Faith is often a visual marker of identity — but also a source of discomfort (
9 ups - 0 downs = 9 votes
35 comments submitted at 15:15:10 on Jan 3, 2015 by Surax
Faith is often a visual marker of identity — but also a source of discomfort (
9 ups - 0 downs = 9 votes
35 comments submitted at 15:15:10 on Jan 3, 2015 by Surax
These religions and cultures have created the modern nations these people fled from. Why should I be approving of someone who is so actively a hypocritical to think they want.
Also the Saudi complain about people asking her about religion? I can't wrap my head around the reality Muslims live in, that's probably why I left the faith. You don't get asked about religion in among the Saud's because they assume your a muzzie, and if you aren't you either keep it quiet or get fucking ostracized as shit. And I'm not talking about "oh someone looks my way every now and then" I'm talking outright fired, run off or fucking killed. Muzzies opening their mouths to speak a single word of how they are 'oppressed' in the west should be shipped out, or have their noses rubbed in the outright genocide of everyone who isn't a muz in muz lands.
Multi-cult is failing big time. The major caveat is that us minorities have brought our bloody problems with us (intentionally) and harbor racism against the whites.
I want to live by English laws. There I said it. I don't want to be utterly alien and unable to communicate with people or unable read signage in certain areas of the nation.
Someone please explain to me how Canada is desirable as a modern first world nation, but should also be changed by primitive and backwards cultures? Someone please explain to me how a progressive liberal society is supposed to have conservative foreign body parts Frankenstein stitched to it and come out as a progressive liberal society? Explain to me why we should have all these problem at all?
Because there is small minority of people that have a major influence in academics, the media, and politics that are pushing the "progressive" agenda hard and they don't have the best interests of the country in mind. And if we try to slow down a bit, suddenly we're a "racist". This guy sums up better than anyone else how the "progressive" machine works and why it works. Suspend judgement of his political beliefs, the book is actually incredibly insightful and very well sourced. If you download the book I linked, ignore the white nationalist logos. They were added on afterwards by whoever ripped the book. Call it "racist" all you want, but in my opinion the narrative that he puts together is pretty damning.
I think there needs to be some sort of distinction drawn between liberal and "progressive" ideologies. Most times when people say they are "progressives" it means they are cultural marxists, not liberals.