The Wonderful World of Michael Ford
staff:Tumblr Tuesday: Black History MonthBlack History Album (blackhistoryalbum)Photographs of historical moments large and small, from art, culture, politics, everything. Covering the 1860s to the 1960s (and beyond). Vintage Black Glamour (vintageblackglamour)Watch American style get invented before your very eyes. Learn about people who smashed the color barrier while dressed to the nines (and beyond). And: it’s a book. Bklyn Boihood (bklynboihood)For and by trans POC. Headquartered in Brooklyn, accessible from everywhere. Brooklyn Boihood is on a mission to spread love through art and music events—and provide a safe haven for those who need one.Black Scientists and Inventors (blackscientistsandinventors)People who changed and are changing the world for the better. Also, alerts about STEM scholarships and grants, so that next world-changer could be you.Super Heroes in Color (superheroesincolor)In a genre dominated by white men, here’s a much-needed celebration of characters of color. Storm isn’t the only black super hero.Portrait of Robert Lee Curbeam Jr via blackhistoryalbum 

It’s a nice post. Too bad staff now has to deal with the people who think that two days is an infinite stretch of time in which Tumblr was ‘ignoring’ Black History Month:And even worse, the whiny unpleasable Tumblr brats we’ve all come to know and despiseStaff was fucked no matter what they did, because these shits will complain no matter what. 


Tumblr Tuesday: Black History Month

Black History Album (blackhistoryalbum)
Photographs of historical moments large and small, from art, culture, politics, everything. Covering the 1860s to the 1960s (and beyond). 

Vintage Black Glamour (vintageblackglamour)
Watch American style get invented before your very eyes. Learn about people who smashed the color barrier while dressed to the nines (and beyond). And: it’s a book

Bklyn Boihood (bklynboihood)
For and by trans POC. Headquartered in Brooklyn, accessible from everywhere. Brooklyn Boihood is on a mission to spread love through art and music events—and provide a safe haven for those who need one.

Black Scientists and Inventors (blackscientistsandinventors)
People who changed and are changing the world for the better. Also, alerts about STEM scholarships and grants, so that next world-changer could be you.

Super Heroes in Color (superheroesincolor)
In a genre dominated by white men, here’s a much-needed celebration of characters of color. Storm isn’t the only black super hero.

Portrait of Robert Lee Curbeam Jr via blackhistoryalbum 

It’s a nice post. Too bad staff now has to deal with the people who think that two days is an infinite stretch of time in which Tumblr was ‘ignoring’ Black History Month:

And even worse, the whiny unpleasable Tumblr brats we’ve all come to know and despise

Staff was fucked no matter what they did, because these shits will complain no matter what. 

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    yo staff why did we have to literally tell u to do this tho
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    I see a lot of people complaining that there isn’t anything tumblr is doing for black history month but here is this. It...
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