Spring Grove Area High School

Shaping the Future... One Student at a Time!

 Nuts About Granola now on sale for the Rocket Scientists.  Please see the forms below.
 Assignments are listed the day they are due.
The Physics 1 textbook can be found online at physicspp.com and the access code is:   C0B1398433
The AP Physics 1 and 2 textbook and online resources can be found at www.masteringphysics.com 
Assignments may be checked any time after they are due.
Problem sets from the textbook should be completed in your notebook showing all work and checked using the supplied answers prior to the due date.
Labs are due in one cycle. (example lab is performed on day 3 and then is due when you arrive next day 3)
AP Physics 1
9-29-14 - work on lab
9-30-14 - p67 pick 4
10-1-14 - p68-70 pick 5
10-2-14 - prepare for review
10-3-14 - review
10-6-14 - Chapter 3 exam
10-7-14 - none
10-8-14 - read pp75-83 in new book
10-9-14 - read pp84-95
10-10-14 - p101 pick 7
10-15-14 - lab due
10-16-14 - p102, 103 pick 6
10-17-14 - p104-106 pick 6
10-20-14 - p104-106 pick 6
10-21-14 - p99 #1-13 misconceptual problems
10-22-14 - p98, 99 pick 8 questions
10-23-14 - prepare for review
10-24-14 - chapter 4 exam
10-27-14 - Lab Due
10-28-14 - None
10-29-14 - Read pp109-114
10-30-14 - Read pp115-121
10-31-14 - p132, 133  pick 8
11-3-14 - none
11-4-14 - p132, 133 pick 8
11-5-14 - lab due
11-6-14 - p133 #28-44 pick 6
11-7-14 - p134 #45-56 pick 5
11-10-14 - p134 #45-56 pick 5
11-11-14 - p135 #67-89 pick 5
11-12-14 - p131 #1-12 Misconceptual Questions
11-13-14 - p130 Questions pick 6
11-14-14 - prepare for review
11-17-14 - Chapter 5 exam
11-18-14 - read pp138-147
11-19-14 - lab due
11-20-14 - p164, 165 pick 8
11-21-14 - read pp148-155
12-2-14 - none
12-3-14 - read pp156-161
12-4-14 - p166 pick 8
12-5-14 - p167 pick 5
12-8-14 - none
12-9-14 - prepare for review
12-10-14 - chapter 6 exam
12-11-14 - lab due
12-12-14 - read pp170-177
12-15-14 - read pp178-183
12-16-14 - read pp184-189
12-17-14 - p192 pick 6
12-18-14 - p193 pick 6
12-19-14 - p194, 195 pick 5
12-22-14 - none
12-23-14 - Linear momentum Quest
12-24-14 - no school till Jan 5 Merry Christmas! 
1-5-15 - none
1-7-15 - read pp182-187
1-8-15 - p193 #38, 39, 41
1-9-15 - p194 #44-60 pick 6
1-12-15 - work on lab
1-13-15 - prepare for review
1-14-15 - chapter 7 exam
1-15-15 - read pp198-205
1-16-15 -read pp208-214
1-19-15 - No School
1-20-15 - Work on lab
1-21-15 - read pp215-218
1-22-15 - p222 pick 6
1-23-15 - p223 pick 6
1-26-15 - p221 #1-13
1-27-15 - p224 pick 4
1-28-15 - p224-226 pick 6
1-29-15 - p220 pick 8
1-30-15 - Chapter 8 exam
2-2-15 - none
2-3-15 - quiz
2-4-15 - read pp292-297
2-5-15 - read pp298-306
2-6-15 - read pp307-316
2-9-15 - p322-323 pick 8
Physics 1
9-29-14 - none
9-30-14 - p81 #79-82
10-1-14 - Lab Due
10-2-14 - p82 #84-89
10-3-14 - p82 #90-95
10-6-14 - none
10-7-14 - prepare for review
10-8-14 - unit 2 exam
10-9-14 - lab due
10-10-14 - read pp87-95
10-15-14 - read pp96-101
10-16-14 - study guide 7
10-17-14 - read pp102-107
10-20-14 - none
10-21-14 - study guide 8
10-22-14 - p113 #67-72
10-23-14 - p114 #73-79
10-24-14 - study guide 9
10-27-14 - p114 #82-86
10-28-14 - p114 #87-90
10-29-14 - Lab Due
10-30-14 - Prepare for review
10-31-14 - Chapter 4 Exam
11-3-14 - none
11-4-14 - read pp119-125
11-5-14 - read pp126-130
11-6-14 - Trig Quiz
11-7-14 - p.141 #79-83
11-10-14 - none
11-11-14 - p142 #85-89
11-12-14 - study guide 10
11-13-14 - study guide 11
11-14-14 - p142 #90-94
11-17-14 - Lab Due
11-18-14 - Vector Addition Quest
11-19-14 - None
11-20-14 - Study Guide 12
11-21-14 - p142 #95-100
12-2-14 - none
12-3-14 - p145 #1-7
12-4-14 - p866 #10-16
12-5-14 - work on lab
12-8-14 - lab due
12-9-14 - prepare for review
12-10-14 - practice for exam
12-11-14 - practice for exam
12-12-14 - chapter 5 exam  (date revised)
12-15-14 - read pp147-156
12-16-14 - none
12-17-14 - work on lab
12-18-14 - p165 #51-53
12-19-14 - p165 #55, 58, 59
12-22-14 - work on lab
12-23-14 - Horizontally Launched Projectile Quest
12-24-14 - no school till Jan 5 Merry Christmas! 
1-5-15 - none
1-7-15 - p867 # 4, 5
1-8-15 - read pp153-156
1-9-15 - p166 #61-64
1-12-15 - p166 #65-67 
1-13-15 - lab due
1-14-15 - prepare for review
1-15-15 - chapter 6 exam
1-16-15 - none
1-19-15 - No School
1-20-15 - p858 #6-10
1-21-15 - p860 #5-9
1-22-15 - p861 #3-8
1-23-15 - p862 #12-16
1-26-15 - Midterm
1-27-15 - finish midterm
1-28-15 - read pp229-235
1-29-15 - read pp236-241
1-30-15 - 
2-2-15 - none
2-3-15 - p251 #56-62
2-4-15 - p251 #63-68
2-5-15 - study guide 14
2-6-15 - p252 #69-72
2-9-15 - p252 #73-77
AP Physics 2
9-29-14 - none
9-30-14 - read pp 268-278
10-1-14 - p285, 286 pick 6
10-2-14 - p287, 288 pick 7
10-3-14 - p284 Misconceptions #1-12
10-6-14 - work on lab
10-7-14 - prepare for review
10-8-14 - chapter 10 exam
10-9-14 - read pp359-367
10-10-14 - none
10-15-14 - read pp368-380
10-16-14 - p387, 388  pick 8
10-17-14 - None  
10-20-14 - p386-388 pick 8 more
10-21-14 - none
10-22-14 - p384 #1-13 misconceptual
10-23-14 - prepare for review
10-24-14 - chapter 13 exam
10-27-14 - None
10-28-14 - read pp390-396
10-29-14 - read pp397-405
10-30-14 - p408, 409 pick 8
10-31-14 - work on lab
11-3-14 - none 
11-4-14 - p408, 409 pick 8
11-5-14 - p409, 410 pick 8
11-6-14 - LAB DUE
11-7-14 - Chapter 14 exam
11-10-14 - none
11-11-14 - read pp412-418
11-12-14 - read pp419-429
11-13-14 - p438, 439 pick 8
11-14-14 - p440 pick 8
11-17-14 - none
11-18-14 - p437 misconceptual questions #1-12
11-19-14 - Chapter 15 exam
11-20-14 - Read pp292-300
11-21-14 - Read pp301-310
12-2-14 - none
12-3-14 - read pp 311-318
12-4-14 - p323, 324 pick 8
12-5-14 - p321 #1-15 misconceptions
12-8-14 - none
12-9-14 - prepare for review
12-10-14 - chapter 11 exam
12-11-14 - lab due
12-12-14 - read pp328-336
12-15-14 - read pp337-343
12-16-14 - none
12-17-14 - p354 pick 6
12-18-14 - read pp344-349
12-19-14 - p355 pick 8
12-22-14 - none   
12-23-14 - AP Test practice
12-24-14 - no school till Jan 5 Merry Christmas! 
1-5-15 - none
1-7-15 - AP test practice
1-8-15 - read pp443-449
1-9-15 - read pp450-456
1-12-15 - read pp457-459
1-13-15 - E calc.
1-14-15 - p469 pick 8
1-15-15 - p470 pick 5
1-16-15 - p468 #1-13
1-19-15 - No School
1-20-15 - work on lab
1-21-15 - p.471 pick 6
1-22-15 - prepare for review
1-23-15 -Chapter 16 exam
2-2-15 - none
2-3-15 - quiz
2-4-15 - p496 pick 6
2-5-15 - p497 pick 8
2-6-15 - p498-499 pick 6
2-9-15 - p495 #1-11
 Great site for resources (AP Physics), class notes, sample problems, etc.
AP Physics 1 and 2 online tutor
 Great resource with lots of worksheets of practice problems and answer keys. 
Lots more resources here including instructional videos, worksheets, labs and quizzes with answer keys.  Good for all three levels, Physics 1 and AP Physics.
AP Physics 1 and 2 review videos and practice problems.  Excellent resource.
Rescheduled - After school tutoring Wednesday Feb 4, 2:30-3:30pm in room 220.  Please sign up on the clipboard in the classroom.
Peer tutoring with NHS members is encourged and available by appointment. Sign up in the guidance office or contact me and I will contact the NHS advisors. 
Please check MMS regularly for grade updates and contact me with any questions hastingb@sgasd.org
 PHET simulation website (for practice)  http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/category/new