Get Started
The concept behind the Mac Hacks project is to document the best ways to automate the installation of software that I use. Feel free to use anything on this site as your own.
I wipe my Mac twice a year, January 1st and June 1st. This keeps stuff fresh on my Mac, because I often mess things up. The problem is, it's very time consuming to get all of my applications set up manually. I am going to document everything here.
It's relatively simple to take everything I've posted here and throw it in a shell script to use to bootstrap your Mac. I keep a private repo with all of my required pieces for my bootstrap script. It will be made in a sanitized format soon.
It's not an uncommon occurence these days for people to put together repositories of their "dotFiles", in order to quickly build their machines. There's a number of people who have put together some great dotFile repos on GitHub, over which I've gleaned a number of the Mac Tweaks that I use.
Apple has not documented the capabilities of the commands that we talk about on this site very well, so we are taking it upon ourselves to map it out as best we can.
Don't Be Stupid.
I'm not responsible for you doing irreversible damage to your Mac. Seriously, don't be stupid.
Credit Where Credit is Due
Mathias Bynens has done a great job with opening up his dotFiles with the world. Some of the tips posted here have been gleaned from his dotFiles. Some have been pulled from my random hackery, and various places around the web.
In no way, shape or form lay claim to finding all of these hacks on my own. I am solely creating a central repo for them.