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have fun and be safe kids
Posted on 2nd Feb at 8:20 PM, with 177 notes
do u ever get tired of listening to other white people talk

do u ever get tired of listening to other white people talk

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  16. grinchlybear reblogged this from arminfuckingarlert and added:
    I would have guessed a play on the opening to baby got back I mean, who understands those rap guys anyways
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  24. aphladydane reblogged this from eruhamster and added:
    WtfRap IS black music, it was invented by black people and used by black people to talk about their livesWhite people...
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  26. fizzyfizer reblogged this from arminfuckingarlert and added:
    Toopsy, eruhamster had no way of knowing that, this is a rather short comic with a short description/caption that some...
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