Anonymous what is wrong with PIV sex?

There are two radical feminist views that I’ve come across on the subject:  
-PIV critical. that it is something we should be critical of since it’s a product of compulsory heterosexuality, it endangers women by exposing us certain physical risks, it’s seen as the default sex act that validates relationships which again is a very heteronormative thing, besides 80% of women not even being able to achieve orgasm with it and it’s part of male-centric sexuality since they’re the ones that really benefit from it. It’s used as a tool of warfare and terrorism (i.e. rape culture)
-and I’ve seen radfems straight up say that all PIV sex is rape, which is a simplified exaggerated version of the first stance, imo. The statement ‘all piv sex is rape’ is controversial in the community since it devalues the experience of rape victims. If all PIV sex is rape, even what the couple agrees to as *consensual* PIV, then (actual) rape becomes meaningless.

It’s definitely an important conversation to have since all female children are groomed into compulsory heterosexuality and that includes compulsory piv, whether they like it or not. It’s a conversation about consent, and what is meaningful consent if we are told from birth that PIV, along w all other forms of male placation, is our job as women? That we have so many women (including myself) having PIV with their boyfriends when they don’t like it and don’t want to, but fear losing them if they voice this. 

There is also a lot of history around PIV and how it’s been used as a tool to keep women indentured to men, to get us pregnant, for instance. The invention of the pill only made it easier for PIV to be compulsory because we no longer have an excuse to not engage in it. It is entirely connected to the idea what women are just holes to be penetrated for male pleasure and the continuation of his brood. It’s so compulsory that during the 20th century, women were treated in a myriad of medical ways so that she would do her duty as a wife to provide her husband with PIV, and with this came the male supremacist institution of sexology. Sheila Jeffreys’ book Anticlimax is an important read for this (which you can find for free at 

Also some blogposts that feature stances I’ve seen:


Tagged as: #rape #piv #piv critical #compulsory heterosexuality

  1. scarlet-void reblogged this from harleyeve and added:
    I just reblog some things I don’t even agree with, but I partially agree with this one. We should tell girls how PIV...
  2. mypowerourpower reblogged this from askaradfem
  3. harleyeve reblogged this from scarlet-void and added:
    Ok, I can understand this if you don’t like PIV sex, then yes you should have every right to say no to it. Find...
  4. my-oddly-drawn-circus reblogged this from askaradfem
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