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Men: We will pay you an equal wage as long as we can hit you

Posted on January 18, 2015 with 38 notes
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  11. sweggmhoneeyswegg reblogged this from ameliasdestiny and added:
    Yes women do get equal pay OK! hypothetically I get equal pay (£130 per week) My men get the same, and so do women. And...
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  16. boy-is-a-bottom reblogged this from ameliasdestiny
  17. ameliasdestiny reblogged this from sweggmhoneeyswegg and added:
    Okay so women do not get equal pay for a number of reasons which I shant go into due to the fact that you won’t...
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  21. sprinkleofmischief said: Men: This is why I need meninism
  22. dancingincolor reblogged this from ameliasdestiny
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