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My name is Kelley. I draw therefore I am. Welcome to my art blog!
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Jan 3 '15

subliminalmindduck asked:

hello there! do you know how to pronounce the neutral pronouns 'zhe' and 'hir'? for zhe i've been using the russian Ж sound (like the 's' in usual) with a long e at the end like in english and i've been pronouncing 'hir' like 'hear'. i have no idea if either of these are correct.

I don’t know the answer to this question. Can anyone help?

2 notes Tags: kelley takes the floor subliminalmindduck

  1. sarcatholic said: Both are correct! Good deduction, subliminalmindduck.
  2. kingandlionhaert said: i’m pretty sure it’s “zee” and “hear”
  3. anotherwellkeptsecret posted this