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[–]BadgerGecko 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (14子コメント)

I have noticed a high number of holocaust related posts and wondered what is the reason behind them.

Here, on conspiracy, we always are talking about groups subverting society, this sub, all kinds of shit. Meanwhile we let one of the most loud and hateful continously post this holohoax crap

I have not looked into the details but what makes you think it is all crap? It would be amazing to see a post where this is all tackled and put to bed or put out into the open if true.

[–]last1ofthejedi[S] [非表示スコア]  (13子コメント)

I have personally seen enough evidence to be throughly convinced of concentration camps. trying to prove exact numbers, they know it can't be done, cause most all the survivors or on hand witnesses are like 90 years old. Then they point out, "well this one said something about masterbation death machines". you know what, they had some sick ass shit up in the holocaust. they disected ppls brains while still in skull. most all of the biology of the brain we know, we know from nazi experimentation. you wanna put it all to bed? Dude, if you seriously believe that the holocaust was just an internment camp for jews, gypsies and gays, then I got some bad news for ya. And there's so tall a mountain of evidence to prove it did happen. Meanwhile, the revisionist get one or two snippits that suppovely unravel the whole damn thing, but they don't not even close. And fuck it, i'll play devils advocate even. Let's say they did. Let's say the holocaust is a hoax, and that the whole "Master Race" thing is just a slogan and not a dictate to exterminate or rule over the rest (ya know, like you nazi fucks accuse the Jews of doin?) ? That mean you're in pal? Nazis are fine so long as they arn't genocidal aholes? Is that it?

[–]BadgerGecko [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Dude, if you seriously believe that the holocaust was just an internment camp for jews, gypsies and gays,

I have no beliefs on this subject. Although I'm pretty sure everyone who was imprisoned ended up in the concentration camps. (The man who escaped from Auswitch, was my source)

I will be totally honest and put my cards on the table.

The influx of posts lately certainly has piqued my interest. It has made me question certain things. I'm over the moon I live in country where I can ask questions about the holocaust without ending up in prison which leads me on the point of

Why is it an offence to question the holocaust in certain countries?

What is the history that caused that legislation?

When discussing ww2 the Jewish horrors are always front and centre, a lot of other groups suffered as well. They just get a foot note, why?

If it wasn't 6million and in fact 3 million then that needs to be discussed as it is a huge discrepancy.

My last point/thought has been stirred up recently with the Charlie Hebdo event. The media in my eyes are saying we can slag off Islam and brown people all we want but can't say a critical word against Israel for fear of being anti-Semitic. So if they are so protective over their issues with Palestine and play a hard PR campaign with that, then it is perfectly reasonable they have done the same in the past.

In saying all of this I do not want /r/conspiracy to be filled with this one topic


Just to add when I first heard of Holocaust deniers or people with questions about it, my immediate reaction was of horror and revulsion and assumed they must be mad. Things change though

[–]eagleshigh [非表示スコア]  (11子コメント)

But there is evidence to say otherwise that it didn't happen, or that it was greatly exaggerated.

[–]last1ofthejedi[S] [非表示スコア]  (10子コメント)

dved me and deflected. you didn't answer. i give you no holocaust ever happened (for the sake of this conversation), does that mean the whole master race thing is good to go? you in bro?

[–]SquareHimself [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Personally, I think the evidence against the holocaust being as blown up as they make it has significance... Just not the significance some are trying to portray it as. The evidence is coming to light and people are trying to subvert the truth with melodrama and propaganda.

The fact of the matter is people agreed with Hitler. His ideas were based upon the ideas of evolution and natural selection, equating Jews, Christians, retards, and others with vermin who were polluting the gene pool. He was pushing an agenda that's all too familiar today. To hide the fact that they're still pushing the same message (and considering Hitler rose to fame from the same powers in control now), they've blown out the holocaust narrative.

That message is far from dead, and a lot of people still agree with the idea of eugenics. It's an unfortunate consequence of believing that we are evolved rather than created beings.

[–]eagleshigh [非表示スコア]  (7子コメント)

No. I don't believe in master race. I do believe in inferiority of some people's though. There is science to back it up.

[–]Terex80 [非表示スコア]  (2子コメント)

It doesn't matter you don't believe in a master race, what matters is that the nazis did, same throughout history the Christians thought they were doing gods will in the crusades, the Muslims believed that the would go to paradise for dying in jihad.

Edit: "people's"? As in ethnic groups?

[–]eagleshigh [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

Yea your right about that. Yes some ethnic groups. Bushmen, aborigines. Africans. Iq is a telling thing.

[–]Terex80 [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Wee woo, wee woo racist alert.

There has been lots of 'science' to back up the inferiority of different races (measuring black people's skulls vs monkeys for example). Do you have any evidence (which is dated at least 2000 AD)

[–]SquareHimself [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

I do believe in inferiority of some people's though. There is science to back it up.

We are all created equal by our Creator, and our forefathers understood this. There is no science that supports eugenics or superiority of one person over another. These kind of statements are exactly why the new world order is taking over... People are falling for that kind of garbage.

If you believe that some humans are trash, then don't be surprised when they try to throw you out with the rest of us. How does that sound?

[–]eagleshigh [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Imo it is scientific fact. Can you really say that we are the same as say, aborigines or bushmen? Can you say that they are really on our level? As I said, we do things differently. They wouldn't be able to survive in our society and most of us would have trouble in theirs. Do you deny this difference?

Downvote without refuting my claim. Is there something wrong with what I said? These are facts.

[–]last1ofthejedi[S] [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

so there's not a master race, just one...or more, that arn't up the the same standard as others. and how would this templet look. Who's human, and who's, oh, idk, let's call them, sub-human? That term works right, cause they're inferior to those you would call, human?

[–]eagleshigh [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Yes that is what I'm saying. Would you say that we are all exactly the same when we evolved in different parts of the world, separately for tens of thousands of years? Accomplishing different things? Imo it's the only logical conclusion to come too. We are all different. We are all good at different things. Yes we are more intelligent then Africans and aborigines and the like but they can do some things better then us.

[–]iamriot [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

You are an idiot.