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[–]ItalyApexCannibalKing 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (20子コメント)

Because Germany had half its debts forgiven in 1953, and most people seem to be willfully pretending as if Germany is some fiscal master race when their economic success is due to favorable arrangements with creditors and heavy investment by the US and USSR for 50 years whereas everyone else in Europe only got investment from one of the two.

But sure, tax evasion is much worse than the 7 years of looting and slaughter Europe got when they asked Germany to pay her debts.

Edit1: why do fuckers keep downvoting any reminder that Germany has benefitted from debt forgiveness before?! And whereas Greece got in debt for corruption and tax evasion Germany got it by way of slaughter and theft

edit2: Instead of just downvoting why not give me a counterargument?

edit3: So I have to pretend like WW1 and WW2 didn't happen? You can call southern Europeans pigs in all international media to the applause and laughter of most of Europe and the world but it's distasteful if I bring up the amount of slaughter and theft Germany committed in Europe? Are we going to pretend like Hitler grabbed a rifle and conquered Europe all by himself? That there werent 100,000s of enthusiastic collaborators in the political and business elite? People who kept their stolen profits after the war and contributed to German economic growth?

Edit4: you hear that? Thats the sound of countless downvoters jizzing to pictures of Adolf.

Edit 5: here's some bedtime reading jerkoffs, the story of how Germany gets to avoid paying debts http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/feb/27/greece-spain-helped-germany-recover and http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawes_Plan go fuck yourselves. Keep on hating the South, see where it gets you.

Edit 6: hey look, you fucks, even a German newspaper agrees with me


[–]GermanyRediterorista -17 ポイント-16 ポイント  (19子コメント)

Germany isn't rich because of heavy investments from outside, but because of high value export economy, high technology and industry.

Sure, the marshall plan helped to rebuild, but it actually benefited the Americans (and the entire world) more than it did Germany. It was the best investment the US ever did.

But sure, tax evasion is much worse than the 7 years of looting and slaughter Europe got when they asked Germany to pay her debts.

Those debts weren't reasonable at all, what a ridicolous argument.

Why don't you as a Italian take some burden of your countries history? Global imperialism and slaughter, enslavement of the entire middle sea area from Europe to Africa and the Middle East?

Hitler is a child gangster compared to Stalin, Mao, Roman Empire Ghengis Khan and the US.

At least Hitler tryed to free Germany from debt slavery (in which he succeded) and had a vision of greatness and glory.

Imagine global national socialism, best form of a global government.

Of course without the racist and facist elements.


[–]Great BritainDuke0fWellington -6 ポイント-5 ポイント  (18子コメント)

What absolute nonsense. Stalin or Mao never caused as many deaths as Hitler did, despite some people saying they killed half the bloody planet.

[–]GermanyRediterorista -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (17子コメント)

I won't even argue with you, it's all on wikipedia and common knowledge, all statistics are there.

You probably watched to many Nazi documentaries/movies that clouded your sense of reality.

Go wikipedia, look up the statistics and be ashamed of your ignorance.

Stalin alone killed 40-50 million people you moron.

[–]Great BritainDuke0fWellington 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (16子コメント)

Ah yes, because China having a one of the hottest and driest summers it's seen was due to Mao's policies? Not only did he kill half the population of the world, he's a wizard too!

[–]GermanyRediterorista -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (15子コメント)

You are saying he killed half the population of the world...

So don't base your argument on your own knowingly false assumption.

[–]Great BritainDuke0fWellington -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (14子コメント)

Haha, I obviously wasn't being serious. If you make a silly comment with no factual basis I will reply with a comment just as silly.

[–]GermanyRediterorista -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (13子コメント)

Well, the difference is that i didn't make a silly comment.

Your view of reality is just absolutely distorted.

[–]Great BritainDuke0fWellington -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (12子コメント)

You did, because Mao didn't kill that many people. No honest non biased historian says that.

[–]GermanyRediterorista 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (11子コメント)

Mao killed at least 40 million and up to 80 million people.