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[–]forknox -14 ポイント-13 ポイント  (21子コメント)

Wow, places like /r/Drama, Thepopcornstand and SRDD seem to be for people who want to spout reactionary nonsense like GG without being downvoted by people with a bias towards reality.

[–]LordHerefordsKnob 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I don't think it's possible to have a reasonable discusion about gamer gate in any subreddit. I've mostly tried to ignore gamer gate since the whole thing started, but it seems to me that everyone with a strong opinion about it, whether they're pro GG or anti GG is batshit insane.

[–]nomadbishophipster before it was cool 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It is a bitter battle between malicious creatures who seem to derive their only pleasure in life from devising new ways of tormenting each other.

In short, it's not the kind of conflict any reasonable person gets anywhere near.

[–]Tomatocake 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

but it seems to me that everyone with a strong opinion about it, whether they're pro GG or anti GG is batshit insane.

Everyone involved are ideologically driven polarized extremes. Whacha expect?

[–]forknox 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

If you think GG is not idiotic, you're insane. If you think GG is idiotic,...you're insane?

[–]bjt23 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

There's a difference between thinking GG is idiotic and being anti-GG. For instance, while I have long thought most video game journalism is terrible, I'm not going to side with people who only realized this out of hatred for some random woman. There are too many sexists and trolls in the GG camp. HOWEVER, at the same time there are too many extremists and trolls in the anti-GG camp as well, and like I said I really do dislike game journalism in general so I'm not going to side with those twats either.

[–]totes_meta_botTattletale 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

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[–]WolfyStar -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (7子コメント)

Are you kidding me right now? This sub just had a huge anti-GG thread where anyone with an different opinion was, as per usual on this sub when you go against hivemind, downvoted into oblivion.

[–]Caelrie 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (6子コメント)

To be fair, every subreddit everywhere is like that. You get downvoted for writing unpopular stuff.

[–]LolImSoBr00tal 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Nah, most subs (even ones that are as large as this one) don't downvote people into the upper double digits for even slightly disagreeing with the hivemind. A lot of SRD people get inexplicably enraged when you don't repeat the exact thing being said over and over in the thread.

[–]KrustyKoonKracker 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

SRD is an echo chamber. There isn't much you should be expecting from it.

[–]throwawayisonSad commas -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Maybe its not a hivemind, and lots and lots of people just think your opinions or logic are bad?