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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

leftist political discussion. marxists, commies, anarchists, socialists, etc. all viewpoints allowed.
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reminder raiders and stormfaggots: the more you shitpost here, the higher our ranking goes. ;)

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 No.57156[Last 50 Posts]>>57194>>57484[Watch Thread]

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I can't believe how SJW leddit has become….

Fuk didnt mean to reply

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I'm gonna need a drink.

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>SJWs calling others liberals

pls upboat my bost


>Another thread. I swear, we are going to have to kill 10 socialists for every capitalist.

same to you, buddy

It's a 9 days old post, don't waste your time commenting on it.


But the thought of these insular bigots being forced to read an opinion they don't like makes me happy. Especially since they come here and push SocJus tirelessly.


That's brigading.

Don't worry, we kill fascists.
If the revolution comes, we'll gun them down like the rest.

>I've seen several posts where the person being ridiculed argues that he/she is not a liberal, but a conservative or a libertarian or etc. and it gets exhausting having to explain the same thing over and over. This is an anti-capitalist subreddit poking fun of liberalism in the classic sense of the word. That is, the ideology of capitalism.


>>57156 (OP)
>I don't understand why these cool kids who get called out over being assholes can be so oversensitive that they become obsessed with bashing "SJWs" for being oversensitive. They're such a bunch of whiny, sheltered little self-appointed victims. Why is this utterly inconsequential stuff so important to them? Shit gets to me.

He's right, you know.
It would be a lot easier to believe people claiming feminism/race/etc are bourgeois distractions if the primary topic for discussion around here weren actually class struggle and not "those evil SJW! those evil feminazis! those evil black nationalists! they all need to shut up!"

Go back to reddit, little buddy, 8chan might offend you.

It's a shadowbannable offense


The problem is they need to be called out every time they poke their nose in here. Which leads to derailed threads. Yet if we don't, then we become just another outpost of SocJus.

It's a problem. It also opens us up to easy trolling from /pol/ pretending to be SocJus to derail our threads.

But what can we do? We can't ban them to gulag. A very hostile and offensive board culture is the natural immunization to SocJus infiltration, it's the only thing that they can't subvert. But we haven't developed one yet other than basic chan culture which clearly isn't strong enough. It's the biggest problem currently facing /leftypol/ now that the /pol/ raids have quieted down.

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>stop oppressing those poor black nazis, you reactionary white supremacist sinners!!!11!!
good cracka

Let's be real, I have nothing against these people and their heart may be in the right place in believing in socialism.

However if you genuinely think that you are can shut down resurging /pol/tards and neo-reactionaries with arguments that basically come down to this is offensive" you are in for a rude surprise.

Logic and calm debate pushes our ideas forward not feelings.

This board is a godsend precisely for this reason.

Lets see, do i care?


>If ever once your argument relies on you knowing better how to run a persons life than they do, your argument is now invalid.
It is actually class struggle if you bothered to lurk here for a bit.

Threads about SJWs are a relative rarity (at least the ones not involving /pol/ raids)

Most threads are about class struggle and socialism, though trust /r/socialism to go intentionally looking for "offensive" threads.

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oh pls mister tripcode don't ban from the precious reddit ;_;

>>If ever once your argument relies on you knowing better how to run a persons life than they do, your argument is now invalid.
>It is actually class struggle if you bothered to lurk here for a bit.
Wait, what, what does class struggle have to do with telling people how to run their lives?

Dude, just to add, you are really stupid to use a tripcode thats the same as your reddit name

We're not telling people how to run their lives.

We're saying that their identity politics comes second to class struggle and economic issues.

Putting their identity politics and cultural issues first is, essentially, a denial of historical materialism, meaning that they have more liberal sentiments than socialist ones.


I can't ban you. I'm not a admin.

I use this nickname everywhere

I meant that you can get shadowbanned


Also, aren't they falling for the idealist trap by supposing that the use of offensive words proves some "essential" deficiency about somebody? Like, "wow, ur a horrible human being for saying 'fag'".

Words quickly lose their taboo quality when the discriminative practices associated with them disappear. For example, "bastard" no longer has the meaning of "person born while parents were unmarried", it's now just a stock insult.

People online frequently use the word "fag" in the same sense, as a general insult unconnected with homosexuality. By dividing it off as a "much too offensive" word, you give it aura of dangerousness and keep it as a slur.

If you let it lose that aura while discrimination against homosexuals disappears, you move things forward much faster. If you think that it's impossible for a word to be freed from its original associations, you're frankly thinking in a superstitious fashion.

There's nothing essentially bad about the word, the problem is the manner in which it is used. If it's used to back up a culture of oppression of homosexuals, then it's a problem, but if it's used in a completely different sense in a culture where homosexuals are not discriminated against, why be afraid of it?

And issues like this which are cultural in nature really say very little about the individual's character, even if they are racist or homophobic. They don't help us discover anything about them except if they are part of a society which is racist or homophobic. Because individuals do not generally generate these prejudices in solitude, they're a result of social conditioning.

There's nothing wrong with a word, there may only be something wrong with its association and use within a particular social context.

There's nothing deficient about an individual, they can only teach us what deficiencies exist in the society of which they are a part.

These people claim to be materialist socialists but they still think like Kantian idealists and individualists.

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Get fucked, bourgeois scum.

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What derailment? These are the most replied to threads. Half are nothing but bitchfests about "those evil sjw!" They didn't get derailed, they started that way. It's a fixation, it's obnoxious, and it really does make everyone here look like a whiny teenager crying because someone was mean to them on the internet.

>Someone said not nice things about white people!
No one fucking cares, get over it.

See above.
I'm a bandwagon jumper from back when this board first got into the top whatever list, though trust anon to immediately jump to "ur just a newfag."

>One post

I've told smtube to download it in webm I guess it only found the mp4.
Feel free to convert it.

>I'm a bandwagon jumper from back when this board first got into the top whatever list, though trust anon to immediately jump to "ur just a newfag."
>flashing internet credentials
You are a newfag just for that.

Classic Tyrone advice maymay. I like having some sort of hash. But let's not begin talking about names even though I started it with my asshattery.

>16 threads shown
>10 thread OPs have nothing to do with social justice
>1 is overtly against "social justice" (if you consider black nationalism to be social justice)
>1 is only mildly against (suggesting that PUAs could be allies)
>1 is ambivalent
>1 is neutral
>2 are complaining about whites

Truly, this is a just an anti-SJW board in disguise.

Identity politics and whining about ableist language truly is killing leftist politics
Why don't they worry about shit that matters, like fucking workers, state oppression and class struggle, instead of whatever the fuck some people on the internet say? I swear they haven't used the Internet for more than 3 years, it has always been an unfiltered stream of shit, nobody cares. Focus on the real world.

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I marked them for you, go read and enjoy.

Whining about identity politics truly is killing leftists politics.
Why don't you worry about shit that matters instead of whatever the fuck people on the internet say?

They aren't real socialists.

I know they like to accuse us of that because we're sinners that say faggot and retard, but they really are just reformist liberals.

I'm not the guy you're responding to. If you think one sample of the catalog from a single point in time is really representative of /leftypol/'s general interests, you're fucking stupid. We could go back a couple weeks and take a screenshot of the catalog then to prove that /leftypol/ is actually a DESU board. Doesn't make it true.

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What does freedom of speech and issues with people trying to hurt 8chan have to do with social justice?
>Why don't you worry about shit that matters instead of whatever the fuck people on the internet say?
The problem is that these social issues are coming into greater and greater prominence, while class and economic issues more and moreso take a backseat.

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Case in point, pic related. Where is all the identity politics now?

I had the catalog sort by replies; those are the threads that /leftypol/ is interested in. Also note the black swan (with almost twice as many replies as the second most popular thread) is nothing but screaming because some dude on the internet said a mean thing about white people.

>The problem is that these social issues are coming into greater and greater prominence, while class and economic issues more and moreso take a backseat.
Did your mother never explain to you that thing where, if you hear someone talking in a movie theater, and you start shouting at them to be quiet, the two of you are now generating more of a distraction than if you'd just ignored the person talking?

Not to mention that the aggression shown only lends credibility to the feminists claims that they need a special discussion, since now male leftists really are trying to shut them up.

Agreed. I'm sick of people whining about "le essjays". I want some real discussion.

False equivalency. If we don't speak, then they will speak for us. Identity politics has, and continues, to kill the left. Criticism is not the same as trolling, etc. Different guy btw.


Tough shit faggot. We're going to sit here and shit in your mouth until you leave or /leftypol/ dies. Not one step backwards.

>I had the catalog sort by replies; those are the threads that /leftypol/ is interested in.
You never considered that they're just the oldest threads?

>Did your mother never explain to you that thing where, if you hear someone talking in a movie theater, and you start shouting at them to be quiet, the two of you are now generating more of a distraction than if you'd just ignored the person talking?

If these guys were just a fringe, you might have a point, but these people are getting into high places and demanding that their issues come first.

They're less of another person in the crowd and more of the person on stage.

>Not to mention that the aggression shown only lends credibility to the feminists claims that they need a special discussion, since now male leftists really are trying to shut them up.

No one's trying to shut them up, just inject some degree of reason into their discussion and maintain the fact that class and economic issues come first.

>don't mock SJWs
>/pol/ waves their dick because they think we're SJWs & they're right
>board is SUPER SERIOUS BUSINESS and having a sense of humor is discouraged

>mock SJWs

>other leftists write us off as reactionary white males
>/leftypol/iticians complain about the lack of serious discussion instead of starting their own thread with a serious topic, or they think we're seriously offended by SJWs

We can't win.

Also, at least half the shit they mock us for came form /pol/ shitposters, someone tell them /pol/cucks make up a good chunk board and they just bait each other pretending to be leftists.

>implying I don't like the taste of shit

Or we just don't give a fuck about /pol/ and go our own way.

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Fuck /pol/

Fuck the SJWs

We don't need to prove shit to either of them.

But the raiding will never stop if they think we're SJWs. They also outnumber us by a lot, so they'll get the other boards to think we're SJWs and we'll die. or something. It'd be valuable for people on *chans to know there's a rational opposition to /pol/ so that politics in chan culture don't become more of a circle jerk.

If you think /pol/ raids us because they think we're SJWs, you're in for a surprise. They raid us because we threaten their hegemony, because we're not part of their torture chamber. The raid all the other boards, too, and they're as sick of it as we are. Really, the best thing we can do is do nothing. Let them make asses of themselves and alienate everyone who doesn't agree with them, and watch those people come here.

Why is being an "sjw" even a bad thing? And why would we care what /pol/ thinks?

SJW's are the group of people who lie, doxx, extord and ruin innocent peoples lives just to further their agenda. They are the group who hate whites, hetreosexuals and men for the same stupid reason /pol/ hates jews. They so it because they think it is "social justice", even though it is NOT social justice. They are the worse than /pol/ because pol will admit to being rascist faggots who would like nothing else than to kill niggers and jews.

Identity politics is toxic, that's why. It distracts and diverts resources from issues of economics and politics, which are the issues that need to be addressed if we can ever hope to change anything. Also, it doesn't help that SJWs tend to be anti-free speech, as well as present themselves as extremely irrational.

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Free speech in action guys!

SJWs are primarily populated by pampered, rich trust fund kids spreading a toxic ideology.

/pol/ constantly seeds other boards with its rightist garbage. If the other 8chan boards start thinking that we're an SJW hug box, our users will fall and there will be no opposing ideology to conflict with /pol/ack fascism and ancap.


That sub reedit isn't about freeze peaches it's about laughing at reactionaries

What was the comment you made?

>Whoo mate, thats some next level cherry picking.
>Wait, he is serious? Isnt what he said shit liberals say?
>Yes, what does this have to do with the fact that liberals say shit like "ableist"

I'm missing context. Could you screencap it and post it here?


I banned everybody associated with 8chan. Doesn't matter what the comments were.

Enjoy your autism torture chamber.


"I'm not a reactionary, I swear!"

Enjoy your imaginary power on a shitty site.

Are you really the Mod over there? Could you post proof?
How is he a reactionary?


Enjoy your imaginary free speech on a tiny site. The furthest left party you'll find willing to accept members like yourself is maybe the Socialist Alternative. A bunch of populist brats over there. Too many socialists have been bigoted in different ways and their "Free speech" lead to reactionary policies.

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>I ban people who call out cherry picking and liberals getting banned

Keep it up reddit mod, maybe you will get over your self esteem issues

SJWs by definition do NOT care about social justice. They think pointing out problems with the world is a competition for moral superiority, so they pick on every little thing like saying gay men are the most woman hater or that transmen are traitors to women and transwomen are men with a fetish for invading women's spaces. They're bad because they over generalize and see things in black and white. Like white muh privilege is being more likely to be born into a middle class family (well that's the biggest, most agreeable one), but SJWs use that as an excuse to push whites that aren't self loathing out of the left. And when I say self loathing I'm not using the exaggerated /pol/ definition where believing white muh privilege exists equivalent to hating whites, I mean like assuming white people are evil until proven otherwise (but not them, they're different, like MaoistRebelNews2 on Youtube). They ignore class issues because if they didn't, they'd have the most muh privilege to check (Tumblr has the wealthiest user base of any social network).

Fucking authoritarian bastards, I swear.


You know, you just changed my life. Before I thought I was against violent reactionary speech found on 8chan (like "Stormfaggots" on the top of the page) because it actively causes harm to society… but now I realize there isn't a bullying or harassment problem in America and the true response to every problem is pop a Viagra and pump out your chest.


>Rant about things you don't understand

Great story, Ma'am.

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>The furthest left party you'll find willing to accept members like yourself

>implying this is not why this board is called "leftist POLITICALLY INCORRECT"

>implying we want to be part of those parties
>Implying the entire internet is americunts




>implying I would want to join your authoritarian circlejerk
Not everyone is a power hungry dummy who can't tolerate different viewpoints you know

What makes you think the world will embrace authoritarianism?
How is anyone here promoting Nazism on your sub?


I'm not even implying right now, I'm telling, you are a sexist sack of shit whose entire basis in life is to harass all non-whites and non-males.

Ma'am, I realize you are tired, but you need to calm down.

I was the guy who got banned and had his comments deleted. I was just saying that class struggle and economic issues should come first.

The mods have actually deleted everything I wrote.

Who the fuck is promoting nazism? You're fucking retarded.


For starters, the world won't embrace authoritarianism. This is because of 1 simple reason:

Authoritarianism doesn't exist outside the mind of petty bourgeois idealists.

This guy is going all out

>I'm not even implying right now, I'm telling, you are a sexist sack of shit whose entire basis in life is to harass all non-whites and non-males.
On what evidence do you base this claim?
Would you care to elaborate on that statement?


You want to call us Feminzazis, I think people who actively promote harassing LGBTQ people, women, and blacks into suicide (like you do all over this forum) should absolutely be called Nazis.

This guy is going all out

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Nice you just misgendered me :(

I think you're confused.

This is /leftypol/, not /pol/


Sorry Ma'am, didn't mean 2. Maybe suicide is the better option?

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>Authoritarianism doesn't exist outside the mind of petty bourgeois idealists.


Maybe you are confused, my sub is /r/shitliberalssay, not /r/fascism or /r/freezepeaches

>You want to call us Feminzazis, I think people who actively promote harassing LGBTQ people, women, and blacks into suicide (like you do all over this forum) should absolutely be called Nazis.
In what way do we do this? I think you may be confusing /pol/ock shitposters with us.

What are you talking about? SJW comes form the term "keyboard warrior", i.e. people that get asspained about stuff over the internet but can't be bothered to do anything in real life, they just care about winning arguments. Yes, I know /pol/ and to an extent Reddit have applied the term SJW to anyone on the left, but that doesn't change how it was coined or how we use it on /leftypol/. Idiots on the far left saw the term "social justice" and thought "what's so bad about social justice" and didn't realize the term was being used ironically to describe these people.

Okay, mate, i dont know if you have noticed, but if you looked around you could see that the posts you see as "nazis" are trolls who seek to undermine out board

Nobody is doing that, and it seems the only thing you care is identity politics; if you call yourself about socialist why don't you focus on focus on actual socialist economics and social issues? You are literally what's wrong with today's left. We won't see a revolution anytime soon with this attitude of yours.

Now this is just bullying. Stop or I'm going to report you to the cyberpolice AND the state police.


See, you just decided that a casual racist joke is funny. That's the problem with you people.


Hey, if you want to ignore that Authorian/Libertarian divide is un-Marxist, that's up to you. Don't ask for any help in your rebellion.

I like your taste in music.

I-is that how to get anime girl pussy?

He's used to discuss in a torture chamber who gets everyone who dissents with their view banned so he can't understand the idea that someone who's posting in a board might be an outsider trying to stir up shit.


See, I've yet you have a single one of you ma'ams explain to me why it is physically and mentally impossible to focus on multiple social and economic classes at once. Why can we not focus on women's issues and prole issues at once?

Dude, what the fuck are you on right now? Are you so high you cannot tell apart /pol/ shitposters from /leftypol/ residents?

I could do the same shit to reddit, go to the most downvoted comment, screenshot it and pass it as the view it said board.

>violent speech

Oh god xe's going all out.

How the fuck are we promoting fascism?

We can, we're tired of getting shouted down by radfems when we don't actively try and relate something to women though.

Lets see. Because first of all, they affect more people.

And secondly, lots of these are partially caused by class issues, so it makes more sense to attack the root of the problem.


People who think "faggot" is a funny cultural term to use to insult people are reactionaries. That means /pol and /leftypol are just as reactionary as each other.

Machismo fucks like yourself have no place in any revolution. Go yell at the Naxalites about "Evil cunt SJWs" and watch yourself swiftly executed.


You haven't explained why we can't focus on the issue of machismo proles like yourselves thinking it's acceptable to rape women.


Honestly I can't blame any women who want to see all men executed after reading /leftypol/

Machismo's like yourself are the scum of any left movement. That's why we have purges.

>See, you just decided that a casual racist joke is funny. That's the problem with you people.
Stop generalizing. We don't ban everywhere here like you do, so there are literal nazis around here trying to stir up shit. This is a board for leftist discussion, but there are people who aren't leftist who come here.

Because you don't care about proletarian issues at all, and I never see you talking about state oppression (disguised as anti-terrorism) or mass surveillance. You only care about women, and worse, you mislead the public thinking that's the only thing we all care about, dismissing all leftist theory and direct action about more relevant issues.

Why are you getting so triggered about someone using the word "faggot" instead of actually looking into the ideology of different posters around here? Oh, right, because you don't fucking care about politics in the first place, you only care about complaining about "ableist language".

Oh hey bjorn! I remember you, you're the guy that would get pissed and shitpost on /r/socialism whenever anybody disagreed with you.

>what is left communism

>/leftypol/ falling from reddit bait this hard

That's not how organizing works. You choose your battles, or otherwise you look like a bunch of directionless malcontents.

You claim to be a true Marxist right? Then you should know that class and economic issues come first, because they're the ones that create real change. All other changes flow from that essential change in economics.

>I'm going to purge all white men
Even the bunkerfags are not this insane.

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>You think raping is accaptable
baseless accusations.

Also, thank you for confirming something for me!


I was just banned last week. That's the funniest thing, you ban people who disagree with you.

>Because you don't care about proletarian issues at all,

really? Because this is just slander. Seriously, I can't educate machismo scum like you, you are literally the exact kind of person purges are made for.

>Why are you getting so triggered about someone using the word "faggot" instead of actually looking into the ideology of different posters around here? Oh, right, because you don't fucking care about politics in the first place, you only care about complaining about "ableist language".

Nobody who thinks being a homophobe is a cool cultural trick is a socialist. Simple as that. If you can't have basic compassion for LGBTQ people, nobody will trust you with a rifle.

>thinking it's acceptable to rape women.

Jesus Christ you're hilarious.

no one said it was acceptable to rape women.

Forgot to add that gender and race are not social classes.

Well, he's like the stereotypical SJW so we're kind of using him as a punching bag for our accumulated anger after the left's public image has been stained by these shits.


Pretty sure Machismo's like yourself would rather work for 50 years on a failed Whitie First World Revolution than work on ending the rape epidemic… mostly perpetuated by Machismo proles

I said the world doesn't revolve around upper class white women's vaginas and you respond with "I see why people want to kill all men". This is why we hate SJWs you dumbfuck.

There's no way you can be serious. Oh wow.

>thinking it's acceptable to rape women.
He thinks this is what we actually believe.

Rape is a horrible crime, one of the worst things you can do to another person short of murdering them, and can ruin the rest of a person's life.

I'm unaware of anyone here who actually supports rape.

>rape epidemic
You mean those in india?
Or the case of america where it has been decreasing every year?

>I was just banned last week. That's the funniest thing, you ban people who disagree with you.
Care to post evidence?
>really? Because this is just slander. Seriously, I can't educate machismo scum like you, you are literally the exact kind of person purges are made for.
You've not talked about anything that isn't related to feminism once.
>Nobody who thinks being a homophobe is a cool cultural trick is a socialist. Simple as that. If you can't have basic compassion for LGBTQ people, nobody will trust you with a rifle.
Words change meanings. That's why it's called a living language. If anyone is a reactionary, it's you.

Causal racist jokes are funny. They're super fucking funny. You don't have a sense of humor, but you do have a big stinky brown dick in your tight Swedish b-hole.
I mean, shit, probably isn't that tight now.

How do we end rape? Telling people to not rape?

Obvious troll is obvious

>rape epidemic


Prole white women in America have it harder than prole white men. Simple as that. That isn't an issue of being proletarian. That's a gender issue. Fucking bigot.

Put them in gulag

Getting women in the bunkers

Abolishing private property will fix that tho

Marx said so

Oh, what an amasing point. Lets focus our effort that fact instead of the fact that all proletarians have is much much much^10000 worse than the ruling class. Lets fix the small issues first! Great idea.

>Prole white women in America have it harder than prole white men. Simple as that. That isn't an issue of being proletarian. That's a gender issue. Fucking bigot
Would you care to elaborate on this, while posting evidence that supports these claims?

The mod probably thought you were trolling.

You may need to keep a tripcode so mods don't think you're just pretending.

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Posting a leddit link should lead to an automatic ban
Keep the cancer to 4chan, a place that leddit already ruined

The difference between the income of a higher class woman and a lower class woman is MUCH higher than between a woman and a man of the same social class. Again, please start focusing on more relevant problems. After we fix the class problem, we can start focusing on the gender problem. You are misled.

Because your identity politics are shit tier and useless.

You want to do two things. One, you want to get muh wimmins and muh blacks (and other minorities you don't really care about) into positions within society. You fuckbags want to see the womens filling up managerial positions and owning companies and crap. Whoopdee doo, as far as I care, that means more women and minorities to bayonet for being bourgeois. It doesn't really matter who's in what position, those positions are still bourgeoisie.

Second, your positions are utterly irrelevant to socialism in itself. You're talking about trying to "empower women" which apparently means "give them benefits and remove any responsibilities they might have" by fighting the "patriarchy" while conveniently ignoring the fact that you can whack at "patriarchy" all day without accomplishing anything because the same few fucktarts are still in positions of power and that will only change when you've gone through class revolt, not "wimmin empowerment."

I never denied that. You're assuming I did to feel morally superior to me. I agree that male muh privilege exists, but white women that dominate SJW spaces are very very muh privileged and I'm tired of them and the white knights that want to fuck them so badly getting ass blasted when something doesn't revolve around them in the left.

He is for real, when i posted my comments i got banned for >>57348
, he got so butthurt he send me a pm as mod >>57404

I'm definitely gonna archive this thread. This shit is hilarious.

Christ, type to whole fucking thing, you lazy bastard.

This doesn't change the fact that the rich have their boots on the neck of the working class. A rich woman will have more power and muh privilege than a working man. The only thing that creates muh privilege is money and class, and that is an irrefutable fact.

I think he retreated back to his torture chamber. Damn shame, too. I was hoping he would continue to make an ass of himself.


The thing is, it's not bait.

This is a moderator from r/ShitLiberalsSay, he's serious.

I've actually been enjoying talking with him.


I literally cannot believe what I just wrote. It's like SocJus are all a bad trolling experiment that got out of hand.

They literally and openly hate free speech. These people are literally fascists. I don't even with this.


What I just read*

I wish I wrote that, then I could be safe in the knowledge that it was satire.

Liberals are considered right-wing in several parts of the world due to them trying to enforce progressive ideals through authoritarian means.

Did xe prove they were a moderator of /r/shitliberalssay? Anyone can write "BjornIronside" in the name field.


Well, if he still skims over this thread, I want him to read this.

If you ever, ever try to defy the rights to speak freely to anyone outside of your petty forum, just because what they might offend somebody, people will fight back, violently. As they should, too.
It doesn't matter if the person you're silencing is a Nazi or a capitalist, no government should suppress their freedom to hold those opinions or express them. I may not agree with Natscum or randroids, but they are human beings who deserve to think freely.

> It's like SocJus are all a bad trolling experiment that got out of hand.
It is, from Something Awful IIRC.

Kind of like /co/ and the bronies?

But if you think freedom of speech has been the most useful tool in fighting oppression and want to keep it around, you're a reactionary bigot who deserves to be purged!! You're 100% complicit with racism/sexism/etc if you support free speech!! this is what coffee shop revolutionaries actually believe


Fuck. Where did the world go so wrong? Where did leftism go so wrong? I knew SocJus were racist sexist bigots, but every time I see them reveal their despicable hatred for liberty I am staggered by it. It depresses me. There is something wrong with them. They're defective humans. And there's something wrong with society for not correcting their psychopathy at an earlier age.

How depraved do you have to be to hate free speech?

I'm not moral highgrounding. I'm genuinely fucking staggered.

But way worse.

Plus, suppressing Nazis right to free speech just pushes a lot of idiots over the edge into becoming full blown Nazis if they see evidence of some conspiracy against to suppress them. It's better to just laugh at them.

Topkek at this redditfag moderator "BjornIronside."

Enjoy losing your best posters to /leftypol/ you deluded psychopath.

Talking about Reddit


Is /r/anarchism also full of identity politics now?

File (hide): 1420072672535.jpg (191.92 KB, 900x1370, 90:137, maoist.jpg)
>he's a moderator
>on the internet
>on a Maoist subreddit
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of Lifetime Original Movies he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

Always was

>Is /r/anarchism also full of identity politics now?
It has been for a while now.
Ironically, /r/anarchism is run by authoritarian SJW mods who hate proletarian revolution and instead focus on promoting minorities take a larger space on bourgeois corporate and political spheres. They are anything but anarchists.

Since 2 or 3 years now? There was actually a coup which is fucking ridiculous in itself. Check out the top threads in metanarchism:

Nah this will probably strengthen the cult of personality around xim, SJWs are like that.

>Fuck. Where did the world go so wrong? Where did leftism go so wrong?
Bourgeois have always used identity politics to hurt the left. Only now, they've been able to coopt the left using it. How could the left possibly threaten them when people like bjorn are the face of it?

File (hide): 1420072867946.png (920.04 KB, 800x2449, 800:2449, holodohoax.png)
>>57156 (OP)
Reminder redditfags reading this the holodomor is fake and ukranians are worse than kikes.

SJWs were never anarchists or Marxists of any description

Their ideology is reformist by it's very nature.

Damn it comrade, there's no escape.

Because "women's issues" don't fucking exist in the first world, dipshit. Full equality was achieved a long-ass time ago. Why don't you go talk to Kaley Cuoco about how fucking oppressed muh privileged white women are?

What kind of crack are you smoking? This makes me think you're just a troll from /pol/. Nobody can be this stupid…I hope.

There is /leftypol/

There will always be places like leftypol, comrade.

You are at the escape also anokchan

Hey stalinfag since you love reddit and genocide so much why don't you move out? I'm sure /r/SLS would love your insights in denial of class crimes.

What the fuck, using "brocialist" and "CIS" unironically. It's like they want the remaining sane leftists to go over to the third position

Newsflash, that is exactly what they want to. They dont want leftism, they want to stay in their comfortable professional victim places where they can complain about their twitter PTSD

When SJWs kill an actual revolution the movement might die, or it will at least split the left even further, with more people waking up to the threat of the SJW menace.

You didn't ban him, did you? I wanted to hear more of his mad ravings.

They already did that with Occupy

File (hide): 1420073256055-0.jpg (678 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 001.JPG)
File (hide): 1420073256055-1.jpg (23.27 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 073.JPG)
File (hide): 1420073256055-2.jpg (8.66 KB, 255x229, 255:229, Happy.jpg)
File (hide): 1420073256056-3.gif (111.89 KB, 255x205, 51:41, Evo.gif)


nope. He's not banned.

Just pussied out then. Oh well.

That wasn't a revolution yet, it was a glorified protest. I'm talking about getting an actual revolutionary government in place. God forbid SJWs turn bring down Chavez (doubt it, most of his support is from actual oppressed people, not upper class white people who like to lord over the peasants/non whites) or something is what I'm talking about. Occupies failure can still be blamed on other things.

File (hide): 1420073424464-0.jpg (20.86 KB, 770x115, 154:23, Wut.JPG)
I don't get it? Is it some leddit ebin meem?

File (hide): 1420073463784.gif (1.48 MB, 426x319, 426:319, smile4.gif)
>inb4 banned

File (hide): 1420073501499.jpg (10.74 KB, 200x260, 10:13, brosephstalin.jpg)
someone has to look out for the broletariat

It won't happen. SJWs lack the balls and commonsense to be anything but detrimental to the revolution.

File (hide): 1420073535397-0.gif (1.88 MB, 230x250, 23:25, mfw.gif)

File (hide): 1420073575259.jpg (10.5 KB, 184x184, 1:1, 1417178267428.jpg)
Quick smoke a blunt before Bropotkin arrives

File (hide): 1420073600313.jpg (51.03 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Pure Aryan Princess.jpg)
It's implying proud african american individuals love fried chicken. They're white nationalists

File (hide): 1420073630441.jpg (7.25 KB, 200x192, 25:24, 1398760913542.jpg)



You mean the position that hates free speech and democracy just as much, loves starting wars to make borders look pretty for muh national pride, and wants to worship women as sacred baby makers? I'm not seeing it.

I can get with some racism to a point, a bit of tribalism is healthy as we can clearly deduce from the illness brought on by its absence. And a mixed market is similar to what I would implement.

But the other stuff is too repulsive to even consider.

File (hide): 1420073839882.jpg (102.03 KB, 960x899, 960:899, a.jpg)
Still preferable to neoliberalism

So it was just a shit joke?

File (hide): 1420073948098.jpg (118.13 KB, 720x960, 3:4, The face of Revisionism.jpg)
Probably. I'm guessing it was just le randum XDXDXD

Anyone know what happened to /r/brocialism? It never really took off, but it had leftist jokes like that and it was started mocking SJWs, it'd be a good place for us on Reddit (I like chans, but Reddit has it's appeal too, like not being temporary).

What was it?

This green text>>57470

Also what the fuck is with reddit and all the Maoists? I'm AIDF and when browsing the communist subs it seems it's all fucking maoists.

>he's a moderator
>on the internet
>on a Maoist subreddit
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of Lifetime Original Movies he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

Suck a cock Orwellian Utopian.


Cause Maoism fit's best with SJWism. Think Cultural revolution.


The authoritarian structure of reddit naturally attracts people who crave order and dicipline, while the anarchistic nature of chan boards naturally attract anarchists.

File (hide): 1420074196501.jpg (40.64 KB, 821x142, 821:142, all these flavors, and you….jpg)
Oooh, looks like that made someone a bit salty.

File (hide): 1420074174257.gif (4.27 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Burning.gif)
Crap the gif did not upload.

File (hide): 1420074274680.png (177.94 KB, 360x316, 90:79, 1419541005906.png)
>It must be their penises! That's the problem.

Get raped miss.

Seriously, are all Maoists like MaoistRebelNews? As you can probably tell, he's quite the edge lord/unable to come to terms with facts that disagree with him on North Korea. They all have this level of cognitive dissonance I swear.

File (hide): 1420074317168.jpg (61.85 KB, 483x272, 483:272, yar.jpg)
Makes sense I guess.
I guess but there are other brand of authoritian communism, I'm just curious why maoism? I blame that goddamn neckbeard MRN

File (hide): 1420074383232.jpg (41.36 KB, 282x287, 282:287, 1407429824084.jpg)
"Not my comrades"

File (hide): 1420074543805.webm (2.66 MB, 853x480, 853:480, Ayy Lmao.webm) [play once] [loop]



I have made a reddit post, I would love you to give me max upboats take care now.

File (hide): 1420074605710.webm (4.63 MB, 720x392, 90:49, bane ISIS.webm) [play once] [loop]
the fire rises

File (hide): 1420074643507.jpg (7.13 KB, 231x255, 77:85, dis nigga.jpg)


>Why was I banned?

>For harassing other users


I do beg comrades, give me max upboats for everyone I will donate £1 to help stop assburguers.

File (hide): 1420074771782.png (685.4 KB, 900x734, 450:367, Bahaha.png)
but then who would we laugh at?

File (hide): 1420074817380.png (197.17 KB, 1225x683, 1225:683, Screenshot from 2014-12-31….png)
Ayyy lmao

Y u mad brah

>BN accusing other people of being mad
The only person who could possibly be considering more assblasted then you would be bjorn.

you seem mad

Leftypol, thank you, this is the best start of a year i ever had!


File (hide): 1420075130915.gif (1.21 MB, 236x177, 4:3, 1340805426507.gif)

File (hide): 1420075204956.jpg (18.27 KB, 335x363, 335:363, shirtmockup2.jpg)
please go back to /pol/ and take national Bolshevism for europa with you

>entire ideology consists of being hung up over things that happened 150 years ago but won't move back to Africa because that requires effort
>calling other people mad

File (hide): 1420075278563.gif (2.84 MB, 250x255, 50:51, 1412087544696.gif)


Oh shit, shots fired.

I think he wanted the hentai

Getting real tired of having to manually clear out the embed field after posting…

>stuff happened in the past and int occurring now


File (hide): 1420075490840.png (60.5 KB, 172x140, 43:35, 1404326682884.png)
Then I'm going to have to ask..more forcefully.

Hey man, slavery ended and race relations have been getting better since then (of course there have been some ups and downs), just giving up demanding your own nation isn't feasible nor is it going to solve anything.

File (hide): 1420075575799.jpg (11.89 KB, 704x480, 22:15, zx.end.of.evangelion.renew….jpg)
come at me bro

File (hide): 1420075643184.jpg (150.39 KB, 1500x1176, 125:98, Undso.JPG)
better watch your step m8

this is just getting stupid now


File (hide): 1420075775951.jpg (23.39 KB, 600x450, 4:3, meer9.jpg)
We need shitposting every now and again though

File (hide): 1420075787470.jpg (8.66 KB, 255x229, 255:229, Happy.jpg)
This hole thread

It's shit and would be sadpanda.

File (hide): 1420075916357.jpg (36.88 KB, 480x640, 3:4, hurr.jpg)

File (hide): 1420075918804.jpg (13 KB, 255x226, 255:226, Absolutley Halal.jpg)
Glorious isn't it?

File (hide): 1420075896789.jpg (20.47 KB, 600x300, 2:1, earth at night2.jpg)
Where the fuck did he get that picture from?

Going by that picture, you'd think central Africa was some kind of sprawling metropolis. Hell, the fucking African rainforest is lit up like a Christmas tree in that image.

File (hide): 1420076003675.png (8.95 KB, 793x209, 793:209, xzibit a.png)
Daily reminder.

File (hide): 1420075983284.jpg (23.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Oban Star-Racers - S01E01 ….jpg)
the internet :o

also, i got B& from that shitliberalssay board. WTF i didnt even offend anyone all I said was some of the boards they linked were full of /pol/ users and got B&

*pokes again*

Well, the nation already exists and the processes are already working on producing the various things for that (movies, music, universities, etc). I dont think thats going back into the bag (black universities for example)

File (hide): 1420076010271.jpg (162.09 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 1417387488504.jpg)

That's what liberia is. It's literally the country America founded so that blacks could go home to it. I gotta say they were cocking it up for a long time, but this past year they opened the portal to 2D land and let Ebolachan through, so they might be turning their act around.

File (hide): 1420076057966.jpg (22.53 KB, 446x378, 223:189, wp.jpg)

You should tell them you're a black man and to check their muh privilege.

File (hide): 1420076113462.png (973.43 KB, 1040x623, 1040:623, LPandReddit.png)

You mean the picture that showed North Korea lit up? I think it was a projected population density map or something. MRN is something else man, he thinks Islamic terrorism is in the interest of the working class when it's against America.

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File (hide): 1420076312438.png (34.16 KB, 650x633, 650:633, Screenshot from 2014-12-31….png)



File (hide): 1420076337004.jpg (20.65 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Oban Star-Racers - S01E11 ….jpg)
it didnt work too well given 'people who were trained in western culture replicated it on other blacks' i.e. enslaving the natives.



Same just happened to me kek.

File (hide): 1420076424272.gif (722.61 KB, 246x255, 82:85, gg_no_re.gif)

the admin said this:

>>I ban all 8chan reactionaries.

>>You go on a site where the top of the forum says "Beware stormfags".
>>The fact that you find the use of the word "fag" acceptable (especially bye the head of the forum) is completely disgusting and reactionary.


That doesn't mean I am a homophobe….


>Well, the nation already exists
No, cultures do not count as nations. Plus, the racial divide for cultures are (albeit slowly) being broken down, trying to legally preserve that divide is going to set race relations back a hundred years I guarantee it. Ethnic nationalism is dumb movement that should have died in the 20th century. Honestly, are there any times ethnic nationalism ended up well?

File (hide): 1420076544716.png (658.03 KB, 1919x821, 1919:821, TopKek.png)

Here's a link to the best thread we've ever had related to Black Nazis
>it didnt work too well given
Go there and make it better.


Oh? Then why does saying nigger automatically make you a racist?


Nah, they were just getting back to their roots, enslaving Africans of neighboring tribes, the long standing African economic activity.

He makes a good point. All the slaves in America were enslaved by their African counterparts.

check again. even middle class blacks still have those divides, and most of the poorer and underclass hasnt received much from faux integration.

ethnic nationalism has worked well given nearly every anti-imperialist/decolonization struggle was a nationalist one.

Given we have land we have a stronger attachment and claim to, no.

Because nigger as opposed to ''nigga'; is insulting and racially loaded?

African Slavery is different and better than New World Slavery

File (hide): 1420076812883.gif (974.23 KB, 240x149, 240:149, thumbs up.gif)

>Given we have land we have a stronger attachment and claim to, no.
You're saying black people aren't from africa?
>African Slavery is different and better than New World Slavery
You are so much of a nigger, it's painfully hilarious.


Being revolutionary for the sole sake of being revolutionary is retarded btw reddit.

File (hide): 1420076954826.png (14.37 KB, 917x296, 917:296, xzibit b.png)
I saved this for future arguments, by the way.

>Because nigger as opposed to ''nigga'; is insulting and racially loaded?
Says who? Here, Nigger is just another stock insult. Is saying faggot more homophobicly loaded then saying just fag? Who the fuck decides this shit?
>African Slavery is different and better than New World Slavery
You gotta be kidding me. How is it possibly better?

You're doing god's work anon.

>Everyone getting banned from the reddit sub board

People trained in western culture 150 years ago. There's a huge difference in being raised in a culture where slavery is OK and one where it isn't. Worst case scenario we have another Israel/Palestine if huge numbers of blacks move to Liberia, best case scenario is the locals appreciate the immigrants for bringing in their wealth.

Khamenei tweeted #blacklivesmatter, and I think black nationalists are on board with Islam, so why not move there if you don't even want to move to Africa?

didn't really see anything crazy about it until
>African slavery is different and better


I agree that black nationalism is pants on head retarded, but African slavery was more like Roman slavery where the Arabian slave trade and the Atlantic slave trade were crueler. Doesn't change the fact that pointing that out as a justification for black nationalism is insanely stupid.

File (hide): 1420077543891.jpg (242.4 KB, 1355x1016, 1355:1016, jamesallen-blackbelt1.jpg)
>>You are so much of a nigger, it's painfully hilarious.

Kill yourself, peckerwood

>>Says who? Here, Nigger is just another stock insult.

Why do some channers have the foresight to type nigga instead then?

>>Is saying faggot more homophobicly loaded then saying just fag? Who the fuck decides this shit?

Well, yes. faggot is more honophobic given 'fag' is something which means literally 'person'. Not to mention in the UK for example 'fag' can be a bundle of sticks, a cigarette, a piece of meat(meatballs), a junior/senior system in boarding schools, etc.

>>You gotta be kidding me. How is it possibly better?

New World Slaves tended to have a horrible death rate for one, especially in say Barbados, Brazil, etc etc. Second, New World Slaves lost their culture and religion. Being captured by local/neighboring tribes is a bit different. African slaves could intermarry and gain in statue, as composed to New World Slaves. etc etc.

Because the ethnogenesis took place in the region of the US which I uploaded where the black population is a plurality and majority of the population and has a stronger claim to the land than the white population does.

File (hide): 1420077634263.png (706.73 KB, 900x692, 225:173, lel.png)
Stalin did nothing wrong

>Implying I'm white
Nice projection, sonny boy.

the fun think is Stalinist ethnic policies were interpreted by one of the gay liberationists to say 'gays are a nation in line with stalinist theory' and the guy came up with this in like the 1940s.

well, whatever insult then.

>Why do some channers have the foresight to type nigga instead then?
You think it's because they're afraid they'll offend someone by saying Nigger? Get real.
Well, yes. faggot is more honophobic given 'fag' is something which means literally 'person'. Not to mention in the UK for example 'fag' can be a bundle of sticks, a cigarette, a piece of meat(meatballs), a junior/senior system in boarding schools, etc.
Way to miss the point. If fag can have different meanings in England, the why can't faggot and nigger have different meanings here?

Oh, hey, and guess what happened?
That's right, this here bitchfest about "dem ebil SJW" is now the second most replied thread on /leftypol/. In about seven hours.

The most important issue facing /leftypol/ today: People being mean to me on the internet. But, you know, those SJW's they're just all wrong when they talk about race or gender issues, because that's just not important. It isn't nearly as important as the all-consuming reality that PEOPLE ARE BEING MEAN TO ME ON THE INTERNET!
I mean, not specifically me. They're making general sort of comments … on a completely different website … where I wouldn't even know about it if I didn't specifically go looking into places where I'm obviously not invited and try to grave dig threads that died a week ago. But, uh, still. They're being MEAN! They're being MEAN ON THE INTERNET! This is absolutely fucking triggering! This is literally oppression! This is literally being literally Hitler literally against my literal free speech!

File (hide): 1420077939805.jpg (91.61 KB, 600x579, 200:193, Ancient American Coastline.jpg)
No, the ocean has a better claim to that "nation" since it's responsible for the ethnogenesis. You're oppressing Atlantic Americans, you know that right? http://deepseanews.com/2012/06/how-presidential-elections-are-impacted-by-a-100-million-year-old-coastline/

But seriously you're saying anywhere there's a majority, that land can be claimed by the majority as theirs? That logic is why so many conflicts have started, and they almost never ended well. You seriously don't belong on the left with that sort of tribalism.

>>You think it's because they're afraid they'll offend someone by saying Nigger? Get real.

Yes. Or they're trying to be friendly. Just because someone is posting on an imageboard does not mean they are intentionally going to be mean to people.

>>If fag can have different meanings in England, the why can't faggot and nigger have different meanings here?

Historical Context? Racist raids on people? Maybe the existence of /pol/ for one?

So the IRA doesn't belong to the left? They did pretty much the same thing

Wow. Way to completely miss the point. Did you even see that bjorn guy? Do you want that raving lunatic to represent the left? No? Then shut the fuck up

File (hide): 1420078077710.jpg (114.93 KB, 500x500, 1:1, WhatSocJusNeverLearned.jpg)

I have never see any channer say nigga in lieu of nigger. Nigga is a term of camaraderie while nigger is like 'son,' or 'kid' in a disrespectfully dismissive term of condescension.

And who gives a fuck if it does magically make us white supremacists for saying it? Chan culture is beautiful because little hurt fee-feels are driven out and the community prospers without their constant whining and language policing.

The United Nations and the League of Nations thought simply plebiscite was sufficient to determine self determination.

Why would you prefer the American Empire oppress small nations, including the white population of the south which fought for their self-determination. This is anti-imperialism.

Actually I have seen that on imageboards, even /b/.

>>Chan culture is beautiful because little hurt fee-feels are driven out and the community prospers without their constant whining and language policing.

chan culture is a vague term, which covers a lot of different places and contexts, and honestly chan culture covers up hurt feelings and language police all the time; only in the opposite sense. Have you heard of "vendetta-chan" threads on /cgl/ for example?

File (hide): 1420078317180.jpg (41.13 KB, 620x465, 4:3, Nigel Farage Ukip pub.jpg)
>Getting this mad
Careful, getting into black nationalist territory. You might end up like them and shit your pants in anger.

>So the IRA doesn't belong to the left?
No, they don't belong on the left. And I support the goals of the IRA.
The difference between you and the IRA is that Irish people actually have a "claim" on Ireland, because they've lived there since before recorded history.

You don't have a claim on the American south. Natives have a claim on the American south.
>B-but black people are native american!
No they aren't. They're from Africa.


Isn't /cgl/ the board full of landwhale tumblrettes that put on outfits? No, I can't say I'm familiar.

>Yes. Or they're trying to be friendly.
No one here cares about offending people. It's a chan site, afterall. Nigger is nothing more then a stock insult here.
>Historical Context? Racist raids on people? Maybe the existence of /pol/ for one?
Nigger and faggot has existed on chan sites as a stock insult for forever now. Just because there are boards with racists on them doesn't change that fact.

File (hide): 1420078529803.jpg (8.86 KB, 157x255, 157:255, Bourgeois.jpg)
>10/10 thread talking about reddit being dumb fucks
>turns into identity shit


Well it was about identity leftists being tyrannical pissants.

Then the resident panther came in and started talking about his feelings like anybody should give a shit, as usual.

It's kinda right where it belongs. We gotta whip this nigger until he learns his name is Toby, or he stops being a fascist.

File (hide): 1420078694972.jpg (72.17 KB, 531x471, 177:157, 1402475514849.jpg)

File (hide): 1420078808583.jpg (8.1 KB, 234x255, 78:85, 1413123890866.jpg)
>We gotta whip this nigger until he learns his name is Toby, or he stops being a fascist.

303 replies | 73 images | Page 1
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