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Instagram @girlnah

Anonymous asked You are sickly underweight and it is very triggering to literally anyone that has eyes

im sorry shall i just bury myself in the snow and vanish

Posted Wed Dec 31 at 4:12pm with 22 notes
  1. fuchias said: the only person that needs to vanish here is that crusty anon what the hell
  2. johnwyatthansell said: no, don’t because you are beautiful doesn’t matter how skinny you are
  3. narcissisticalcoholic420 said: can you bitter people just stop bodyshaming even if someone is ‘sickly underweight’ (you rude ass) it’s none of your business! leave people alone if you’re not here to support and care!!!
  4. peachpoundcake reblogged this from girlnah
  5. vergen said: :(
  6. lnqa said: sigh honestly what the fuck
  7. girlnah posted this