same way that religion is. The white worker might be crushed under the heel of white capitalists, but at least he's not a nigger, an inferior breed of human. Racism makes people feel good about themselves.

I agree 100%.

That's the actual root of racism: people desiring to feel better about themselves.

And time and time again, you'll find that racist people don't feel good about themselves in other ways - that's why they identify so strongly with a hate-filled ideology. They are unhappy, they are oppressed, they are poorly educated, and they lead shitty lives. Socialism and racism are inherently incompatible, because once you address all that shit and improve people's lives they don't need to be racist to feel good about themselves.

Hey, what did classicism ever do to you?

Well, that's a whole different post, but from a race perspective it's pretty simple. Classicism whitewashes history. There's nothing wrong with "studying the classics," per se, but the vast majority of those "classics" are Greek and Italian. The Western-centric view of art and history that many people are taught focuses on Greece and Rome as the most important (and in some cases, pretty much only) ancient civilisations - just like it focuses on medieval era Europe. "Who cares about the barbarians in Mesopotamia or China - look instead at Rome, or medieval England, the great bastions of civilisation!" - even when, in the time period, Asian and African civilisations were far more advanced and even more "civilised" than European nations.

Also it was a typo because I was on mobile and it was meant to be "classism," but you probably knew that.

[–]Kar_Athri -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (17子コメント)

Yes, there is. There are plenty of people that think white people, specifically white men, are an oppressed group that is being laid low by the "matriarchy".

As someone who has friends with these 'views', I want to mention that there are very few people that genuinely believe this and normally white men being oppressed is just a joke against the types of SJW's who actually believe every white man, working class or not, is to blame for everything ever.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (16子コメント)

there are very few people that genuinely believe this

False. Fox News has millions of viewers, and the Republican Party receives millions of votes. Glenn Beck said that Obama has a deep seated hatred of white people.

normally white men being oppressed is just a joke

No, it's not. For examples, you should check out this website called reddit.com.

he types of SJW's who actually believe every white man, working class or not, is to blame for everything ever.

Can you name a single important/influential person who actually holds this view?

[–]Kar_Athri -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (15子コメント)

False. Fox News has millions of viewers, and the Republican Party receives millions of votes.

I dont like the Republicans either but I dont think I have ever seen a Republican say white males are oppressed and mean it. Also, using Fox News in an argument is a bit unfair isnt it?

No, it's not. For examples, you should check out this website called reddit.com.

Im not sure if we just browse different subreddits but I swear I have never seen reddit upvote comments saying white males are oppressed. The only time I see that is on /r/tumblrinaction and nothing there is serious. Its possible we just have different perceptions of sarcasm as well.

Can you name a single important/influential person who actually holds this view? Well, tbh I dont really know 'people' so to speak, but its what I see from a lot of people on reddit/youtube or whatever.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (14子コメント)

I dont think I have ever seen a Republican say white males are oppressed and mean it




I have never seen reddit upvote comments saying white males are oppressed.

+17 "Men are the new niggers". You can find loads of examples on that subreddit and reddit at large.

[–]rocktheprovinceMarxist 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (9子コメント)

Next, you can try to point to /r/conservative or /r/libertarian to prove your point about society at large. Cause y'know, reactionary hubs that exist for the sole purpose of fostering reactionary tension are great examples of mainstream thought.

Mainstream thought pays no mind to racial issues or economic issues at all. People don't care and are certainly not foaming at the mouth like those^ assholes because they are not invested in these beliefs.

[–]allhailkodosfellow traveler 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Mainstream thought pays no mind to racial issues

What? The entire electoral strategy of the Republican Party for 30 years was dog whistles designed to appeal to White men to get them to provide an electoral base for the pro-Rich agenda. And that strategy won, repeatedly, and its agenda was adopted by the Democratic Party. Which means that the entirety of the political establishment today is premised on a large, racist lie and obscenely racist policies like the ending of welfare and the death penalty and the war on drugs and the prison industrial complex are viewed as 'normal'.

The fact that things are shifting now doesn't change the very recent history or the very basis on which American society currently rests, even if many Americans don't realize it.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (7子コメント)

Next, you can try to point to /r/conservative[1] or /r/libertarian[2] to prove your point about society at large.

Did you miss the part where 44% of Americans say that white people face discrimination to the same extent that other people do? I'll concede the point if you're trying to argue that White America as a whole is a reactionary hub.

[–]Kar_Athri -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Well if you dig through enough far-right articles ofc you're going to find white power stuff, it dosnt reflect the opinion of most of the right, same applies to the left.

I would say MRA normally stays in /r/MRA. Again, thats just my perception of reddit.

As for the subreddit itsself, its like if I linked you /r/feminism, bias and going to say the exact same thing but with the word women/men changed. Personally I think both movements (sometimes, not always) can actually reduce equality.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

enough far-right articles ofc you're going to find white power stuff

We're not talking about fringe groups a la David Duke or white nationalists. We're talking about "mainstream" Republicans that have held office and ran for president.

And maybe you missed it, but:

A recent Public Religion Research Institute poll found 44% of Americans surveyed identify discrimination against whites as being just as big as bigotry aimed at blacks and other minorities. The poll found 61% of those identifying with the Tea Party held that view, as did 56% of Republicans and 57% of white evangelicals.

44% of Americans are outright delusional if they honestly believe that white people face just as much discrimination as people of color. There is no nice way to say it.

I would say MRA normally stays in /r/MRA[1] . Again, thats just my perception of reddit.

lol no. mensrights is notorious for brigading, and their opinions are supported by the mainstream of reddit.

s for the subreddit itsself, its like if I linked you /r/feminism

no, it's not, because those two things are not equivalent. Besides, /r/feminism is run by a dude that is sympathetic to MRAs and frequently bans actual feminists from the subreddit. /r/feminism is dominated by MRAs and actual feminists abandoned that shit hole a long time ago. See /r/wherearethefeminists.

[–]Honcho21Anarchism: Sophistry in Action -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Yes, but relative to whites, working class blacks under capitalism are even more exploited and treated more unfairly.

Yeah but what he's saying is where does the cartoon say that? It doesn't, it's just identity politics. It may be helpful to Liberals understanding racism but it isn't to Socialists who understand the inseparable link between racism and the wider class struggle.

If you want to explain the relativity of racism and sexism etc then that's fine but at least do it in the context of the real world, i.e where class intersects.

[–]JasonMackerLuxemburgist 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yeah but what he's saying is where does the cartoon say that?

...the part where it shows the black person in each panel getting fucked over by racism?

What exactly is your standard here, anyways? Must every political cartoon have a double dagger at the end with a footnote explaining everything in detail? Come on now, don't you think you're being overly critical here and ignoring the main issue here, which is the fact that black workers are being marginalized to a greater extent than white workers, and your main issue with this is to nitpick?

[–]Honcho21Anarchism: Sophistry in Action -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

...the part where it shows the black person in each panel getting fucked over by racism?

Where in the comic does it mention class and racism? Like your comment explained, working class Blacks are worse off than working class whites.

What exactly is your standard here, anyways? Must every political cartoon have a double dagger at the end with a footnote explaining everything in detail?

Explaining the intersectionality of class and racism is not a minor detail, you can't just separate the two like you can't separate climate change and Socialism.

I care about Black people being marginalised like I care about climate change, I couldn't give a fuck about how Liberals view the problems through their narrow lens because comics like this and their solutions to climate change are not helpful, there may be technical truths in what they say but they're still fundamentally wrong.

[–]procrastinating_nhil 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well you're right to the extent that fighting amongst the working class is counter productive. But i think this cartoon is more about education than anger. Racism is one of the most "in your face" examples of how upward mobility is affected by racial or economic class. Understanding racism helps us understand classism

[–]SolidBluesMarxist-Leninist 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (7子コメント)

but in reality, working class whites don't benefit from racism

Are working class whites pulled over by the cops because they're white? Are they murdered by the cops because they're white?

because racism is used to drive down wages for whites, too.

Not everything is about wages.

[–]Coontraper 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

On your first point, I don't think that zorreX is even saying that black people and white people are viewed equally before the law. Clearly racism makes it harder for black people than white people, especially in the USA. zorreX is just stating that a group may be exploited more than another group, but that doesn't mean that the latter group isn't being exploited. In fact that is one of the terrible things about racism. It is in racism's nature to destroy the bonds between the working classes.

On you're second point you are just taking zorreX's statement out of context. He is stating that racism hurts both the working class oppressor and the members of the working class that are being oppressed. He simply uses wages as an example of this. In context he states that the destruction of unions, and the lack of a worker's movement is driving the quality of life down for all members of society.

[–]Kar_Athri -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Are working class whites pulled over by the cops because they're white? Are they murdered by the cops because they're white?

No, but that dosnt mean they benefit, it just means they arnt harassed as much, and in either case it still dosnt make them to people to blame.

[–]SolidBluesMarxist-Leninist 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Who's blaming white people? The comic is criticizing (not blaming) white people who don't recognize their privilege.

[–]rocktheprovinceMarxist -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I was stopped in a Mexican/ Yaqui neighborhood that I hang out in frequently literally for being white. The cop even said as much, that the only conceivable reason I'd be there is to buy drugs.

The problem doesn't start or end with examples of cops being dicks. Else I would point you towards cops in my city who beat a middle-aged, white, female professor to the ground for supporting Ferguson protests. Or the cop that recently killed a 17 year old white girl in the fucking lobby of their police station for no reason at all. Or hell, even that 12 year old that was gunned down in the midst of the riots on his bike. You think he was killed for being a black little kid, or because cops are a bunch of frenzied, trigger happy maniacs in general?

Cops and their authority problems, racial tensions between white and non-white working class people, and this whole situation is a lot more nuanced than people here are implying.

[–]RobotEmperor -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Not everything is about wages.

Pretty sure that dialectical materialism is the core of Marxism.

[–]WineRedPsyLibertarian Socialist, Intersec. Queerfeminist, Transhumanist[S] 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Which had to do with ownership of production and not wages. Either way, there's always more than the core of Marxism. Intersectional solidarity!

[–]RobotEmperor 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Right. I guess I misread that as an idealist comment. Whoops.

[–]butistillwork 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (1子コメント)

The top comment on a comic about white privilege is derailing, class reductionist, and minimizing racism.


[–]zorreXInternational Socialist Organization -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I was unaware that insisting on the importance of racism in sustaining capitalism's rule over our world was class reductionist! Please read more of my comments in this thread before such a baseless accusation.

[–]allhailkodosfellow traveler 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

How can you look at how "racism reinforces classes" when you're willing to dismiss a fairly effective piece of propaganda (in the good sense) as "frustrating" because it focuses on race? It doesn't say 'Bob is a terrible person' - it says, 'Bob has benefited in myriad ways from society's racism and so talking about how you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps is ludicrous.'

To respond to what I think is the subtext of your post - or the fact that it got so many upvotes, anyway, here is this: in socialism, we have the right to talk about racism, even if we know that it is intricately interwoven with capitalism in the United States (and hence globally). That right doesn't end until White supremacy and racism end.

[–]stopstoppAnti-Sectarian -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Racism was invented in America so that the ruling class could control the majority white population by physically controlling the black population. It worked and made both groups poorer.

To say whites don't benefit from racism is both true and false though.