tequilaismyladyyy: What's the situation with Tamora Pierce? I literally just heard about this...


so there was this txt post that somebody initially made complaining about how Agent Carter is a white washed show (especially for something proclaiming to be all about women power etc). Tamora Pierce commented saying ‘I don’t get it” then said something along the lines of “well representation in the 1940s would be mainly POCs in services and what would you prefer no Blacks or Blacks in service like maids” (and yes, she said “BLACKS” not “Black ppl” ugh shudder). 

A lot of her POC fans were very upset by this (myself included) considering 

a) that’s not accurate at all if we’re judging this by historical records of the 1940s 

b) since when does a sUPER HERO FANTASY SHOW have to be historically accurate?

c) especially since this is Tamora Pierce, a writer who specializes in high fantasy involving POC 

So a lot of people, very upset people, responded negatively to this (myself included) and refuted her statements (that link above is my response with a massive amount of linked citation for my claims).

Then somebody else said “Well but Tammy has been problematic for some time now, here are some other problematic things she said.” 

All of us were waiting for Tamora Pierce to make a public statement/apology on the matter but she really didn’t until last night…when she posted the biggest, most insulting, woe-is-me, victim-blaming response ever.  Instead of admitting to the way she hurt a huge portion of her fanbase (queer women of color) she proceeded to attack her critics for “burning her at the stake because she has a Name.” I.e. “y’all are hating on me because I’famous and shit and you just want a cause to fight against.” She claimed to have explained herself to ppl but nobody can find any explanation posts (and I have yet to hear of somebody getting any fanmail from her—since fanmail is the only way she can directly communicate with ppl on tumblr since she has her askbox disabled despite fanmail being a shitty terrible unreliable way to communicate). She didn’t address any of the responses people made, she completely misconstrued the criticism of her usage of the term “Blacks” (she thought we were criticizing her for saying “Black” and then lectured everybody on like civil rights icons and stuff, and also misused and generalized the term “First Nations” so…ugh), and then proceeded to say that she’s staying off tumblr for now because of all the haters. She also said that if we really cared we would have talked about the lack of Chinese/Mohawk construction workers (which, by the way, many people had already brought up..?) and didn’t actually address anybody who made any salient points, but rather chose to see all the criticism as personal attacks. 

So that is what my response post from last night is about. And no, she has not contact me despite everybody tagging her in the post (myself included).