Announcing Our Winners

Thanks everyone for competing! We had 128 awesome submissions for this year’s event, and the following 5 apps ended up winning prizes:

1st Place & Crowd Favorite: Goffee

Goffee is a fast, distributed, and concurrent way to monitor your sites from all over the World using Tor.

Submission | Github Repo

2nd Place & Best Solo App: Rehook

Rehook is a webhook dispatcher, filtering incoming requests from external services and acting on them.

Submission | Github Repo

3rd Place: AppStract

Visualize go programs in a graph to create an overview of its structure by scanning a GitHub repository.

Submission | Github Repo

4th Place: ImgurGo

An open source image uploader by the Imgur team.

Submission | Github Repo

5th Place: Nut

Vendor Go dependencies.

Submission | Github Repo

Honorable Mention

The following apps came close in either the community or expert judging phase:

  • Mockinbox - A mock RESTful server for Front End Devs.
  • Go Report Card - A report card for your Go application.
  • Gopherling - Stress/load testing webapp (similar to ab) written in Golang.

Winners will be contacted shortly with more information on receiving their prizes. Also, we encourage everyone to continue the discussion in Slack and on ChallengePost.