Hey, Tumblr
Tumblr isn’t your “safe space” unless you have a password protected blog.
If you do, feel free to police your posts.
Otherwise, shut up and deal with it. It doesn’t matter what you post, I and everyone else here has the right to comment on it as we see fit.
I don’t care if you’re 12. I don’t care if you’re 15. I don’t care if you’re 78. If you think your age make questioning you invalid, then please get off this website, you aren’t mature enough for it. Your parents probably need to know what you’re doing here.
If you think a mental handicap, real or fake, makes questions into attacks, you need to get off this website and go into the real world. Mean people exist, and the sooner you’re used to them, the better.
If you are “triggered” by the slightest thing, then please get off this website. I value your safety and my freedom of speech. When the two conflict, you need to remove yourself from the situation instead of insisting I not say “rabbit”.
Important Note: If you are being an asshole to someone for the purpose of being and asshole, you need to get off this website. You are an asshole and I don’t want you in my community.