i see a lot of deities hating humans and i want to say this:
i love humans. i think they are interesting and chaotic and flawed and they manage to keep me amused and occupied. And while id like my full powers back; i often took a human shape before this body and i dont mind living this life that much.
surely i cant be the only entity that feels this way?
- tsukkikin likes this
- inannaeloah reblogged this from wolf-deity and added:
I think a lot of deities forget that they themselves are just as flawed as any human. We might live longer lives and...
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- wall-eworld reblogged this from wolf-deity and added:
"I am not human, yet I talk like the stupidest of humans" Wait, even that was too high level thinking to type out…
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- batmanism-official reblogged this from wolf-deity and added:
Props to you for not pretending to be badass by being that “outcast type” that hates humans because “I’m a moody...
- noobs-r-us likes this
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- mc-bride reblogged this from pleasurepissingyouoff and added:
Wolf God makes me think of party God from adventure time
- philosophicalnerd reblogged this from johnnysjetpack and added:
- the-antifeminist-atheist reblogged this from wolf-deity and added:
Because it’s delusional as shit.
- acrackedsmileandasilentshout reblogged this from wolf-deity and added:
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- 100percentice reblogged this from wolf-deity and added:
At least you’re willing to acknowledge you have a delusion. I suppose that’s a step in the right direction.
- pleasurepissingyouoff reblogged this from wolf-deity and added:
Because it’s completely unreadable for you to have that mentality.
- gendervoiid likes this
- pyort likes this
- wolf-deity reblogged this from pleasurepissingyouoff and added:
and why does that make you so angry?
- 02-75 likes this
- kintyped reblogged this from wolf-deity
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- johnnysjetpack reblogged this from brbcheckingmyprivilege and added:
you can taste the narcissism from these idiot children who think they’re gods!
- egalitarianjayfeather reblogged this from privilegedlittlecunt
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- brbcheckingmyprivilege reblogged this from privilegedlittlecunt
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- privilegedlittlecunt reblogged this from pleasurepissingyouoff and added:
Op. Therapy. Now.
- faggotkin-shitlord reblogged this from brbcheckingmyprivilege
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- ispeakforthewolves answered: I dislike a lot of humans but I have an appreciation for the good ones. psst its a shame you have no ask cause id like to ask you questions
- cognitivecissonance likes this
- arpsloop answered: i feel the exact same way! I really dislike seeing deities say bad things about them..
- latinoneville-archive likes this
- asraith likes this
- kiradax answered: i also feel this way!
- kiradax likes this
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