Tuesday, February 3, 2015






時間があれば孔子学院(Confucius Institute)についてネットで1,2時間でも調べてみると良い.あまりのことにショックを受けるだろう.世界抗日戦争史実維護連合会(Global Alliance)と孔子学院(Confucius Institute)も要チェックだ.




マイク・ホンダ,-- 彼はどこかおかしい.彼がアメリカの権益に興味があるとは到底思えない.ホンダは反日だ.ホンダは嘘つき狼で,そのことを隠そうともしない.


February 3, 2015
Michael Yon

Why Does Representative Mike Honda hate Japan?
Honda does not seem happy unless he is smashing Japan. Something is fishy about this character, Mike Honda. 
Honda constantly is on the radar fomenting anger between Koreans and Japanese, and Americans and Japanese.
We see clearly the People's Republic of China is trying to split South Korea from Japan, and split Japan from Australia and the USA. 
PRC is trying to isolate Japan politically and to keep Japan militarily weak. Part of PRC's plan to keep Japan weak is to foment a fear of Japan so that others resist Japan strengthening its military.
This is part of PRC's bid to control the South and East China Seas, and other issues. 
We can also see clearly that PRC has a hand in influencing study in many US and international colleges, universities, and even high schools in the USA. This is not hidden. PRC are in your face about it. PRC appears to make no attempt to hide what they are doing.
That PRC has a hand in influencing textbooks has been widely and publicly discussed. My words are not something from vague assertions or boogeyman-mongering. These realities are readily discoverable by normal citizens. If you budget even one or two hours on the internet looking into the Confucius Institutes, you might be shocked.
Please check out Global Alliance, and the Confucius Institutes. 
Representative Mike Honda clearly is a front man against Japan, and has been for years. This man makes me very uneasy. People who have read my work for years know that I do not say this lightly, and when I do, it has a way of turning out right. 
Japan is not crying wolf. The wolf is in front of us for everyone to see, and that wolf is China. Yet when Japan says, "There's a wolf!" China says, "Remember Nanjing! Remember the sex slaves!" But what most people do not realize is that China is hugely behind the Nanjing and sex-slave narratives. This part is also easily discoverable. 
All is not as it seems. PRC is running a gigantic information operation to isolate Japan in order to make military claims. We will see. Stand by...
And Mike Honda -- there is something wrong with this fellow. I do not believe he has America's best interests at heart. Honda is also wildly anti-Japan. Honda is wolf and does not hide it.


ukiko said...



Moguro Fukuzo said...

This article would be intriguing for you:

Top China analyst: Beijing has been duping the U.S. since Mao

I strongly believe that the Japan – U.S. Security Pact is the basis of peace and prosperity of the world at least for the foreseeable future. The Chinese Communist Dictatorship seems to be challenging this basis.